Weapons/Gear: Various from Merchants, including Rope Ascender and Lockpick This page features locations of 3 chests and 34 survivalist caches. Continue forward along the ledge, then use the horizontal bar to swing forward. Here's where they are and how to get to the center.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (screenshot) Trade with her if you like, then climb to the top tier to find the entrance to the temple. An dieser Stelle findest du externe Inhalte von [PLATTFORM]. Viele der Artefakte im neuen Tomb Raider findet ihr auch in Krypten oder Gräbern. The tricky part is that the game does not tell you what to do and unlike Collectibles, the Challenges do not get marked on the map. (This crypt does not count toward the Speak of the Dead Challenge.) Check Your Map for the Location of the Outcasts. Condor nests look a lot like regular birds' nests, but they are marked with a special condor head icon. If you're attempting to unlock all the achievements/trophies, you should also unlock Serpent's Strike and Serpent's Fury (Scavenger) by the middle of the game so you can use the latter to unlock the Chain Gang achievement/trophy. Copyright © var curDate=new Date(); document.write(curDate.getFullYear()) Stellalune ( If you'd rather rely on weapons, go for the Serpent's Glint (Scavenger), which lets you craft flare rounds for the pistol. Comment. Damit werden personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt. The rest of this area, including the pool to the northwest and the nearby WOLF DEN and a CRYPT, are covered later in this walkthrough. It is covered in the HIDDEN CITY REVISIT walkthrough. The area north of the Paititi Market and west of the river is a mostly open area devoted to farms and fishing. The trick is not to try and swing back and forth while hanging, just maintain forward momentum. MOUNTAIN TEMPLE ENTRANCE: There's a base camp early in the next level, but before heading to the temple entrance, you may want to spend any Skill Points you've accumulated, buy and sell items, upgrade your weapons, and possibly change outfits. Shadow of the Tomb Raider has 16 Challenges but only 15 are needed for 100% Completion (Completionist trophy and achievement). You probably didn't have time to notice or care, but upon your return to the city, a Silver Statuette, the serpent-shaped key, was added to your Artifacts collection in the Path of the Stars Story. If you gather all the major collectibles in the LOWER CITY and complete the TEMPLE OF THE SUN CHALLENGE TOMB, you should have several Skill Points to spend before you even start the next part of the story. Shadow of the Tomb Raider Tipps - Collectible Guide - Gadgest und Videos, Shadow of the Tomb Raider Tipps - Collectible Guide - Monolith, Krypta, Grab, Ingame-Maps, Bildergalerie zu Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Tipps & Karten der Sammelitems, (u. a. XCOM 2 Collection für 16,99€, Bioshock: The Collection für 11,99€, Mafia 3: The Definitive Edition für 13,99€, GTA 5: Premium Online Edition für 16,99€, The Outer Worlds für 27,99€), 50% Rabatt im ersten Monat bei 4players.de, (u. a. Examining the tomb stele unlocks the Seeker Skill Hoatzin's Hunger, which automatically increases the amount of natural crafting resources Lara obtains from each source. (screenshot), WEAPONS: NEP-14 AUTOMATIC PISTOL (6,100 gp), GEAR & AMMO: LASER SIGHT - for all rifles (2,800 gp), ROPE ASCENDER (3,300 gp), LOCKPICK (2,800 gp), Venom (for poison ammo), Dart Poison (for fear arrows), Flare Rounds, Poison Grenades, Fear Arrows. Etzli, the boy, tells his mother about someone named Hakan who has been acting suspiciously. You'll probably just want to explore on your own, but in case you need help finding certain collectibles, here are some highlights. (screenshots). Für die 100 Prozent Spielfortschritt benötigt ihr sämtliche Herausforderungen in den einzelnen Regionen (mit Ausnahme der Challenge im Croft-Anwesen) des neuen Abenteuers von Lara Croft. For now, just follow the woman, who at last introduces herself as Unuratu, Paititi's Queen in Exile. As you're doing this, Lara hears someone struggling nearby. On the left, just before the doorway with the path leading down to the pool, is another rope-ascender barrier. This is the most complicated side quest in the Hidden City. Just as you're about to jump clear, another cult soldier grabs Lara and they crash down through the next building ahead. Tombs. 1. Beyond the ledge is a second set of quipu and a cave opening beyond. I'm just breaking things up so that hopefully it will be easier to find each item. Challenge Tombs: 1  Challenges: 4  Treasure Chests: 2  Crypts: 2  Relics: 17  Documents: 24  Murals: 16  Survival Caches: 22  Monoliths: 5  Archivist Maps: 4  Explorer Backpacks: 4  Unuratu examines the silver key Lara found and suggests that it belongs to the Mountain Temple, near where the cult is holding Etzli. ABANDONED VILLAGE (revisit): This is the isolated area in the jungle to the northwest of the city. Detailed strategy guide for Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. You can, however, explore the lower city freely before meeting up with Unuratu to advance the plot. Solltet ihr euch noch nicht für Lara Crofts neues Abenteuer entschieden haben, so lest unbedingt unseren Test zu Shadow of the Tomb Raider. NOTE: This level is BIG so I'm breaking it up into three sections: the Lower City, the Upper City, and Hidden City Revisit. Jedoch nutzt ihr hier die Möglichkeiten für Upgrades eurer Waffen sowie Laras Skills. Talk to Ushu in Unuratu's Home; Go to Kabil in … var postemail8809='' Now that you're back in one piece, you receive an XP award and a radio call from Jonah. (screenshots) Continue through the low tunnel to the west. Unterstützt PC Games – es dauert nur eine Minute. There's no hard demarcation between Paititi's various neighborhoods. Run between the citizens on the left and cultists on the right and climb onto the wooden scaffolding. As far as I know, these two merchants offer the same wares throughout the game. After a bit of strategizing, they agree that Unuratu will attempt to rescue her son while Lara goes after the Box. Dabei erläutern wir euch die Monolithen, die euch Geheimnisse offenbaren, je besser Lara Croft die Schriften entziffern kann. Start by running up the stairs directly ahead when the cutscene finishes. A, There's a cave opening a few steps north of the camp, on the west side of the river. KEEP CALM AND CARRION CHALLENGE: As you explore Paititi you'll come across a number of condor's nests. Die Legende der Ingame Map bietet euch die Angaben, wie viele der Items ihr in den entsprechenden Levels findet. Wir erhalten für einen Kauf über unseren Link eine kleine Provision und können so die kostenlos nutzbare Webseite teilweise mit diesen Einnahmen finanzieren. Mit diesen Tipps zu Shadow of the Tomb Raider liefern wir euch einen Leitfaden, mit dem ihr spielend die 100 Prozent Spielfortschritt erreicht. You can explore this side area now, but to save backtracking, we'll combine it with part of the Hearts and Minds Side Mission during the HIDDEN CITY REVISIT walkthrough. Details are included on two separate pages MISSION 3: RETRIEVE THE KING'S HORN and MISSION 4: RETRIEVE THE SAVIOR'S AMULET. Continue around the stone wall to an open area with an altar decorated with skulls. From the Wild Jungle Base Camp in the Paititi wilderness (which you can activate via the Draw Weight Heavily side mission) follow the water along to the left. The Hidden City relics, map and backpack locations *Starred camps are outside the city proper and are not counted in the total on the in-game map. You have to navigate the village with just your map so try to stop and look at your map constantly to check if you're going the right way. They are very helpful when going for 100% game completion. Comments. (, The ladder east of relic and document #10 leads to the level above. A bit farther on, someone asks the queen about the newcomer. (Some of these unlock later in the game when you have the skills to use them. By Justin Towell 05 January 2021. (screenshots) The boy shows Lara the entrance to the temple and tells her she'll know the area she seeks by the smell of death. This will enable you to read the Fluent Yucatec monolith (5/7) in the Temple District. The CRYPT and PATH OF BATTLE CHALLENGE TOMB west of the city will be covered later. Completing the missions also earns XP and 250 gold pieces, though I'm not sure where a little kid like Takiy would have gotten all that money. You'll only find three tombs in The Hidden City. (*) Affiliate-Links haben wir mit einem Sternchen gekennzeichnet. When you return to Paititi after the BELLY OF THE SERPENT and HEAD OF THE SERPENT levels, Etzli is captured and Lara must outrun a group of cultists. The list shows 10 side missions in Paititi the Hidden City. Darüber hinaus findet ihr auch Schatztruhen, für die ihr jedoch einen Dietrich benötigt. To avoid problems, I highly recommend changing your save slot in the pause menu at least once per level. Shadow of the Tomb Raider > The Hidden City 100% If you like the straight forward guides and like to see more in the future, please show support by WHITELISTING CAMZILLASMOM.COM in your ADBLOCK . (screenshot) If you pet 5 llamas you'll unlock the Como Te Llama achievement/trophy. Once you pass through it the first time, the two main merchants will be marked on your map. Side Missions: 4 – Find Takiy's Dice, Seek Out the Outcasts, Retrieve the King's Horn, Retrieve the Savior's Amulet 5/15/19 - Added note about large resource/ammo containers becoming available after unlocking the Seeker skill Crow's Hoard. Angle the camera toward the nearest quipu, a little to the left, and start swinging back and forth a few times to gather momentum. (screenshot) Rest at the camp if you like. Loot 3 nests to complete the Keep Calm and Carrion Challenge. The short version is Lara saves the life of a boy who turns out to be the son of one of the Hidden City's leaders. If you can't patch for some reason, you may want to avoid buying all but essential equipment (e.g., satchels and pouches, and later the rope ascender, lock pick, knife upgrade). for (i=0;i