Welcome to all newly admitted UC San Diego students! As the inaugural academic event of the year, it marks your formal entrance into the UC San Diego academic community. Join us and Recreation for some mindful meditation and practice If so, please contact revwelcome@ucsd.edu. We want to celebrate and support the diversity of the transfer student experience. Photos must be taken selfie-style.Off-Campus Resident Rules : Any photos taken outside of your home should include you wearing a mask. Check out these instructions and gather your supplies ahead of time! This event is open to all undergraduate students. Established in 2014-15, Revelle Mondays celebrates its 5th year in 2019-2020! Events will connect new students with important campus resources and fellow incoming students. If you missed the first crafting session with the Advisors, join our intern Kathleen for an easy decorative space-themed DIY demonstration! Come join ACS-SA during week 1 for our Transfer Welcome Social! Welcome to Summer 2020 at UC San Diego! The Graduate Division and the Graduate Student Association have planned five weeks of virtual programming for new graduate students to introduce you to the UC San Diego campus community. Join our Zoom panel to hear from student speakers and advocates alike on opportunities to get organized around campus, make meaningful connections, and become the leaders we know you can be! Enjoy snacks; enter to win prizes; learn about special events, opportunities, and groups that are designed for you. Here is a full schedule of events that Muir College is offering this week! Revelle students gather with faculty and Provost Yu to enjoy a free breakfast of donuts, bagels and cream cheese, orange juice, coffee and tea. Take part in the fun and supportive activities, services and programs to find your place, make friends, and live the Triton Spirit! Note: Link to a printer-friendly version (PDF) of this calendar. I hope this finds you all healthy and excited to start this online quarter. Via Zoom *RSVP Required to Attend*2:00-3:00 pm (PDT), Join us for a live Q&A with Scripps Institution of Oceanography Alumna and current NASA Astronaut, Jessica Meir Ph.D.Jessica Meir was selected by NASA in 2013. Search Search: This Site All UCSD Sites Search! Over the next five weeks, we hope to provide you with resources and a community for your time here at UCSD. This year we are producing a virtual Convocation experience to welcome all freshmen and transfer students. Photos must be taken selfie-style. Once you RSVP you will receive your zoom link to attend!By RSVP'ing you will be entered into a raffle for the chance to receive a special limited edition Welcome Week space-themed sticker.For all other Welcome Week events visit twow.ucsd.edu For ALL General Campus events visit virtualstudentunion.ucsd.edu, via Zoom. Grader: Viraj Sanghvi, vsanghvi@ucsd.edu Grader: Ben Schocket-Greene, bschocke@ucsd.edu This event is free and open to all current UCSD undergrad and graduate students with valid PID. This is a great opportunity to meet other transfers majoring in or interested in chemistry and find your community. Take part in the fun and supportive activities, services and programs to find your place, make friends, and live the Triton Spirit! This is a chance to gather, build community, and let the move-in stress go away!Bust out your blue and gold and let’s dance! Dr. Meir most recently served as a flight engineer on the International Space Station for Expedition 61 and 62.Learn more about her work with NASA at https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/meir-u-jessica. Attendees enjoyed a free dinner while taking advantage of the opportunity to catch up with peers and interact with the ACS-SA officers. Check out these instructions and gather your supplies ahead of time! See the UCSD-approved academic calendar for 2019–2020. Via Zoom,*RSVP to Attend*5:00-6:00 pm (PDT). Come and set your intentions for the academic year. Welcome Week, an annual tradition at UC San Diego, fosters Triton Spirit for both new and returning students. Teaching Assistant: Ahmed Akhtar, a1akhtar@ucsd.edu Office Hour: Tu 3:30-4:30 pm. Join in on the zoom associated with your college and meet an Outreach Program intern and other out-of-state students! To view other calendar years (past and future), see the menu.. Pop in anytime between 12pm-3pm to meet with UC San Diego staff & faculty and visit their virtual booths to learn more about how to get connected and involved. Week 1: Friday, October 9 at 6:30 – 8:00 pm. This event is open to all undergraduate students. Along with the college events, there are also campus wide and department focused Welcome Week events. Matcha is the only student-run engineering career conference at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).This week-long event provides students with the opportunity to learn, network, and interact with top tech companies through info sessions and workshops. Completing this scavenger hunt in groups may subject you liable to violating UC San Diego’s physical-distancing and face-covering policies. Join us for a Q&A talk with Scripps Institution of Oceanography Alumna and Current NASA video producer, Lauren Ward.Lauren Ward is a science communicator and alumna of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. Welcome New Graduate & Professional Tritons! We hope you take advantage of this great opportunity, we look forward to meeting you. If you are not currently an on-campus resident you can join in by completing the "Hunt at Home" list which will give equivalent tasks! The Teaching + Learning Commons has put together a list of resources designed to support you in your teaching role this summer. Week 2 – Finals week: Walk-In Advising: Monday and Thursday mornings: 10:00am – 11:45am We are happy to share more about each of our orgs and what they have to offer!For a sneak-peek into each student org and what they do, visit Virtual Involvement Fair, Via Zoom, *RSVP To Attend*7:00-9:00 pm (PDT). Join us for a Q&A talk with Scripps Institution of Oceanography Alumna and Current NASA video producer, Lauren Ward. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Brown University, a Master of Science in Space Studies from the International Space University, and a Doctorate in Marine Biology from Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UCSD). This event is open to all undergraduate students and graduate students. Monday – Friday: 10:00am – 11:45am and 1:30pm – 3:30pm *You must sign in at least 15 minutes before the end of the walk-in period to meet with an advisor. Vendor Fair Fall 2020 Updates. See More. 8:00-9:00 pm (PDT)Zoom meeting ID: 931 2431 2726Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2697318203815432. You are not eligible to win both. Learn more about what UCSD Undergraduate Colleges have to offer. We're excited to announce this year's influencer is none other than David Dobrik! Hangout with our Warren Peer Advisors to learn how to make relaxing geode bath bombs and get your academic questions answered! UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230 Welcome Week, an annual tradition at UC San Diego, fosters Triton Spirit for both new and returning students. We will be randomly selecting 2 on-campus residents and 2 off-campus participants to win $25 and $15 UC San Diego Bookstore Gift Cards. UC SAN DIEGO PSYCHOLOGY FALL 2020 FIRST YEAR WELCOME | PAGE 2 NEW FIRST YEAR SUMMER TIMELINE NOW AUGUST 12-17 SEPT 28-OCT 2 OCTOBER 1 ... • Welcome Week 2020 • Fall quarter classes begin Careers in Mind 2018 by Francesca Hummler. See a list of consistent quarterly deadlines, arranged by week. Come to our virtual student involvement fair and learn more about Warren student organizations!Once you join, we will be giving out zoom links for our orgs "virtual" tabling event that will take place throughout the duration of this event.Each org at Warren College will host a zoom room where you can ask them your questions between 4:00pm-5pm. Hosted by the Undergraduate Colleges International and Out-of-State Outreach Program. We may not be able to gather physically together as Tritons… but we can during this party, GLOBALLY! Registration & Zoom information for each week’s events will be sent out the week before. Here is a full schedule of events that Muir College is offering this week! Learn more about what UCSD Undergraduate Colleges have to offer. If you are not currently an on-campus resident you can join in by completing the "Hunt at Home" list which will give equivalent tasks! Bust out your blue and gold and let’s dance! Via Zoom *RSVP to Attend*5:00-6:00 pm (PDT). There is a lot going on, make sure to check out the official Welcome Week website so that you don't miss Convocation dinner, unolympics, welcome dinner and along with many other amazing activities! *RSVP to Receive your link! Pre-Registration link is in the link above. However, new transfer students should enroll in MUS 101A, and also take the proficiency exam for the 2 series, to determine if tutoring would be needed in 101A. Once you join, we will be giving out zoom links for our orgs "virtual" tabling event that will take place throughout the duration of this event. ... 2020 and closes Monday, December 14, 2020. We will be randomly selecting 2 on-campus residents and 2 off-campus participants to win $25 and $15 UC San Diego Bookstore Gift Cards. 2020 New Student Welcome Convocation : September 29th | 4 pm (PST) The 2020 New Student Welcome Convocation is the kick-off event of Welcome Week for all new students. This event is open to all undergraduate students. ", 6:00-8:00 pm (PDT)Zoom meeting ID: 995 0624 3564Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/217786033005895. If you cannot make the Welcome Week date, attend the first day of class, whether you are registered or not. Visit the Virtual Student Union to participate in events, programs, and opportunities all year long! Some Welcome Week programming is mandatory, and all of the information you will receive is important. *Visit the link for more information*6:00-6:30 pm (PDT). Supplementary textbook material Provost Marisa Abrajano. Welcome Week, an annual tradition at UC San Diego, fosters Triton Spirit for both new and returning students. The Economics Department’s hope and goal for this quarter is to provide as high a quality intellectual experience as We hope that you join in on this celebration! Join by clicking link in Canvas page. Help judge the Warren RA's in a baking decorating competition inspired by the hit Netflix show "Nailed it! Warren College and campus-wide departments host exciting and informative events and open houses to welcome new and returning students. Join in on the zoom associated with your college and meet an Outreach Program intern and other international students! During this time, she also participated in research flights on NASA’s reduced gravity aircraft and served as an aquanaut in an underwater habitat for NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO). 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM The first week of the fall quarter (Week 0) is Welcome Week at UC San Diego. Course Information: Lectures: M 6-6:50p, Tu, Th 12:30-1:50p Quizzes: some Mondays, 6-6:50p (see Schedule of lectures and quizzes link above) Discussion: Wed 6-6:50p Problems: Th 5-6:50p Course Text: Serway, Moses, Moyer, Modern Physics, Third Edition (2005).Get hard copy or ebook at UCSD bookstore , or elsewhere (amazon etc). Via Zoom, *RSVP to Attend*4:00-5:00 pm (PDT), Get involved! Each College hosts its own unique activities for welcome week! The 2020 New Student Welcome Convocation is the kick-off event of Welcome Week for all new students. Below is the schedule for our Graduate Triton Weeks of Welcome from August 25-September 25, 2020. Over the next five weeks, we hope to provide you with resources and a community for your time here at UCSD. Revelle College Weeks of Welcome 2020. FALL 2020 - Proficiency Exams: *Visit the link for more information*7:00-8:00 pm (PDT). If you do not live on campus you should complete the Off-Campus Tasks. We’re kicking off Fall quarter with our well-loved “ ” event, a moderated conversation with students’ favorite online personalities. Orientation is an exciting & required next step for your entry and transition into UC San Diego! Each College hosts its own unique activities for welcome week! Below is the schedule for our Graduate Triton Weeks of Welcome from August 25-September 25, 2020. Triton Fest virtually welcomes back all new and returning students for another fun-filled event series! RSVP by clicking the title of the event you want to attend and filling out the registration details. It's more fun to craft together! Prior to this job opportunity, Ward obtained a Master of Advanced Studies degree in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Scripps in 2015. Due to COVID-19, the 8-week Summer Bridge program will be held remotely this summer. Join this virtual event on Wednesday, September 30th & discover the many academic, recreational and student centered departments available at UC San Diego! Join UC San Diego during the Triton Weeks of Welcome (TWOW). King Triton invites you to tune into our socially-distanced zoom dance party featuring entertainment from DVC! Hosted by the International Studies Program The International Studies Program is happy to have transfer students from different walks of life. online • AS Safe Rides Program All you have to do is take a selfie (with masks on), at the locations listed! If you are a resident you may only complete ONE of the tasks list. 4-3931, e-mail: jhirsch@ucsd.edu Office Hours: M 2-3 pm, F 2-3 pm. *Visit the link for more information*8:00PM. We're excited to announce this year's influencer is none other than David Dobrik! Welcome back to UCSD! On Campus Resident Rules : You MUST do this hunt individually and with your masks on while outdoors. UC San Diego. Go Tritons. At UC San Diego, we love our Triton Transfers! You must register at the link to get in the zoom! Join Warren Res Life as we kick off October with a spooky movie and a Netflix Watch party! Are you interested in in serving as a Revelle Welcome Week Ambassador for Welcome Week 2020? During this unprecedented and difficult time not only in our country but worldwide, the team at Warren are working hard to ensure that you are being supported and welcomed at UC San Diego. Hosted by the Undergraduate Colleges' International and Out-of-State Outreach Program. UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230. As the inaugural academic event of the year, it marks your formal entrance into the UC San Diego academic community. You must register at the link to get in the zoom! Join in on the zoom associated with your college and meet an Outreach Program intern and other out-of-state students! Graduate Triton Weeks of Welcome 2020. From 2000 to 2003, Dr. Meir worked for Lockheed Martin’s Human Research Facility, supporting human physiology research. We recognize that some of you may already have experience with remote teaching, while this … Alexandra Elle is a writer and creative living in the Washington, DC metro area with her husband and daughter. Learn about the many resources and opportunities that are available at UC San Diego and Marshall College. Via Zoom, *RSVP to Attend*11:30 am-12:30 pm (PDT). Copyright © 2021 Regents of the University of California. Contact: jboard@ucsd.edu; Revelle Programming Board (RPB) Contact: revrpb@ucsd.edu; Revelle Transfer Student Network (UCSD RTSN) Contact: gbagunu@ucsd.edu; Revelle Welcome Week Committee. via Zoom. Welcome Week; Welcome Week 2019 Upcoming Events. The UC San Diego Fall 2020 Vendor Fair scheduled for Monday, October 26 – Friday, October 30, 2020 has been cancelled due to campus directives related to COVID-19. We’re kicking off Fall quarter with our well-loved “ ” event, a moderated conversation with students’ favorite online personalities. Where you can find the most up-to date information for in-person Recreation. Unless otherwise indicated, events are open to all students. Log In. She’s currently working as a video producer for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, covering topics related to the earth and oceans. *12:00-1:00 pm (PDT). • #USvsHate: Enter the Contest! See more of Revelle College Weeks of Welcome 2020 on Facebook. Hosted by the Undergraduate Colleges' International and Out-of-State Outreach Program.Hosted by the Undergraduate Colleges International and Out-of-State Outreach Program. online • Art Highlight: Asian American Writer's Workshop. All rights reserved. Via Zoom *Register to Attend*6:00-7:00 pm (PDT)Join the Commission on Warren Spirit for a night of fun competitive games via Jackbox Games and meet other students! King Triton invites you to tune into our socially-distanced zoom dance party featuring entertainment from DVC! Join by clicking link in Canvas page. After a quick game, everyone moved into the auditorium where the officers shared a brief presentation on the events planned for this quarter. What are you passionate about? This is a chance to gather, build community, and let the move-in stress go away! Don’t miss residential move-in activities, New Student Welcome Convocation, Triton Fest, and much more. Use password: SPOOKYNITE to enter the watch party! Gain insight into the Marshall philosophy and academic mission. This is a great opportunity to learn more about student involvement as well! At Warren College, Welcome Week begins after new student Orientation and continues through the weekend leading up to Week 1.RSVP to register for all of our events via the Zoom included in the description. This event is free and open to all current UCSD undergrad and graduate students with valid PID number. or. I would like to extend a warm welcome to both new and returning students to Earl Warren College. We cant take you to the moon but we can show you how to make cool moon geode rocks at home! online • Art Highlight on the QZAP . Welcome Week; Welcome Week. Locations (Please only take a photo OUTSIDE the buildings as to not disturb operations). At Earl Warren College we’re passionate about helping our students find the right resources to express themselves and have their voices be heard. This course sequence is required for music majors. Registration & Zoom information for each week’s events will be sent out the week before. Register via Zoom . Revelle College is partnering with Muir College for their Who's Got Game: Virtual Game Night! Triton Fest virtually welcomes back all new and returning students for another fun-filled event series! Welcome Week and Week 1. via Zoom. As part of the Tritons Week of Welcome (TWOW) series of events, author, poet & wellness consultant, Alexandra Elle, will speak the UC San Diego community via Zoom. Monday 10/19/2020 A Place for Non-traditional Transfer Students. Welcome back to UCSD! December 27, 2020 at 12:28 PM. Check back for more information. Playfair is the perfect way to make new campus friendships and reconnect with other students! Our first GBM of 2020 was a welcome back social. Welcome New Graduate & Professional Tritons! ** Hours are subject to change. See the 2019–20 academic and administrative calendar. San Diego, February 20 - 23, 2007: From flying tomatoes, to undergraduate research, graduate poster competitions at Research Expo, a heavy-hitting job fair, and a semi-formal party just for students, the Jacobs School of Engineering celebrated National Engineering Week in a big way. UC San Diego is committed to a Summer Bridge program that will provide the best experience for you. Take part in the fun and supportive activities, services and programs to find your place, make friends, and live the Triton Spirit! Meet new and current students, as well as staff and faculty. “National Transfer Student Week 2020.” Pre-Registration link is in the link above. The 2020 New Student Welcome Convocation is the kick-off event of Welcome Week for all new students. Instructor and TA Information - Instructor: Jorge Hirsch, Ext. Hosted by the Undergraduate Colleges' International and Out-of-State Outreach Program. Triton Fest is proud to partner with the office of Associated Students Concerts & Events to welcome both incoming and returning students to the UC San Diego campus with our Virtual Fall Y’all Festival! UC San Diego’s physical-distancing and face-covering policies, UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230, Triton Fests Presents : Under the Influencer with David Dobrik, King Triton's Blue & Gold Virtual Dance Party, ASCE & Triton Fest Presents: Virtual Fall Y'all, UC San Diego Into The Universe with NASA Special Guest Jessica Meir, https://www.nasa.gov/astronauts/biographies/meir-u-jessica, Earl Warren College and Thurgood Marshall College Presents : Advocacy in Action, UC San Diego Into the Universe with NASA Special Guest Lauren Ward, https://www.facebook.com/events/217786033005895, https://www.facebook.com/events/2697318203815432. Tuesday 1/5/2021 @7pm Zoom ID: 947 8845 8199. Join the Warren College staff for a quick lunchtime hangout to learn more about our staff and ask questions about what to expect for Fall quarter! Learn more about what UCSD Undergraduate Colleges have to offer. As the inaugural academic event of the year, it marks your formal entrance into the UC San Diego academic community. See our website for any changes. Via Zoom *RSVP Required*12:00-1:00 pm (PDT). Join the Orientation Leaders for a virtual gaming hangout and social! Spots are limited and on a first-come, first-served sign up. Learn more about Warren College Student Organizations and Groups as they take over Warren College social media! From: mfamulari@ucsd.edu Subject: Welcome to Spring 2020 Date: Monday, March 30, 2020 7:45:44 AM Dear Economics students, Welcome to Spring quarter 2020! . This event is open to all undergraduate students. Our transfer students make up about 33% of the undergraduate population and are a valued part of our campus community. All you have to do is take a selfie (with masks on), at the locations listed! All incoming UCSD transfer students are invited to the Transfer Welcome: a social designed to help you meet other incoming transfers. Current Students Search Menu. ... e for their Who's Got Game: Virtual Game Night! Fall Welcome Week 2020 Welcome Week is filled with important activities and sessions designed for new students living on and off campus. Join us on a COVID-friendly scavenger hunt and explore our beautiful campus. Calling all new transfer students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry! via Zoom. In our National Transfer Student Week Event, we are hosting transfer students whose education at UCSD is just a small part of their busy life. Can’t wait to see you there! Deadline to Submit : 7:00PM (PDT)Join us on a COVID-friendly scavenger hunt and explore our beautiful campus. Math 204A - Number Theory (UCSD and online, fall 2020) Course description: This is the first in a series of three courses, which is an introduction to algebraic and analytic number theory. 11:30 am-12:30 pm ( PDT ) join us for a Virtual gaming hangout and social Colleges have to.! 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