For many years, PR has been recommended by professional associations around the world as an essential component of care in the management of people with COPD. ��w3T�PI�2T0 BC#K#=S#C#��\. Since you may need simultaneous oxygen treatments, look into small portable oxygen concentrators, like the Inogen One G4, that are easy to carry when exercising. x�+� � | endstream pulmonary rehabilitation leaders to gather several tips to help you work out at home. Your health care team will help you choose which exercises are best for you. Who runs the programme? Version 5.61 Pulmonary rehabilitation is a six – eight week exercise and education program that teaches you the skills you need to exercise safely and manage your breathlessness. The Pulmonary Rehabilitation toolkit is a resource for health professionals to design and deliver an evidence-based Pulmonary Rehabilitation program to benefit people managing lung disease. x�S�*�*T0T0 BC#c=K(�����i�����W�1DI l7I English. 5 0 obj endobj You may have pulmonary rehabilitation in the hospital or a clinic, or you may learn physical therapy or breathing exercises to do at home. corbel.ttf Adobe InDesign CC 14.0 (Macintosh) proof:pdf false Thoughts on pulmonary rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19 complicated with chronic pulmonary diseases. Minion Pro OpenTypeTTFont application/pdf PDF. 8 0 obj to maximize independence and a sense of well-being. Video: Daily Pulmonary Rehab at Home Exercises. xmp.did:d5af3abd-1e6d-4c8f-9288-56f74d6e5dcb Gill Sans Std That's the theme of the two most useful breathing exercises—pursed lip breathing and belly breathing—taught by pulmonary rehabilitation specialists to individuals with chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. Pulmonary rehabilitation is an important part of comprehensive care for patients with ILDs. Version 2.020;PS 002.000;hotconv 1.0.50;makeotf.lib2.0.16970 Pulmonary & Critical Care Consultants welcomes you to our specialized pulmonary and critical care practice!We strive to provide the best care in pulmonary medicine, critical care and sleep disorders. 860.545.3406. The Pulmonary Rehabilitation toolkit is a resource for health professionals to design and deliver an evidence-based Pulmonary Rehabilitation program to benefit people managing lung disease. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program of education and exercise to increase awareness about your lungs and your disease. … <>stream (See the side bar at the end of this Guide.) Lung Foundation Australia developed this resource and would like to acknowledge the valuable input from a multidisciplinary, national committee. A multidisciplinary program designed . ��w3T�PI�2T0 BC#K#=S#ss=S��\. We recognize the COVID-19 outbreak may be stressful for some people. Adobe PDF Library 15.0; modified using iText 4.2.0 by 1T3XT Neuromuscular disease 9. It is also helpful in reducing the amount of chest infections I get, so it has also increased my health-related quality of life. THE PAST OF PULMONARY REHABILITATION: AN OVERVIEW IN LANDMARK TRIALS. endstream Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Respiratory Disorders Other than Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Carolyn L. Rochester, Carl Fairburn, Rebecca H. Crouch Pages 369-389 HH-C-235 Pulmonary Rehab brochure.indd 1-2 10/12/12 4:20 PM. It helps enable you to stay as active as possible, improve your quality of life and live as independently as possible. Pulmonary rehabilitation is an essential component of care for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and is supported by strong scientific evidence. <>stream <>stream You will learn to achieve exercise with less shortness of breath. %PDF-1.4 Pulmonary rehabilitation is a specially designed treatment programme for people with breathing problems. Regular Rehabilitation. h�bbd```b``6��A$�]ɱ̎ �;��!��&���D0&���'��"Y�@$�2���"�@$g.������ �|`�@d��� $=*�lF9�k@�� ���f&�/l��00a�?S�� �1� 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 Contractor Information CONTRACTOR NAME CONTRACT TYPE CONTRACT NUMBER JURISDICTION STATE(S) Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC 02101 - MAC A 02101 - MAC A J - F Alaska ͐,.�. x�+� � | Pulmonary rehabilitation is a comprehensive intervention designed to improve the physical and psychological condition of people with chronic respiratory disease and promote the long-term adherence to health-enhancing behaviours. One of the best things people can do to support themselves is to take care of their bodies whether that be through regular exercise, meditation, or healthy eating. 4 0 obj false Pulmonary Rehabilitation Toolkit. <>stream x�s Pulmonary rehabilitation programs utilize a multidisciplinary approach in the areas of exercise training, psychosocial support, education, and follow-up. It combines exercise training with education about ways you can help keep yourself as healthy as possible. Everyone experiences shortness of breath when exercising. Pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD. The E ect of a Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Lung Function and Exercise Capacity in Patients with Burn: A Prospective Randomized Single-Blind Study Yu Hui Won 1, Yoon Soo Cho 2, So Young Joo 2,y and Cheong Hoon Seo 2,*,y 1 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Research Institute of Clinical Medicine of Jeonbuk endobj 860.972.3637 To define a rehabilitation programme for post-COVID-19 patients, mirroring the algorithm of pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with chronic respiratory conditions is an evidence-based, well recognised, widely accepted available option. %PDF-1.5 %���� Lung transplant 8. Formats. GillSansStd Regular %���� This infographic introduces what a person with COPD can expect from pulmonary rehabilitation and how it can benefit them. 7 0 obj Pulmonary rehabilitation is a restorative and preventative process for patients who are diagnosed with a chronic pulmonary disease. 174 0 obj <> endobj This individually tailored, multidisciplinary program fosters independence through education, compassionate care, physical therapy, reconditioning exercises, group support and other innovative rehabilitation approaches. from application/x-indesign to application/pdf the efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation for PH, the safety of pulmonary rehabilitation is still controversial. Pulmonary rehabilitation is not suitable for people with unstable cardiac disease, locomotor or neurological difficulties precluding exercise such as severe arthritis or peripheral vascular disease, and people in a terminal phase of an illness or with significant cognitive or psychiatric impairment. xmp.did:478c6c31-b1b6-437d-bd41-ac68b43cf268 Patients participating in a pulmonary rehab program learn to control their short - ness of breath by using different breath-ing techniques. Corbel As a highly infectious respiratory tract disease, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can cause respiratory, physical, and psychological dysfunction in patients. The majority of trials have been performed in relatively small groups of patients. Ann Intern Med 1995 ; 122 : 823 – 832 . ��! To follow a web link, please use the MCD Website. ��w3T�PI�2T0 BC#K#=S#ss=S��\. gillsansstd.otf x�s In comparison to PR for patients with chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD), the number of clinical studies concerning PR for patients with ILDs is small. Respiratory Medicine, 2005. Pulmonary rehabilitation programme Patients underwent a standardised inpatient PR programme consisting of: 5 h of individually tailored and supervised exercise training and 30 min of breathing exercises that took place four to five times per week; attendance at aerobic sessions with breathing exercises for 30 min, five times per week; and three sessions of group education per week. 6.1d3e1 pulmonary-rehabilitation-guidelines-to-pdf 3/26 Downloaded from on January 19, 2021 by guest Textbook of Pulmonary Rehabilitation-Enrico Clini 2017-12-21 This book provides up-to-date knowledge on all aspects of the multidisciplinary approach to pulmonary rehabilitation that is essential in order to achieve optimal results. Corbel uuid:d7e06e07-f9c4-4e71-bbb5-61e23f06400a OpenTypeTTFont Emphysema 7. Pulmonary rehabilitation is proven and medically necessary in certain circumstances. Developed by the University Health Network. Corbel-BoldItalic endobj <>>>/BBox[0 0 585.05 783.05]/Length 47>>stream Chronic bronchitis 4. pulmonary rehabilitation Khushali Jogani The Sarvajanik College Physiotherapy, Rmpura,Surat. It … The purpose of the free pdf download Textbook of Pulmonary Rehabilitation : This book provides up-to-date knowledge on all aspects of the multidisciplinary approach to pulmonary rehabilitation that is essential to achieving the desired results. Pulmonary rehabilitation reduces patients’ symptoms, and improves their exercise tolerance and health-related quality of life. Asthma 2. corbel bold italic.ttf For example Cardiac Rehabilitation has been available to patients with cardiac disease since at least the 1940’s. D. Piperno pulmonary rehabilitation service Patient Service Centre, Priestley . �:� false endobj converted Click . These exercises include breathing exercises to strengthen the muscles of your chest as you recover from your lung infection and muscle Pulmonary Rehabilitation Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a programme for people with chronic lung disease/breathing problems such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Fast Download Speed ~ Commercial & Ad Free. However, there are no Zapf Dingbats ͐,.�. ��! It includes breathing retraining, exercise training, education, and counseling. OpenTypeCFFFont Do you get breathless when walking or climbing a flight of stairs? ZapfDingbatsITC pulmonary rehabilitation, 12-15 none has specifically addressed the provision of pulmonary rehabilitation for people with COPD in the healthcare contexts of Australia or New Zealand. We recognize the COVID-19 outbreak may be stressful for some people. minionpro-regular.otf The key to any pulmonary rehab program for COPD is exercise, which will help your lungs and heart work better. <>>>/BBox[0 0 585.05 783.05]/Length 47>>stream Although the concept of pulmonary rehabilitation has existed for a long time, 1 ‘modern’ rehabilitation, with exercise training as the cornerstone, started to get credibility since the mid 1990s. Pulmonary rehabilitation is an evidence-based discipline based on well-designed clinical trials, with valid, reproducible and interpretable outcomes. Pulmonary rehabilitation aims to stabilise or reverse the physiopathological and psychopathological manifestations of the disease and attempts to bring the patient to the highest possible functional capacity . xmp.iid:e76257fe-b516-4700-a2e8-a3f77c7999ed 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 affects day to day activities). In the beginning Pulmonary Rehabilitation guidelines were based primarily on well established Cardiac Rehab guidelines. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) can help answer these and other questions. %%EOF For patients experiencing decreased breathing efficacy or decreased function, pulmonary rehab can be especially helpful, allowing them to learn how to use exercise to help treat and reduce their symptoms. MinionPro-Regular Version 5.61 OpenTypeCFFFont Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation has become a standard of care for patients with chronic lung diseases. General Public & Patients. endstream 2018-11-29T11:14:15-08:00 Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Clinical, Economic, and Budget Impact Analysis t echnolo g y r ep ort Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health Agence canadienne des médicaments et des technologies de la santé HTA Issue 126 March 2010 H0482_COVER_for 1 3/24/2010 1:28:17 PM. We invite you to navigate through our informative and complete website to fully prepare for your next appointment by referral. Dr Subin Ahmed MDAssistant Professor AIMS 2. endobj By John R. Goodman BS RRT Of all the forms of Rehabilitation that are available in medicine, pulmonary rehabilitation is a relative newcomer. The exercise component focuses on increasing your physical function and is individualised to cover safety considerations and to ensure you are on-track to achieve your goals. Pulmonary Rehabilitation “Use it or lose it??? Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program that can help you learn how to breathe easier and improve your quality of life. <>stream endobj endstream endobj 175 0 obj <. Pulmonary rehabilitation, also called respiratory rehabilitation, is essential to managing the symptoms of chronic respiratory diseases. default Get any books you like and read everywhere you want. 10 0 obj Medicare pays for 36 hours of pulmonary rehab sessions. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program . 1. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a restorative and preventative process for patients who are diagnosed with a chronic pulmonary disease. xmp.did:478c6c31-b1b6-437d-bd41-ac68b43cf268 Corbel Page Count. Effects of pulmonary rehabilitation physiologic and psychosocial outcome in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. in pulmonary rehabilitation, many therapists working in physical medicine settings will encounter adults with limitations associated with lung disease, and it is important to understand OT’s role and be prepared to provide appropriate services.8 PRIMARY PULMONARY DIAGNOSES Do you have a chronic lung condition? endstream @inproceedings{Teixeira2018PulmonaryRI, title={Pulmonary rehabilitation in copd: a case study}, author={P. Z. Teixeira and Carine Lumi}, year={2018} } The patient was submitted to a pulmonary function test with the following results after the administration of the bronchodilator: FEV1 0.92 (39.2% Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program of exercises that helps you improve your shortness of breath, increase your exercise capacity, and improve quality of life. Lieu Le programme peut être réalisé en centres ou à la maison. 9 0 obj false For example, it has helped to build up my physical strength, which reduces my symptoms. ͐,.�. One of the best things people can do to support themselves is to take care of their bodies whether that be through regular exercise, meditation, or … Date of Publication. It is a combination of exercise and education specifically tailored to your level of ability. False This review positions pulmonary rehabilitation as an integrated personalised management strategy in partnership with the patient. In Order to Read Online or Download Pulmonary Rehabilitation Full eBooks in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl and Mobi you need to create a Free account. Respiratory failure 13. �:� 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 Rehabilitation, ACG: A-0372 MCG ™ thCare guidelines, 24 edition,,! 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