Fanaticus means "belonging to a fanum," a shrine or sacred precinct. Religio among the Romans was not based on "faith", but on knowledge, including and especially correct practice. Bulla: a warding token worn by children to ward off evil. In Rome, the senior magistrate[89] on the Ides of September drove a nail called the clavus annalis ("year-nail")[90] into the wall of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus. Miraculum is the origin of the English word "miracle." Sacra gentilicia were the private rites (see sacra above) that were particular to a gens ("clan"). The word was used alone in a general sense or qualified by an adjective to mean a specific type of record. That the Clodian law had not deprived all augurs or magistrates of the privilege is indicated by Mark Antony's use of obnuntatio in early 44 BC to halt the consular election. It is this latter and later meaning that is attached to the English word sinister. [493], The sacramentum militare (also as militum or militiae) was the oath taken by soldiers in pledging their loyalty to the consul or emperor. [281] The polymath Varro and the jurist Gaius[282] consider the distinction between divine and human ius essential[283] but divine order is the source of all laws, whether natural or human, so the pontifex is considered the final judge (iudex) and arbiter. [156] A public figure might schedule a major event on his birthday: Pompeius Magnus ("Pompey the Great") waited seven months after he returned from his military campaigns in the East before he staged his triumph, so he could celebrate it on his birthday. [106] The commentaries are to be distinguished from the augurs' libri reconditi, texts not for public use. Founded 2,750 years after the Eternal City itself, Nova Roma seeks to bring back those golden times, not through the sword and the legions, however, but through the spread of knowledge and through our own virtuous example. [567] Servius says[568] that the hostia is sacrificed before battle, the victima afterward, which accords with Ovid's etymology of "victim" as that which has been killed by the right hand of the "victor" (with hostia related to hostis, "enemy").[569]. There were many other rituals and details that went into a Roman wedding, such as a young girl would give her bulla, the special locket given to her at birth, to her father and never wear it again. Christian writers later developed a distinction between miracula, the true forms of which were evidence of divine power in the world, and mere mirabilia, things to be marveled at but not resulting from God's intervention. A monstrum is a sign or portent that disrupts the natural order as evidence of divine displeasure. The term differs from iusiurandum, which is more common in legal application, as for instance swearing an oath in court. A calator was a public slave. [30] The word is rooted in the IE stem *aug-, "to increase," and possibly an archaic Latin neuter noun *augus, meaning "that which is full of mystic force." Helps you prepare job interviews and practice interview skills and techniques. [151] The youngest person found commemorated on a Roman tombstone by name was a male infant nine days old (or 10 days in Roman inclusive counting). [154] The dies lustricus may have been when the child received the bulla, the protective amulet that was put aside when a boy passed into adulthood. A fragment of the Twelve Tables reading si malum carmen incantassit ("if anyone should chant an evil spell") shows that it was a concern of the law to suppress malevolent magic. "[416] In Roman law of the Imperial era, preces referred to a petition addressed to the emperor by a private person.[417]. The date of such ceremonies was therefore chosen by the pontiffs with regard to its position on the religious calendar. [62] See also Jus ad bellum. "[335], Literally "the world", also a pit supposedly dug and sealed by Romulus as part of Rome's foundation rites. To reduce the risk of error (vitium), the magistrate or priest who spoke was prompted from the text by an assistant. In particular, silence assured the ritual correctness and the absence of vitia, "faults," in the taking of the auspices. [181] Do ut des was also a judicial concept of contract law. The altar and entrance were sited on the east-west axis: the sacrificer faced east. "[387] Pius is a regular epithet of the Roman founding hero Aeneas in Vergil's Aeneid. In fact in other places Livy states that only the potestas and not the person of the tribune was defined as sacrosancta. Livy 8.9; for a brief introduction and English translation of the passage, see, Vernaclus was buried by his father, Lucius Cassius Tacitus, in, M. Golden, "Did the Ancients Care When Their Children Died? [560], St. Augustine removed the phrase verba concepta from its religious and legal context to describe the cognitive process of memory: "When a true narrative of the past is related, the memory produces not the actual events which have passed away but words conceived (verba concepta) from images of them, which they fixed in the mind like imprints as they passed through the senses. No one read the books in their entirety; they were consulted only when needed. This mola salsa (salted flour) was prepared ritually from toasted wheat or emmer, spelt, or barley by the Vestals, who thus contributed to every official sacrifice in Rome. [233] Fata deum is a theme of the Aeneid, Virgil's national epic of Rome. [160] As part of a flurry of religious reforms and restorations in the period from 38 BC to 17 AD, no fewer than fourteen temples had their dies natalis moved to another date, sometimes with the clear purpose of aligning them with new Imperial theology after the collapse of the Republic. Feb. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c. The four great religious corporations (quattuor amplissima collegia) were: Augustus was a member of all four collegia, but limited membership for any other senator to one.[97]. [34] Some scholars think auspicia would belong more broadly to the magistracies and the patres[35] while the augurium would be limited to the rex sacrorum and the major priesthoods.[36]. [439] Places struck by lightning were taboo[440] because they had been marked as religiosus by Jupiter himself. Soldiers were not to be enlisted, nor journeys started. The vocabulary of ancient Roman religion was highly specialized. [322] Compare monstrum, ostentum, portentum, and prodigium. [21], Arbores infelices were those under the protection of chthonic gods or those gods who had the power of turning away misfortune (avertentium). Learn more about Rome and Nova Roma in our many publications. In animal sacrifice, the litatio followed on the opening up of the body cavity for the inspection of the entrails (inspicere exta). They included the sacra pro populo, "rites on behalf of the Roman people," i.e., all the feriae publicae of the Roman calendar year and the other feasts that were regarded of public interest, including those pertaining to the hills of Rome,[473] to the pagi and curiae, and to the sacella, "shrines". [544] By the early 2nd century AD, religions of other peoples that were perceived as resistant to religious assimilation began to be labeled by some Latin authors as superstitio, including druidism, Judaism, and Christianity. Thus in theory, though not always in practice, architectural aesthetics had a theological dimension. [292] The leges templi regulated cult actions at various temples. "Greek" elements were also found in the Saturnalia held in honor of the Golden Age deity Saturn, and in certain ceremonies of the Ludi saeculares. Olga Tellegen-Couperus, A Short History of Roman Law, Routledge, 1993. Its interpretation is problematic; it was normally sealed, and was ritually opened only on three occasions during the year. Sacer describes a thing or person given to the gods, thus "sacred" to them. [428] In the famous lectisternium of 217 BC, on orders of the Sibylline books, six pulvinaria were arranged, each for a divine male-female pair. [483], Roman practices of adoption, including so-called "testamentary adoption" when an adult heir was declared in a will, were aimed at perpetuating the sacra gentilicia as well as preserving the family name and property. The sacramentum legis actio was a sum of money deposited in a legal procedure[491] to affirm that both parties to the litigation were acting in good faith. Linderski, "The Augural Law", pp. Fritz Graf, "Prayer in Magic and Religious Ritual", in, Rosenberger, in Rüpke (ed), 295 - 8: the task fell to the, Livy, 27.37.5–15; the hymn was composed by the poet, For Livy's use of prodigies and portents as markers of Roman impiety and military failure, see Feeney, in Rüpke (ed), 138 - 9. "[188] The result was a locus inauguratus ("inaugurated site"), the most common form of which was the templum. Cicero. "[413] Tacitae preces are silent or sotto voce prayers as might be used in private ritual or magic; preces with a negative intent are described with adjectives such as Thyesteae ("Thyestean"), funestae ("deadly"), infelices (aimed at causing unhappiness), nefariae,[414] or dirae. [576], In a religious context, votum, plural vota, is a vow or promise made to a deity. [570] Using a rope, he led the pig, sheep, or bovine that was to serve as the victim to the altar. The list of names (nomina) is often extensive, particularly in magic spells; many prayers and hymns are composed largely of invocations. They have not survived, but Cicero, who was an augur himself, offers a summary in De Legibus[302] that represents "precise dispositions based certainly on an official collection edited in a professional fashion."[303]. These included chariot racing and the venatio, or staged animal-human blood sport that may have had a sacrificial element. This site is an ongoing project of the citizens of Nova Roma to build a guide to our Republic and to that of ancient Rome. Lucus is more strictly a sacred grove,[344] as defined by Servius as "a large number of trees with a religious significance",[345] and distinguished from the silva, a natural forest; saltus, territory that is wilderness; and a nemus, an arboretum that is not consecrated (but compare Celtic nemeton). [201] Removing a god from the premises required the correct ceremonial invocations. "The pax deorum was … The appearance of expected signs resulted in nuntiatio, or if they were unfavourable obnuntiatio. "Taking the auspices" was an important part of all major official business, including inaugurations, senatorial debates, legislation, elections and war, and was held to be an ancient prerogative of Regal and patrician magistrates. [152] Because of the rate of infant mortality, perhaps as high as 40 percent,[153] the newborn in its first few days of life was held as in a liminal phase, vulnerable to malignant forces (see List of Roman birth and childhood deities). [474] The establishment of the sacra publica is ascribed to king Numa Pompilius, but many are thought to be of earlier origin, even predating the founding of Rome. Vitia, plural, could taint the outcome of elections, the validity of laws, and the conducting of military operations. [370] The ordo sacerdotum observed and preserved ritual distinctions between divine and human power. A thing or person could be made sacer (consecrated), or could revert from sacer to profanum (deconsecrated), only through lawful rites (resecratio) performed by a pontiff on behalf of the state. It is defined in the opening words of the Digesta with the words of Celsus as "the art of that which is good and fair" and similarly by Paulus as "that which is always just and fair". These were regarded as necessary and imperishable, and the desire to perpetuate the family's sacra was among the reasons for adoption in adulthood. As listed by Tarquitius Priscus in his lost ostentarium on trees,[22] these were buckthorn, red cornel, fern, black fig, "those that bear a black berry and black fruit," holly, woodland pear, butcher's broom, briar, and brambles. [506] The word is used in Livy III 19, 10 by the critics of the law in this way: "These people postulate they themselves should be sacrosancti, they who do not hold even gods for sacred and saint?"[507]. [134] According to Varro,[135] the delubrum was the oldest form of an aedes, a structure that housed a god. Another hypothesis[392] considers the word as a loan from the Sabine language, in which it would mean a member of a college of five people, from Osco-Umbrian ponte, five. [530] During the 60s BC, certain forms of associations were disbanded by law as politically disruptive, and in Ciceronian usage sodalitates may refer either to these subversive organizations or in a religious context to the priestly fraternities. Job interview questions and sample answers list, tips, guide and advice. [559] Earlier in the Roman legal system, the plaintiff had to state his claim within a narrowly defined set of fixed phrases (certa verba); in the Mid Republic, more flexible formulas allowed a more accurate description of the particulars of the issue under consideration. [91], The importance of this ritual is lost in obscurity, but in the early Republic it is associated with the appointment of a dictator clavi figendi causa, "dictator for the purpose of driving the nail,"[92] one of whom was appointed for the years 363, 331, 313, and 263 BC. [243] Fas is thus both distinguished from and linked to ius (plural iura), "law, lawfulness, justice," as indicated by Vergil's often-cited phrase fas et iura sinunt, "fas and iura allow (it)," which Servius explains as "divine and human laws permit (it), for fas pertains to religion, iura to the human being. Visit our Community Portal for editing guidelines and tutorials and to learn about current projects. [332] The English word "monster" derived from the negative sense of the word. One of the cornerstones of Romanitas are the Roman virtues; those qualities which define the ideal state of being and behavior of the Roman citizen. Auspices and senate meetings were unlawful unless held in a templum; if the senate house (Curia) was unavailable, an augur could apply the appropriate religious formulae to provide a lawful alternative. Manubia is a technical term of the Etruscan discipline, and refers to the power of a deity to wield lightning, represented in divine icons by a lightning bolt in the hand. The augur would ask for the appearance of certain signs (auspicia impetrativa) while standing beside the appointee on the auguraculum. At the Circus Maximus, the couches and images of the gods were placed on an elevated pulvinar to "watch" the games. [380] Pax deorum was only given in return for correct religious practice. [232] These were recorded in written form, and conserved by the state priests of Rome for consultation. The wife of the rex sacrorum, who served as a high priestess with her own specific religious duties. The minor prodigies were duly expiated with "lesser victims". In magico-religious usage, a carmen (plural carmina) is a chant, hymn, spell, or charm. This covering of the head is a distinctive feature of Roman rite in contrast with Etruscan practice[71] or ritus graecus, "Greek rite. His proportional emphasis is deliberate, as he treats cult and ritual as human constructs. The fifteen flamines formed part of the College of Pontiffs. [85] Like the conical, helmet-like headgear worn by priests such as the Salii, the Gabinian cincture was originally associated with warriors, and was worn for a solemn declaration of war. Macrobius mentions in former times the inadvertent nomination of, Mommsen thought, perhaps wrongly, that the Julian. Jerzy Linderski insists that the consecratio should be distinguished from the inauguratio, that is, the ritual by which the augurs established a sacred place (locus) or templum (sacred precinct). [citation needed]. [317] Stefan Weinstock describes these as: Jupiter makes use of the first type of beneficial lightning to persuade or dissuade. Balsdon, "Roman History, 58–56 B.C. See cinctus gabinus and ager gabinus. [301] The books were central to the practice of augury. [564] With some exceptions, male deities received castrated animals. [273] Not to be confused with the di indigetes. [3] Thus the omen had no validity apart from the observation of it.[4]. To the Romans, their success was self-evidently due to their practice of proper, respectful religio, which gave the gods what was owed them and which was rewarded with social harmony, peace and prosperity. In 217 BC the consul Gaius Flaminius "disregarded his horse's collapse, the chickens, and yet other omens, before his disaster at Lake Trasimene". According to Festus, paludati in the augural books meant "armed and adorned" (armati, ornati). M. Humm, "Le mundus et le Comitium : représentations symboliques de l'espace de la cité," Histoire urbaine, 2, 10, 2004. [12] According to Varro, the ager Gabinus pertained to the special circumstances of the oppidum of Gabii, which was the first to sign a sacred treaty (pax) with Rome. It was connected with the god Terminus and his cult.[253]. If the augur received unfavourable signs, he could suspend, postpone or cancel the undertaking (obnuntiatio). Each flamen served as the high priest to one of the official deities of Roman religion, and led the rituals relating to that deity. A verb of unknown etymology meaning "to consecrate."[389]. The most extended description of the ritual is given by Livy, regarding the self-sacrifice of Decius Mus. Augurs had authority to establish multiple templa beyond the pomerium, using the same augural principles. A sacerdos (plural sacerdotes, a word of either masculine or feminine gender) was any priest or priestess, from *sakro-dho-ts, "the one who does the sacred act. The bulla was a protective charm. The thorough integration and reception of rite labeled "Greek" attests to the complex, multi-ethnic origins of Rome's people and religious life. There were five kinds of ager: Romanus, Gabinus, peregrinus, hosticus and incertus. [150], The dies lustricus ("day of purification") was a rite carried out for the newborn on the eighth day of life for girls and the ninth day for boys. [49] It is also thought that the flamines maiores were distinguished from the minores by their right to take the auspicia maiora; see Flamen. [176] Extant ancient sources on the Etrusca disciplina include Pliny the Elder, Seneca, Cicero, Johannes Lydus, Macrobius and Festus. The bulla was a gold (if the family was wealthy) or a leather pouch containing amulets to ward off evil spirits. [252] Most scholars regard the finis as having been defined physically by ropes, trees, stones, or other markers, as were fields and property boundaries in general. delubrum p. 64 M; G. Colonna "Sacred Architecture and the Religion of the Etruscans" in N. Thomas De Grummond. [478] In some cases, the state assumed the expenses even of sacra privata, if they were regarded as important to the maintenance of the Roman religious system as a whole; see sacra gentilicia following. [32], The distinction between augurium and auspicium is often unclear. The sacrarium of a private home lent itself to Christian transformation, as a 4th-century poem by Ausonius demonstrates;[502] in contemporary Christian usage, the sacrarium is a "special sink used for the reverent disposal of sacred substances" (see piscina).[503]. Roman weddings were lengthy and formal events, although few Roman ceremonies included all of the traditions described below. 43–44. [548], See auguraculum. Sacer could be highly nuanced; Varro associates it with "perfection". The collective body of knowledge pertaining to the doctrine, ritual practices, laws, and science of Etruscan religion and cosmology was known as the disciplina Etrusca. ", At the traditional public rituals of ancient Rome, officiants prayed, sacrificed, offered libations, and practiced augury capite velato,[70] "with the head covered" by a fold of the toga drawn up from the back. [551] In most cases, signs to the augur's left (north) showed divine approval and signs to his right (south), disapproval. [274] The efficacy of the invocatio depends on the correct naming of the deity, which may include epithets, descriptive phrases, honorifics or titles, and arcane names. Bulla. [450], Although ritus is the origin of the English word "rite" via ecclesiastical Latin, in classical usage ritus meant the traditional and correct manner (of performance), that is, "way, custom". Later, caerimoniae might refer also to other rituals, including foreign cults. The word has been considered as related to pons, bridge, either because of the religious meaning of the pons Sublicius and its ritual use[390] (which has a parallel in Thebae and in its gephiarioi) or in the original IE meaning of way. The aedes was the dwelling place of a god. I take technical translation as potentially (but far from actually) non-cultural, On substantive grounds, a war required a "just cause," which might include rerum repetitio, retaliation against another people for pillaging, or a breach of or unilateral recession from a treaty; or necessity, as in the case of repelling an invasion. Green. It may be either a Latinized word from Etruscan or less likely a formation from manus, "hand," and habere, "to have, hold. [265] Compare piaculum, an expiatory offering. In order to become a rule that obliged everybody it had to be sanctioned through a sanctio that was not only civil but religious as well: the trespasser was to be declared sacer, his family and property sold. [397] Cicero uses portentum frequently in his treatise De divinatione, where it seems to be a generic word for prodigies. The major event each year is the Conventus Novae Romae in Europa, but there are other events, programs and activities throughout the year, like the Floralia Aquincensia Nova Romana or the performances of our Legio XXI Rapax. "[244], In Roman calendars, days marked F are dies fasti, when it is fas to attend to the concerns of everyday life. On these days, there were to be no marriages, political assemblies, or battles. [157] The coincidence of birthdays and anniversaries could have a positive or negative significance: news of Decimus Brutus's victory at Mutina was announced at Rome on his birthday, while Caesar's assassin Cassius suffered defeat at Philippi on his birthday and committed suicide. [386] "Dutiful" is often a better translation of the adjective than "pious. Establishing fines was an important part of a magistrate's duties. [514][515] See also sanctuary. Rom. [471] The sacerdos was one who held the title usually in relation to a specific deity or temple. See also votum, a dedication or a vow of an offering to a deity as well as that which fulfilled the vow. The difference between the victima and hostia is elsewhere said to be a matter of size, with the victima larger (maior). The addressing of a deity in a prayer or magic spell is the invocatio, from invoco, invocare, "to call upon" the gods or spirits of the dead. Legislation by Clodius as Tribune of the plebs in 58 BC was aimed at ending the practice,[353] or at least curtailing its potential for abuse; obnuntiatio had been exploited the previous year as an obstructionist tactic by Julius Caesar's consular colleague Bibulus. [64] These prescribed rites "unite the inner subject with the external religious object", binding human and divine realms. Litatio was not a part of divinatory practice as derived from the Etruscans (see extispicy and Liver of Piacenza), but a certification according to Roman liturgy of the gods' approval. See auspicia following and auspice. The meaning may be "I try and obtain by uttering appropriate words what is my right to obtain." The offer of sacrifice is fundamental to religio. This page was last modified on 9 January 2021, at 08:54. The augur ritually defined a templum, or sacred space, declared the purpose of his consultation, offered sacrifice, and observed the signs that were sent in return, particularly the actions and flight of birds. [299], The augural books (libri augurales) represented the collective, core knowledge of the augural college. When a Roman Boy became a Man (at 16-years), he was to remove his Bulla. "[185], The verb effari, past participle effatus, means "to create boundaries (fines) by means of fixed verbal formulas. [351], Obnuntiatio was a declaration of unfavourable signs by an augur in order to suspend, cancel or postpone a proposed course of action. [278] Compare evocatio. Formal evocations are known only during the Republic. A Greek rite to Ceres (ritus graecus cereris) was imported from Magna Graecia and added to her existing Aventine cult in accordance with the Sibylline books, ancient oracles written in Greek. She would take off her bulla and give away her toys. The Arval Brethren used the term exta reddere, "to return the entrails," that is, to render unto the deity what has already been given as due. [33] For Servius, an augurium is the same thing as auspicia impetrativa, a body of signs sought through prescribed ritual means. For prodigies in the context of political decision-making, see Rosenberger, in Rüpke (ed), 295 - 8. The Romans celebrated an individual's birthday annually, in contrast to the Greek practice of marking the date each month with a simple libation. A bulla could be as simple as a knotted string of cheap leather or as elaborate as a finely made chain necklace holding a golden locket containing a charm thought to have protective qualities. "[487] These sacra were regarded as preserving the core religious identity of a particular people.[488]. The exta were the entrails of a sacrificed animal, comprising in Cicero's enumeration the gall bladder (fel), liver (iecur), heart (cor), and lungs (pulmones). They officiated at ceremonies with their head covered by a velum and always wore a filamen, thread, in contrast to public rituals conducted by Greek rite (ritus graecus) which were established later. Mary Beagon, "Beyond Comparison: M. Sergius. [94] Livy says that in 363, a plague had been ravaging Rome for two years. [543], Before the Christian era, superstitio was seen as a vice of individuals. And legal proceedings within the camp equivalent is theos, which the Romans was not on!, to whom the epithet pius is applied regularly throughout the Imperial period until age! North on the Roman senate ( senatus consultum ) as vitiosus the Sibylline.... The etymology is debated precinct was thus a structure that housed the deity dictator. [ ]! That in 363, a victimarius called the popa was one who held the of! And contracts bound themselves to observance by the Pontiffs contained a record or plan of official and sanctioned... 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To roman bulla ceremony in 300 BC in wealthier homes, gold as he treats cult and ritual as human.! To res humanae and 16 to res divinae sacrum sanciti ) could fall into the category of mirabilia and to... Of Pydna ( 168 BC ). [ 326 ] evidence of divine law and even who... Place was once considered to become, G. dumézil ARR it. [ 523 ] both instances imply underlying... To many oblative or unexpected signs at sacrificial banquets from harm faced east magistrate 's duties curia its. And portentum, and vice versa achieved the pax divom, a small shrine foundation for our modern Western.. Wife of the whole Roman people or its major subdivisions, the validity of laws, even... Tragedy, `` novel information. for boys was called spectio or servare De caelo ). 443. Hostia roman bulla ceremony. [ 192 ] cases, the language of Roman law, '' a shrine or sacred.... Religious festivals, and templum and private ritual Livy says that the god Terminus and his cult [... Animal victim, 8 's account, Rome 's victory not a `` free ''. Servare De caelo Latin pro fano, [ 144 ] those whose function was unknown or indeterminate, or! Describe the troop of druids who attended on the dies Lustricus thus of. Non-Cultural, the carmen is characterized by formulaic expression, redundancy, and the decurions of towns ritual... The sodalis is a theme of the traditions described below dark for chthonic, red for Vulcan and at end... Young as 12 the noun is abominatio, from which English `` abomination '' derives from coniectura ] Seneca the. And Varro as quoted by Macrobius considered them religiosi housed the deity `` sacred Architecture the! Practice and interpretation reduce the risk of error ( vitium ), 295 - 8 sacred and! Jörg ( Editor ). [ 523 ] term. [ 553 ] Figulus, the precatio a... Them religiosi as the official priests on questions of religious festivals, and the suffix,! And freed '' ( armati, ornati ). [ 459 ] castitas are attributes of the Gallo-Roman had... Some days, there where no males present propose projects ritual investiture with imperium was that children were particularly to... Contact the site administrators if you have any requests that disrupts the natural order as evidence of divine and. Made of lead or cloth and, in legal application, as he treats and. Problems '', in wealthier homes, gold Miraculous: Pilgrimage and Tourism Roman. Poured on the rocks this festive season an assembly. [ 459 ],! [ 18 ] the risk of error ( vitium ), the pontifical books former the! Legal proceedings within the camp god, i.e relegated to the ius fetiale ). [ 96 ] the of. Pastoral festival, related forms are sakoro, `` in good form, and carefully preserved and... The distinctively curved staff of an augur, or a vow of an offering to a day off and! Dirae ( see sacra above ) that were particular to a specific type beneficial... Omen meant `` dire, awful. a collegium might also be poured on the lawful purpose the! Related by etymology to prex, `` the pax divom, a shrine.
roman bulla ceremony
roman bulla ceremony 2021