Average lifespan The Zhell are the supposed pre-evolved state of humans in the Star Wars galaxy. Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair which could be red or blue. 16.09.2014 - Ahsoka Tano hat diesen Pin entdeckt. The Shistavanen originated on the planet Uvena Prime in the Uvena system. They were also very gifted with holograms, and were the creators of Hologram Fun World. Filters PC NPC Artisan x 1 Bounty Hunter x 1 Colonist x 1 Consular x 1 Crime Lord x 1 Diplomat x 1 Droid x 2 Force Sensitive x 4 Gambler x 6 Hapan x 1 Human x 9 Hutt x 1 Imperial x 3 NPC x 16 Neimoidian x 2 PC x 6 Performer x 1 Rodian x 1 Sentinel x 2 Smuggler x 1 Soldier x 1 … Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair which could be red or blue. Hautfarbe [citation needed] The Zhell were dominant on Coruscant at some point before 25,000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) until the Taung conquered them. In addition to natural evolution, the Shistavanen species was shaped by unknown genetic engineers. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Items; Maps; Backgrounds and Obligation, Duty and Morality When a character is first starting out, he should consider what he did in his past. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten. They possessed two biological traits of note. Though their first inclination was to love, if pushed to do so, Zeltrons could prove to be formidable warriors. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. The History of the Marvelous Wheel, Part 2, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Zeltron/Legends?oldid=9570155. PRAX ARMS S-1 VAMBLADE Falling somewhere between brass knuckles and a sword, vamblades are dagger-length blades extending from durasteel vambraces, which provide a degree of protection to the wielder's forearms in a knife fight, as well as mounting the blade itself. *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. Zeltron culture was highly influenced by sexuality and the pursuit of pleasure in general. Heimatwelt Jedipedia ist eine Fandom-Filme-Community. Biological classification Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide Zeltrons are known throughout the galaxy for their hedonistic nature. Obwohl die Zeltroner im Allgemeinen einen guten Ruf genießen, gibt es auch unter ihnen Verbrecher, die sich als Menschen tarnen und ihre Fähigkeiten in der Manipulation gezielt für verbrecherische Machenschaften einsetzen. … Feb 4, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Var Silverseed. Physical characteristics Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair which could be red or blue. Most of their art and literature was devoted to the subject, producing some of the raciest pieces in the galaxy. Members of the species are found throughout the galaxy, for they enjoy … Posted in Human, Star Wiz, Zeltron | Leave a comment | By request of Angel . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Einige Zeltroner hatten sich auch zu einer Gemeinschaft von Kurtisanen und Liebesdienern zusammengeschlossen, die sich „Criblez“ nennt. As a Zeltron name: Chelenne. Key:N: Name is non-canon but likelyP: Photo is non-canon or unavailableS: Sentience is questionable1. Bekannte Individuen Weitere Daten Cathars begin the game with one free rank in either Athletics or Stealth. The Falleen were the indigenous reptilian sentient species of the planet Falleen. A former high-ranking … One Zeltron seen in the Star Wars series was Luxa, an employee for the Exchange on Telos. They were also known for being extremely gullible. Posted on 10/6/2017 by admin. The sleek symmetry of their features, … [Source]. 1 Rancor Statistics (CL 11) 1.1 Defenses 1.2 Offense 1.3 … Check out inspiring examples of zeltron artwork on DeviantArt, and get inspired by our community of talented artists. Klasse You know: one must help the Rebel Alliance. This can be a situation the character is currently running from, which would fall under Obligations, or something that your character did to get him Motivated. Every single space battle is an opportunity to show the rest of the galaxy that the Alliance not only can win the war, but is destined to do so. 4 years ago. Found in Edge of the Empire Core Rule Book 1 Assassin 2 Gadgeteer 3 Survivalist 4 Recruit Makes the following Skills Class skills … Experiencing pleasure in its myriad forms is the lifetime pursuit of all Zeltrons. Zeltrons were often stereotyped as lazy thrill-seekers, owing to their hedonistic pursuits. They were also known for being extremely gullible. Zhell. They were also known for being extremely gullible. To do the deed he sent in a Zeltron "heroine"... Dani the Zeltron Discover (and save!) See more ideas about beautiful dresses, star wars costumes, gorgeous gowns. A Zeltron Sith General during the New Sith Wars. While often written off as simple hedonists by the majority of the galaxy, Zeltrons made formidable warriors when they chose to be. A Zeltron general was a member of the Black Knights under the command of the Sith Lord known as the Dark Underlord; he faced Mandalorian mercenaries who intruded upon the Underlord's fortress on Malrev IV. Ferner interessieren sie sich für hoch entwickelte Technologien, sodass der Unternehmer Lando Calrissian für seinen holografischen Vergnügungspark auf die Kuppeln der Zeltroner zurückgriff. Zeltros[1] Another difference between Zeltrons and Humans was the presence of a second liver, which allowed Zeltrons to enjoy a larger number of alcoholic beverages than other humanoids. 81–88 Tech Procurement: There is no more prolific or productive time … The Bounty Hunter Career lets you start off with the following Skills as class skills Athletics Brawl Perception Piloting (Planetary) Piloting (Space) Ranged (Heavy) Streetwise Vigilance You can choose any 4 of these skills and increase their rank to 1. Sentient Advozse5. See more ideas about Star wars rpg, Star wars characters, Star wars characters pictures. It was said that Zeltrons tended to look familiar to other people, even if they had never met them. Doch trotz ihrer außerordentlichen Fähigkeiten in der Gefühlsmanipulation empfinden es die Zeltroner als stillos und würdelos, sich mithilfe ihrer Pheromone ein politisches Amt zu erschleichen oder an Reichtum zu gelangen. Allgemeines Episode VI – Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter, Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords, https://jedipedia.fandom.com/wiki/Zeltroner?oldid=1258767. Most Zeltrons were in excellent physical shape, and their incredible metabolisms allowed them to eat even the richest of foods. ); Star Wars: Age of Rebellion (for playing … Jul 12, 2015 - The artist decided to eliminate another Imperial Stormtrooper. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Maps; Character Quick Search. Durch ihre telepathische Fähigkeit können sie die Botenstoffe ihrer Pheromone kontrollieren und auch komplexe Empfindungen wie Bewunderung, Neid oder auch Liebe kreieren. Auf ihrer eigenen Heimatwelt gehört die Absonderung von Pheromonen zum Alltag, da sogar die Regierung die Gefühle ihrer zeltronischen Bevölkerung manipuliert, um sie in einem Zustand permanenter Zufriedenheit zu halten. Designation The game will take place 100 years before the Clone Wars take place, during the final days of the High Republic Era. Star Wars: The Fringe . Die Zeltroner sind eine intelligente, humanoide Spezies, die auf dem Planeten Zeltros heimisch ist. Haarfarbe Ähnlich der reptilischen Spezies der Falleen können Zeltroner von Natur aus Pheromone erzeugen, die die Gefühle eines fremden Wesens beeinflussen und somit auch sein Handeln maßgeblich verändern können. To him, the war will ultimately be decided in the stars, and what the Alliance lacks in sheer numbers, it more than makes up for in the quality and tenacity of its pilots. Homeworld Da diese Maßnahme die öffentliche Ordnung und Sicherheit auf Zeltros gewährt, wird sie im Allgemeinen auch akzeptiert. In this thread, you can give me characer concepts for starting characters and I will build that character to the best of my ability. Ihr auffälligstes Merkmal ist die rosafarben pigmentierte Haut sowie ihre … Die Zeltroner sind auch für ihre großen medizinischen Kenntnisse bekannt geworden, die sich besonders in einem von ihnen hergestellten und äußerst wirkungsvollen Antibiotikum zeigen. Zeltros Zeltroner Somit haben sie sich in der Galaxis einen Ruf für die subtile Gefühlsmanipulation angeeignet. Ungeachtet davon sind die Zeltroner in der Lage harmonisierende Duftstoffe – so genannte Pheromone – zu erzeugen und abzusondern. Distinctions In the middle of their epic battle against the Zhell, their … Average height The Zeltrons were created by Mary Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill and Tom Palmer. Most of them were considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even some non-humanoid standards. Zeltron Ihr auffälligstes Merkmal ist die rosafarben pigmentierte Haut sowie ihre pinken und dunkelroten Haare. Like many lupine species, Shistavanen had pronounced muzzles, sharp claws, long pointed teeth, and pointed ears set on top of their heads. Claws: When a Cathar makes a Brawl check to deal damage to an opponent, their attack deals +1 point of damage and has a Crit Rating of 3. Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. Alias(es) Playable(s) No Biological characteristic(s) Physical characteristic(s) Behavior(s) Homeworld(s) Zeltros Location(s) Notable members Level(s) Alignment(s) Zeltrons are a race of humanoids native to the planet Zeltros. 1 Biology and appearance 2 Society and culture 3 History 4 Behind the scenes 5 Appearances 6 Sources 7 Notes and references The Falleen were an exotic, cold-blooded reptomammalian species known to be long lived, with life spans averaging 250 years. Simple as that To kick this off and in light of the other thread about Force Users this … Dunkelrot Für diese Tat wurde sie in das Gefängnis von Brentaal IV eingeliefert. Abyssin3. Rosa Most of them were considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even some non-humanoid standards. Stattdessen werden sie für harmlose Zwecke eingesetzt. Humanoide[1] Adarian*P4. Santana as a Zeltron … Intelligent[1] Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The S-1 from Prax Arms includes a magnetic locking mechanism, allowing the user to retract or extend … Duingwogninini. Nutzung von Community-Inhalten gemäß. It consists of three different standalone games, each one conceived to play a particular type of character: Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (for playing smugglers, bounty hunters, pirates etc. Tammy as a Zeltron name: Tanni. Santana as a Human surname: Sandtamer. Indeed, their homeworld of Zeltros thrived as a luxury world and "party planet," as much for their own good as for others. Lyshaa, Deliah Blue, Luxa, Dani, Chantique, Demagol, Niebur Boton, Lissalh, Dejah Duare Die Zeltroner sind eine intelligente, humanoide Spezies, die auf dem Planeten Zeltros heimisch ist. Mithilfe ihrer telepathischen Fähigkeiten können Zeltroner sogar die Gefühle anderer wahrnehmen und zu ihrem Vorteil ausspielen. As a Zeltron name: Endanos. Beschreibung Found in the Unofficial (FFG Rules): Additional Species list For more information on … Affiliations: Beasts While there are certainly larger and more vicious creatures in the galaxy, the Rancor holds a special place in the nightmares of countless sentient creatures. The first was that they all produce potent pheromones, similar to the Falleen species, which enhanced their attractiveness and likeability. Galactic Basic Standard The second was a limited telepathic ability, used to project emotions onto others, as well as allowing them to read and even feel the emotions of others; some Zeltrons were hired by the Exchange for this ability. Shistavanen also possessed large glowing eyes, and could also run at high speed… There however seem to be quite a few people who are confused by the character creation, so I thought to myself, Let's help with that. Hair color How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Knights of the Old Republic 8: Flashpoint, Part 2, Knights of the Old Republic 10: Flashpoint, Part 3, Knights of the Old Republic 14: Days of Fear, Part 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Nights of Anger, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Daze of Hate, Knights of the Old Republic 22: Knights of Suffering, Part 1, Knights of the Old Republic 23: Knights of Suffering, Part 2, Knights of the Old Republic 28: Vector, Part 4, Knights of the Old Republic 30: Exalted, Part 2, Knights of the Old Republic 31: Turnabout, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Prophet Motive, Knights of the Old Republic 38: Faithful Execution, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Dueling Ambitions, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Reaping, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Destroyer, Knights of the Old Republic 47: Demon, Part 1, Knights of the Old Republic 48: Demon, Part 2, Knights of the Old Republic 49: Demon, Part 3, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8, Star Wars 87: Still Active After All These Years, Star Wars Miniatures: Legacy of the Force advertisement, ComicScan: Luke-ing For Love In All The Wrong Places, The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series, Barely Tolerable: Alien Henchmen of the Empire, Part 2, Viva Space Vegas! Red, blue, or brown Up to 80 standard years[1] Their Elixir of Infatuation was notorious for its powerful amorous effects. Adames as a Star Whiz human name: Adema. [Star Wars FFG] Rise of the Dragonfly (2/2) Forum Drachenzwinge www.drachenzwinge.de Teamspeakserver TS 3: drachenzwinge.de:9987: 03. Need help for your Edge of the Empire character creation day? Sie haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, anderen Lebewesen mithilfe ihrer manipulativen Fähigkeiten eine Freude zu bereiten. While some canon characters might be alive during that time period, don't expect a lot of interactions with them. 1.8 meters[1] I love Star Wars by FFG. Star Wars FFG. Want to discover art related to zeltron? This story will be focusing on the players themselves as the heroes of … Lyshaa, Deliah Blue, Luxa, Dani, Chantique, Demagol, Niebur Boton, Lissalh, Dejah Duare. Tammy as a Human name: Tammia. Abednedo2. Lebensraum Sociocultural characteristics Zeltron Species Biology, Society, and History. If anyone wasn't having a good time on Zeltros, the Zeltrons would certainly know of it, and would do their best to correct it. This will be a Star Wars game that uses the FFG rule system. Planetenoberfläche Light pink to deep crimson[1] A guide to creating star wars characters for Fantasy Flight's Star Wars Roleplaying Game. They still may not train Athletics or Stealth above Rank 2 during character creation. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Celina as a Star Whiz human name: Celana. Zeltrons were one of the few near-Human races who had differentiated from the baseline stock enough to be considered a new species of the Human genus, rather than simply a subspecies. Because of their telepathic ability, positive emotions such as happiness, love and pleasure became very important to them, while negative ones such as anger, fear, or depression were shunned. Most of them were considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even some non-humanoid standards. Skin color Pink/red skin, red or blue hair, capable of producing powerful pheromones. Doch im Gegensatz zu den Falleen sind die Zeltroner in der Lage, ihre Duftstoffe in Hinblick auf ihre spätere Wirkung zu präzisieren. It was common to see Zeltrons wearing shockingly bright shades of neon colors in wildly designed bikinis, or nearly skin tight clothing of other sorts with bizarre color designs, patterns, and symbols. They are a fun-loving species, placing recreation before other, less worldly interests. Language Eine bekannte Verbrecherin war Lyshaa, die sogar Fe Sun die Padawan der Jedi Shaak Ti ermordete. Mar 6, 2016 - Explore Caitlin Reynolds's board "zeltron diplomat" on Pinterest. They looked upon monogamy as a quaint, but impractical, practice. Intelligenz Jan 6, 2016 - Explore Low SP's board "FFG" on Pinterest. Zeltrons were known to dress in wildly colorful or revealing attire. with Star Wars I can never know if that's 'real' or just made … Agarian6. The Star Wars Roleplaying Game is a tabletop role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe first published by Fantasy Flight Games in August 2012. your own Pins on Pinterest Creatures of vast rage and single-minded carnage, Rancors are periodically captured by big game hunters, and shipped to new worlds as exotic pets. ; Adventure Log ; Wiki ; characters ; Maps ; character Quick.. 4, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Var Silverseed Sith.. Formidable warriors when they chose to be Maßnahme die öffentliche Ordnung und Sicherheit auf Zeltros gewährt wird... '' on Pinterest creation day the Star Wars FFG ] Rise of the Marvelous Wheel, Part 2 https! Zeltroner hatten sich auch zu einer Gemeinschaft von Kurtisanen und zeltron star wars ffg zusammengeschlossen die. Pursuit of all Zeltrons in General the Rebel Alliance zu erzeugen und abzusondern genannte Pheromone – zu erzeugen und.... 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