I know this is late (next day) and I did not read all of the comments yesterday when I read the blog on my cell and I'm hopeless with the keys there...so here I am at computer today. It was still a pretty easy puzzle for BEQ. If so, their one probable bright spot in the grid was the clue and entry at 15d: [Negative reply to a general], NO SIR. Fixed in the post. The latter – you get billed for KILOWATTHOURS, not KILOWATTS. BEQ.. Jenni… THANKS for the dreidel lesson! STOP IT Alex! Today is Veteran's Day.Speaking as a veteran, on this day, which is my day, I'd like to ask all you crossword puzzle wordsmiths if you know the difference between an an officer and an enlisted man.You have 15 seconds to think about it.game show thinking music plays for 15 secondsEnlisted men are legally required to be fed three meals a day and have a roof over their head every day. Gyring has pretty much come to be accepted, but gimbling is still controversial, even if the union has been consecrated by a sacrament. The regifting vibe just got stronger. Additionally, they always appreciate gifts high in sentimental value, especially since what older adults want most is time with loved ones. Some fill problems, including ANTEED, but not awful. That aside - my lasting memory of this day was in the late 70s - I was traveling with my parents in England. Why not 100%? Similarly-like to @Teedmn, M&A didn't know RICO & XIEXIE. Try to keep up. Thank you for using our website to find LA Times Crossword Answers. ELWES’ GAVE DOUBLE YUKIT’s a MEMORIAL TOO their ABILITIES,or ATMOST their BUSINESS TOO spoil IT,for our HOLY DAY we asked for SKIS,but our WEDDINGPRESENT was a TOILET.--- TRENT & EVA HOBS. Sponsored Links . He said "I wouldn't take a million dollars for the experience but I wouldn't do it again for a million dollars". !Oh well, at least I didn’t ask Uncle G. Bituminous coal is heat-processed, i.e., COKED, into coke in coke ovens. I like themes that seem to have no common ground until the revealer ties them together. Possible Solution: EON. The wiki says that either what I read was wrong or my memory is faulty. He got his autograph, which is why I know about him. But not in New York, new Jersey. I’ve been quite clear that I’m sympathetic to Cohan’s disease. SHIN means “shtel,” or “put,” and the player puts one coin into the pot. Lieutenant Rotton was my division leader and he was an Annapolis graduate. I hate wars. Match pairs of identical tiles to remove them from the board until it's entirely cleared or until you find all special tiles. May 27, 2019 HoEKHZitNk Leave a comment. Everyone puts one coin (or chocolate gelt or, in my family, pretzel sticks) into the middle of the circle. What @Rex said. He is a Long Island-based writer, editor and communications consultant. There F'SRooMonsterDarrinV. Most everything here a gimme except XIEXIE. Contact him here. Try right-clicking and selecting Open in New Tab. . Kind of a stinker today, with Chinese, Latin, and Japanese items holding down the foreign contingent, and DAYNE and ELWES gunking up the grid (never heard of either - don’t know if they are B-list celebs or just never hit my radar screen). Why do I have to go to the TOILET? Same here. Wouldn’t sexists and few others, least of all women, be delighted to see reference to the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated? I love that this is a Chanukah theme. Again, not sure if the cluing was toned down a notch today, or if this was just squarely in my wordplay + knowledge lane, but most of these fell pretty quickly, even when they had ostensibly tricky clues (e.g. He was disbarred the by 1986, the time of the USFL/ NFL suit. Daily Themed Crossword features the best themes with a wide range of topics and new content everyday. Maybe I’ll make it a DOUBLEDAY and do both.XIEXIE. I love that the word “dreidel” doesn’t actually appear in the grid. It's weird that it just keeps happening if he doesn't, so I'ma go with probably. Oliver Munday. It's not NIECIE thank you? Oldish and sadly, not a VETERANS DAY. A tasty, warm meal is a great morale booster. I've never heard the "see a man about a dog" variation (is that where men discuss betting on races, in the men's room? If you are looking for What may feel like forever crossword clue answers and solutions then you have come to the right place. Immigrant-Americans. Get it? But we all know that is very challenging sometimes to find the word, especially with no hint left, so a little extra help might be needed. He's just the right amount for the "Dread Pirate Roberts"..75, ERRors instead of ERRATA was my big error. After letting me pinpoint which songs I liked and which ones I didn't, my brother said: "I get it. I wish I hadn’t. In case you are having difficulties solving any of the Daily Themed Crossword Packs look no further because today is your lucky day as we have shared all the solutions below with you. We saw this crossword clue on Daily Themed Crossword game but sometimes you can find same questions during you play another crosswords. Sorry. I loved Tarzan but I loved yummy Miles O'Keefe better. I have a question for you veteran NYTXW solvers. I don't. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for FOREVER We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word forever will help you to finish your crossword today. Our guide is the ultimate help to deal with difficult Daily Themed Crossword level. :)@Douglas 12:03 PMWelcome! Then the coke is used as the fuel to smelt limestone, iron ore, and the coke into molten iron, which is in turn used to make steel. Oh, geeze. https://crosswordfiend.com/download/. And strange coincidence that 34d happened to be in the grid when John le Carre died today. It could also be an adjectival phrase; e.g. There are the usual bits of kludge—the worst being EYER—but it’s not excessive. @Frantic...Thank you, amiga. I'm curious if folks have recommendations.rex has become that tired old restaurant critic, who has eaten every dish under the planet, and is naturally bored by the 1000th iteration of a spinach salad with goat cheese. The lyrics make it pretty clear that the situation being described is not going to include anything involving an overnight, which is pretty much the definition of a "day tripper". src/public/js/zxcvbn.js This package implements a content management system with security features by default. Once I finished and cottoned on to it, a glance at the title brought a smile to my face. Awesome movie, from 1987. The guy is famous for a show that was on for three seasons in the 60s. However, and hilariously, Lawrence Welk didn't get that memo. @TTrimble 213pm Welcome back! That aside - my lasting memory of this day was in the late 70s - I was traveling with my parents in England. *Any one going to complain about the misogyny and violence in Beatles music? It’s also good to add that the Hebrew letters in addition to playing their part in the dreidel game, are an acronym for Nes Gadol Haya Sham, which means “A Great Miracle Happened There,” referring to the oil lasting for 8 days. This type of clue has perpetuated throughout the years, and I would really like to see it changed. YUK YUK YUK.Didn't think it was TOO bad. Hopefully in the nearer than maybe last week future, we will focus on creating services that truly honor our veterans. Un libro è un insieme di fogli, stampati oppure manoscritti, delle stesse dimensioni, rilegati insieme in un certo ordine e racchiusi da una copertina.. Il libro è il veicolo più diffuso del sapere. OH and Kendrick Lamar is a further Bechdel (or something)-skewing man of colour; is OTAY really OTAY? Posted on July 28, 2019 by daily. I hope it's to stay. Solve a crossword puzzle together. Lennon may have meant to make sly allusions to LSD, but what he wrote is all about not getting to have sex with someone. The oysters.....I shouldn’t have corrected you .Your error was benign. Anon. Looks like a number of people have been taking a break. Thanks for reminding me, @Frantic Sloth.Also, @FS, thanks for reminding me that I worked for all those years at DOUBLEDAY. If you don’t want to challenge yourself or just tired of trying over, our website will give you Daily Themed Crossword Easy Peasy Level 15 answers and everything else you need, like cheats, tips, some useful information and complete walkthroughs. Thank you visiting our website, here you will be able to find all the answers for Daily Themed Crossword Game. If you haven’t read it, read at least his afterword. This puzzle makes me feel seen. I’d also not run this puzzle on Good Friday. I don’t think you can take any interview quote from any of them at face value.I would not have wanted a tribute puzzle today. Haven't seen HOLYFIELD in forever so that took a while. I DNFed at XIEXIE. Served in Thailand all of 1963. My [younger by five years] brother waxed rhapsodic over Sergeant Pepper back in the day, which I hated. He was a swine. . It warns the woman that that's exactly what's going to happen, so she'd better watch out. thats why they were called the Jersey Generals. This clue was last seen on Daily Themed Crossword, September 1 2020. I’ll buy that there was a little inside joke about “tripper,” but the lyrics are pretty obviously about a woman who won’t sleep with the singer. Always was and always will be.https://youtu.be/cJD-gVBbkf0. i.e. Happy Veterans Day to all vets. One of the few times I saw my father cry was when the pipes played Flowers of the Forest. U.S. Army 1961-64. The program was designed by our First Lady-Elect, Dr. Jill Biden and our former First Lady, Michelle Obama. Agree with @Z regarding the singleton HOLYFIELD. I recall COKE as not so much a fuel, since coal already is of course, but rather the source of carbon to turn iron ore into steel. As an enlisted man, we saluted commissioned officers (heck they had to pay to be there) and most of my officers were Naval Academy graduates and they were pretty good leaders, but we were never sure if we were required to salute warrant officers. This crossword clue was last seen today on Daily Themed Crossword Puzzle. I should talk. It seems to be a 20th century adjustment. he was, in fact, a total shit, irregardless of his orientation. The studio PlaySimple Games hasn't stopped only at this game and has created some more others. The first time I heard it, in seventh grade many many many years ago, I said "Wow, can I see it? But whatever it is, it isn’t nice. And it’s no more than that. But when your most modern entry is slipped into the clue for FOE...@Douglas - See @Joe Dipinto9:20. Think I've heard the word (skosh) before, but it didn’t come to mind. The New Yorker crossword solution • Anna Shechtman • Monday, December 14, 2020. moment, no matter what OFC says.I had to guess at the first X of XIEXIE: success. There are the thoughts though...there are always "the thoughts":Well, you'll have to forgive me, but I'm a little bit rusty on my Mandarin. * D(DAY) & EER(DAY). © Free Blogger Templates I got so carried away with other thoughts that, though I had initially planned to mention it in my comment, I forgot to. @3:25The USFL never recovered. Constructor: Alex Bajcz Thank you very much for that! Here is the answer for: Lasting forever crossword clue answers, solutions for the popular game Mirror Quick Crossword. You shoulda kicked my ass on the lawsuit business. -1. Enjoyed your blog; lovely family. * “She’s a big teaser, yeah.” I am very much of the school of thought that writers may recall their inspirations, but are often not the best source for understanding the meaning of their own work. Our website is the best sours which provides you with Daily Themed Crossword Some call her the First Lady of American athletics and has won several Olympic medals in heptathlon and long jump answers and some additional information … TN is just brilliant. I liked PONTIUS and OUR SAVIOUR because I'm not an atheist. Your explanation of the game makes it even funner now, for me! Kinda nice not to have all them political TV ads anymore, tellin us how bad both choices of candidates for each office were. Or maybe it is purely happenstance that VETERANS DAY makes an appearance, in which case that would be the worst. I’m not thrilled by this offering, but it’s solid enough to pass the time nicely. Cary ELWES is always welcome in my opinion even though The Princess Bride is just as “dated” as Tell it to my Heart. @EcumenicalYou've got me confused with @Anon 5:31. I'm guessing most here didn't hear about that. They had an episode which involved a bunch of clueless Christian missionaries padding around Africa singing that song. Everything seems rough and choppy. Daily Themed Crossword Something that's forever, like the sun . 12 names, 2 foreign words...And a special addition to today's list, I guess we now get to just make up words and put them in the grid. Not bad; not excruciating, not yummy, just there. completely Naticked at the XFL/XIEXIE cross. What a coincidence!! :)Hard to remember: "Eli" vs "Ely" (so many of them); "Cahn", "Cohn", "Kahn".New to me: "coked"; "XFL" (maybe heard of it, but…); "aurum"; "ferrum"; "anteed" (didn't pay attention to the Var. Pulling Ron ELY out should have been expected. Being invisible is not easy. The fact that the two leagues are separated by two decades, myriad rules differences, funding, media rights, roster size, and league structure makes the mistake an easy one to make.Trump of course famously did buy a team in the USFL. ), VETERANS MEMORIAL (38A: *Place that honors those who've served), BUSINESS SCHOOL (51A: *Producer of a lot of suits?). RIA is so easy now after the 30th time.It's interesting that Shortz held on to this for 7 years. Read this poem and weep. We also have a team of customer support agents to deal with every difficulty that you may face when working with us or placing an order on our website. LOL Finished in well below ave. time, but…Simple mistakes cost me dearly: biggest one was "eco" for "exo" (totally inexcusable), and avoidable had I paid attention to that spidey-sense when I dropped the "c" in (already had the "e" and "o"). :)Can't help you with the missing .3%, but you know in your heart you're 100%; that's what counts. To inquire about republishing archival content, please contact The YGS Group: philly@theYGSgroup.com, 1-800-501-9571 I solved this clockwise starting in the NE with AT MOST and was having a strong “can this get any more dated?” feeling. Also, Wikipedia is a good place to start, but one shouldn’t rely solely on it for clues (tbf - in this instance the bad Wiki info is well sourced).I’m a little slow on the uptake, but now I’m seeing a fault in having Day Tripper in a clue. Plus, he was Robin of Loxley in Mel Brooks' "Robin Hood:Men In Tights", another hilarious movie. Yesterday was the Marine Corp 245th Birthday. Thought ABILITIES was a little weak as a descriptor for what superheroes have. OTAY = specific Rascals, namely Porky and Buckwheat, not the whole troupe. I think it's time for me to move on . Including the XFL and XIEXIE cross. This fun and easy-to-use crossword puzzle app features new, themed puzzles each day.Highly addictive and fun! He's constantly seeking the fresh and new, which is awfully hard to do every day. I think it’s called the shed. The theme answers did nothing to help me with the solve, but it was still fun. @Anon 3:25Thanks for the correction. Mea culpa. List of Amc - Free ebook download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Was just going thru this puz so fast that common sense went out the window. You have ABILITIES. In case if you need help with answer for “”There’s __ in sight” (seemingly forever)” you can find it below.Enjoy! That’s, 18A [Florida swim-with-the-dolphins park] is, 63A [One requiring a token payment?] In case you are stuck and are looking for help then this is the right place because we have just posted the answer below. Or EMO music, whatever that is. I solved the puzzle but was baffled by what it meant. for, 17a [Contribute lightly during a bull session] is, 44a [Where very important company matters are discussed] is an. Hand up for the frown at CAHN/ICAHN; that's a TAD close for comfort. He also had another word originally for "big" in "she's a big teaser", same short i sound, which I will leave to your imagination. Lots of Naticks in there for me today, and the revealer did nothing to help me with the themers (since I already them all by then), but okay. @Richard Good rule of thumb: don't insult someone, then ask them for a favor. The neighbors TOILET + MORASS made me laugh, remembering supervising latrine digging as a Girl Scout camp counselor way back when.Help from previous puzzles: XFL, ELY, FOE. Only it isn't. I hope someday to see a Diwali-themed puzzle and an Eid-themed puzzle, and puzzles for holidays I’ve never heard of. NYT: 34A Samantha Bee is also a theme answer. In case something… Lasting forever crossword clue. First time was Vince McMahin from WWF (now WWE) starting it, and it lasted a few years, this last time it didn't even make it one season. I should add, too, that balance and density matter. 1322), “Top It Off” — Jenni’s review. Today's is a weird one. I clearly don’t know ANYTHING about him and should either have looked it up or asked my kid. Download free books in PDF format. But it was kind of--you know, you're a weekend hippie. if you like the Orange Sh!tgibbon (not my coinage, but I cleave), for some reason, then you'll revere Cohn. Just see "eco" so often in the puzzles, that the one-track mind tells the fingers what to do. @Nancy You're quite welcome. So I was sure I had a "gotcha" with OBOE, because I remember reading that the instrument in question was an English horn, almost the same but not quite. On this site you will find not only the answers for ___ Is Forever Cocktail one of the world’s most expensive cocktails served in Tokyo’s Ritz-Carlton crossword clue but also thousand of other word game solutions for the most popular mobile games. But I’m not saying I enjoyed it. Also, is Taylor DAYNE an easter egg or a fault? Lasting Forever Crossword Clue Answer - You will find here all answers for every clue of the same crossword. I thought it was hard for a Wed and ended up without a clean solve. It looks completely foreign to me (har).Thanos was a gOd and lye was a base at one point in my solve but it all filled in properly. That one kills me! Our guide is the ultimate help to deal with difficult Daily Themed Crossword level. @Anon 9:30 -- Wow! Also: "see a man about a horse" is definitely a thing. But my 20-something sons and their friends can all quote lines from The Princess Bride (and a few can quote Yeats, too) despite it coming out before any of them were born. When I say “dated” (not speaking for Rex here, but this is how I interpret his use of the word, too) it’s shorthand for “old and not especially cross-generationally interesting.” I remember RICO Suave despite desperately wishing I didn’t, but I don’t expect anyone under the age of 40 to remember it. The Naval Academy graduates really were good officers, but our skipper was Commander Ward from the University of Iowa and our Engineer was Lieutenant Commander Mauney who was a rambling wreck from Georgia Tech. Our website is the best sours which provides you with Daily Themed Crossword "Diamonds ___ forever" answers and some additional information like walkthroughs and tips. I thought the theme was an excellent example of its kind, maybe because my reading the clue for the reveal and then looking back at the theme answers, brought an immediate "DOUBLEDAY!" Har. But, again, if you’re going to do a tribute puzzle, actually do a tribute puzzle. .There's a joke in there somewhere about EVA Mendes and MORASS. We have a Chinese Immersion public school here where instruction is almost entirely in Cantonese. 'Twas brillig and the slithy tovesDid gyre and gimbel in the wabe....It was always "see a man about a dog" for me. L.A. Times entertainment news from Hollywood including event coverage, celebrity gossip and deals. LOL___n.p.g. I really, really, really thought it was CFL and for some reason I had EcOSKELETON and anything in Mandarin is a mystery to me. You probably don't recall, but the USFL won its case against the NFL. Thanks, Alex Bajcz. Yeats, 'The Second Coming'. I'm a Seventy-something puzzler so I love the old-skewing clues. The modern bouncy version is just wrong. We were in a small village in the north outside York and took in their Remembrance Day ceremony. Not even a snack to be had in this puzzle, just an empty PIEPAN. Thank you all who served, and an equal heartfelt thank you to families who sacrificed along with their loved one/vet to keep America safe and free, and already and hopefully perpetually the greatest nation on earth. @Anony 10:11. I begged him to go to Stanford on his scholarship but he wanted the Marines. How soon they forget. So first off, thanks you veterans for your sacrifice and thanks for to your families as well. While they were halted, the wind died down, and the snow slackened until it almost ceased. I had no idea on the “Humanities subj.” at 57A and NAOH and GYRE are not commonplace enough to guess. (Yeah. We will forever hold the precious memories of Wayne in our hearts. I honestly don't care that it's a real word. They mean well and I honor the intention, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t start to wear on me after a while. Daily Themed Crossword Easy Peasy Level 15 Answers. I guessed correctly with a C but I was ready to GOAPE or NUTS if I guessed wrong. And certainly not when they’re no longer alive to defend themselves. Lasting definition, continuing or enduring a long time; permanent; durable: a lasting friendship. Oops! Hello everyone! When HOLYFIELD came in, I recognized his name, but it was no help at all in solving that awful NW corner.I feel that the NW corner, clued with so much pop culture (even the lovely OBOE was thusly clued), was a real 7D.I knew GYRE from Yeats' "The Second Coming". RED BEAN [Legume in a Louisiana rice dish] really wants to be plural, but I’ll take it. )Many thanks. :)Mario Lanza - Because you're mine (Sammy "Cahn" lyrics)y.d. LAT (@Stella) … FWIW, the grid is 16 x 14, so very close to the same number of squares as a standard 15 x 15, New Yorker: Having not heard of PAULI MURRAY, I clicked on the post puzzle article link, and basically every paragraph elicited another “wow”. Yes, this game is challenging and sometimes very difficult. I saw that when I was solving and totally missed it in the writeup. Of the over six million articles in the English Wikipedia there are some articles that Wikipedians have identified as being somewhat unusual. Clue: Seemingly forever. A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Really, when I saw that clue, all I could do was throw up my hands, laugh, and hope for gentle crosses on my way back....okay! @5:31did just a bit of innterTube searching (having just seen 'Where's My Roy Cohn' on the teeVee and not seen this event mentioned, I posed the question), and found a story about the suit. NYT: Jenni, in your last paragraph, it should be Kendrick Lamar rather than Lamar Kendrick. I did somehow “hunch” that the theme had to do with Hebrew or Chanukah and dreidels, probably because of Zulema’s comment about Nun the other day, so I googled a picture to check it out, and then I knew I was on the right track. the Orange Sh!tgibbon (not my coinage, but I cleave) is as evil as he is from tutelage by Cohn. Does the OBOE sound a lot different from other horns?Nancy has bemoaned the fact that one of her puzzles took many months before being published. We all have ABILITIES of some kind or other. And there are also some fun shorter words: REBOOT, ZAIRE, PREPPY, POTAGE, MAIZE, and ZONK. ANTEED Sounds like a verb of convenience and two Natick areas. 56 talking about this. Happy Veteran’s Day to all veterans out there and as an American, I’ll give a shout out to all the U.S. Vets. Birdie. And was awarded $1 in damages, trebled.It is the epitome of a pyrrhic victory. @great river I enjoyed your Tarzan story. For some reason, this sentence now stands as the most depressing NYT quote ever!! Enough if a puz does n't contain ETTA James or Brian ENO ( maybe ) GREEN FLAG in one! Best themes with a huge fan and met him in Vegas in the Fall PlaySimple Games n't... That that 's not nice about asking whether Cohn was diagnosed with AIDS features,., editor and lasting forever daily themed crossword consultant effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en pas. A spoiler in the singular, on its own and without that context I n't! Pacific GYREs Merry Christmas. ” it ’ s loving care to GOAPE or if! Woman who leaves you for another man many combinations 1984 Cohn was diagnosed AIDS. To ASSUME ( 22d ) that Xylophagy was never even considered as an accessible title for this one in. Otay really OTAY XFL this grid is bankrupt in ways Rex has noted already continues. On..... Talisker... maybe some reason, this was a medium-difficulty Themed instead... 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