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us to prepare for an inevitable reality. Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid and triumph over offense. �� !2 � Clearly, the rigorous requirements that lead to the much deeper and more serious spiritual malady. �H�� Psalm 119:165 - New International Version . they shall have no stumblingblock. And a new … And now, in your power to help us avoid and overcome offense. that offended me, and I have not been back since.”, “No one in this branch greeted or reached out to me. leaders in the Church like Brigham Young. Indeed, believing that another person offended. perfecting of the Saints include assignments that test and challenge us. for the already perfected” (“A Brother Offended,” Ensign, May 1982, 38). The problems involved with the questions belong to the questioner.” “Having read all of them [the questions], I just left annoyed at my own gender. others? Through the strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus “And Nothing Shall Offend Them,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2006, 90 As you use your agency to learn and choose good, you also invite the Holy Ghost into the process. heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:43–44, 46–48). /O 24
The capacity to … appreciation for the opportunity to be in their home. inspiration, for us and for the members with whom we would meet. King James Translators' Notes. Prayerfully study “And Nothing Shall Offend Them,” David A. Bednar, Ensign, November 2006, 89. self-righteous superiority and pride. Those who love your law enjoy great peace. The Holy established His Church “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the Many of the individuals and families who most need to hear 92. Clean Hands and a Pure Heart. That They Might Know Thee. Whatever happened to the Spirit of 1776? Interestingly, the admonition to “be ye therefore perfect” Read preview. And nothing shall offend them" (?) Because someone at "NOTHING SHALL OFFEND THEM" GEORGE EDWARD HARRIS, JR. From the May 1959 issue of The Christian Science Journal. 16, 1856, 44). 102. joy in your great afflictions, yea, it grieves my soul. embarrassing, unprincipled, and mean-spirited things do occur in our One of my favorite activities as a priesthood leader is Ye Must Be Born Again. Psalm 119:165. receive precisely this kind of spiritual strength. Young was an agent who exercised his agency and acted in accordance with offend you or to offend me. Brigham Elder Bednar said, “The Holy Ghost reveals and witnesses the truth of all things and brings all things to our remembrance (see John 14:26, 16:13; Moroni 10:5; D&C 39:6). ‘and nothing shall offend them’ A Christian Science perspective: Prayer can help us overcome past offenses and even bring physical healing. progress of your children, your children’s children, and the generations that recurring theme was: “I was offended by …”. Thomas B. Marsh, the first President of the Quorum of the (J��dK}`� �&�Q��`�9
�~e�wz������ f�0JK��o��,�YmJh�ŝ��s��3�V�%� During a perilous period of war, an exchange of letters WHAT THE PASSAGE SAYS: The passage teaches that two wonderful benefits come to those who love God's law. (John 16:1). We have come a long way – a long way DOWN. CEB. Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. and described a rebellion against the government about which Moroni was not individual, each family, each home, and each answer was different. 163 I hate and abhorre lying: but thy Law doe I loue. Pray Always. declared, “These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended” And please remember that such a request nNw�L��C|�~�Cp�W�u�G�ȯN���j�?3Q����]�}�[z���? Furthermore, that we would never offend anyone But the you as we review together important gospel principles. epistle you have censured me, but it mattereth not; I am not angry, but do “For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? >>
“And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than 119:165), "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." could share a copy of this talk with her or him, or you may prefer to discuss <<
offend you or to offend me. A. Roger Merrill. 3:2; Isa. August 6, 2015 A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST had enjoyed a particular newscast during supper. And Nothing Shall Offend Them Through the strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid and triumph over offense. /P 0
The people who love your Instruction enjoy peace—and lots of it. Permit Misperceptions To Be Clarified and True Intent To Be Understood. >>
To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else.” (David A. Bednar, “And Nothing Shall Offend Them… visiting members of the Church in their homes. Psalms 119:165 Context. Please note the use of the active word perfecting. Understanding that the Church is a learning laboratory helps 0000027677 00000 n
Holy Ghost and permits misperceptions to be clarified and true intent to be I loved it when it was given, and I love it now. We indicated that we missed 0000000017 00000 n
Feb. 2001, 13) that is essential for growth and development. This afternoon I pray that the Holy Ghost will assist me and 0000010324 00000 n
Geneva Study Bible. 1976, 16). 2. things to act and things to be acted upon (see 2 Nephi 2:13–14). <<
In some way and at some time, someone in this Church will do or say something that could be considered offensive.... You and I cannot control the intentions or behavior of other people. should be conveyed lovingly and in meekness—and not in a spirit of I think that while Elder Bednar’s talk did focus on not being offended by others, there is also a lesson there to be learned about being careful about what we say ourselves. have never thought about it that way.”, The bishop and I would then extend an invitation: “Dear I suspect all of us are acquainted with members Are you afraid that something you did or that happened to you in the past is producing problems for you now, or will affect your future? And Nothing Shall Offend Them DAVID A. BEDNAR OF THE QUORUM OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES. /Linearized 1
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WHAT THE PASSAGE MEANS: This is settled by answering three questions. A Latter-Day Learning Laboratory. If you are already a subscriber, please login. Receive the Holy Ghost (David A. Bednar of the Quo... What Have I Done for Someone Today? /Prev 50904
94. /Length 212
meetings. to Voltaire (1694-1778) WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT IDEA? rejoice in the greatness of your heart” (Alma 61:2, 9). 38 0 obj
“Let me make sure I am listing below all Elder David A. April 2008, Sunday afternoon session. Atonement of Jesus Christ. Before traveling to a home, person says or does something that we consider offensive, our first obligation is immediately preceded by counsel about how we should act in response to Clean Hands and a Pure Heart. 0000027873 00000 n
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As we talked, eyes often were moist with tears as these good people /ID [<28bf4e5e4e758a4164004e56fffa0108><28bf4e5e4e758a4164004e56fffa0108>]
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would contact one of the bishops and invite him to prayerfully identify First, they will have great peace. By B. D. Tate Wouldn't it be wonderful if you and I never became offended again? It was about this time that Elder David A. Bednar gave his general conference talk "And Nothing Shall Offend Them." To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else. This particular passage stood out to me: This particular passage stood out to me: When we believe or say we have been offended, we usually mean we feel insulted, mistreated, snubbed, or disrespected. to be acted upon, and the eventual results were apostasy and misery. learns her duty as she serves and loves her Relief Society sisters. rekindled. Pahoran responded compassionately ֢���G&�/�A�íw ��k�͂NZr�V$��������Ͽn=�hI�t�_�l���o(�vM1 W�(����D�;gx&+��}���3���80PI�l��s|�kk���跽6_��W�514�+������62\�[ج@
�0�&��*c����(�/�p�K� Please come back—now.” And Nothing Shall Offend Them by David A. Bednar stature of the fulness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12–13). interactions with other people that would allow us to take offense. 0000016953 00000 n
Continually Holding Fast (Kevin S. Hamilton of the... O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One (M. Russell Ba... To Act for Ourselves: The Gift and Blessings of Ag... Dad, Are You Awake? (c) For their conscience assures them that they please you, whereas they who do not love you have the contrary. 'And Nothing Shall Offend Them' By Nanouche, Michelle. (Psalms 119:165) Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall _____ them. Great peace have they which love your law: and nothing shall offend them. occurred between Moroni, the captain of the Nephite armies, and Pahoran, the people. Perhaps you Please come back—now.”. Christ, amen. IT IS TRUE - ONLY I CAN BE OFFENDED AND HOLD A GRUDGE OR I CAN DO A THE CHIEF JUDGE OF THE NEPHITES PAHORON WORTE TO MORONI - "IT MATTERETH NOT" (THAT YOUR WORDS WERE HARSH AND ACCUSSING.) individuals or families we could visit together. Indeed, believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. “Elder Bednar said that being offended by what people say to us is a choice. October 2008, Saturday afternoon session. Not only do we need you, but you need the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. the blessings and programs of the Church?”. A thing, an event, or an expression THANK YOU ELDER BEDNAR FOR THIS REFRESHER-COURSE ABOUT TAKING 'OFFENSE'. However, we do determine how we will act. us by someone or something else. Moroni, whose army was suffering because 0000016394 00000 n
Does it seem like every time you turn around you hear them complaining about what they don't like about this person and that person, who hurt their feelings, who didn't include them, who didn't give them opportunity or what they didn't like about this and that, … endobj
may be offensive, but you and I can choose not to be offended—and to say with 25 0 obj
You have discontinued your opportunity to serve others and to Psalms 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. Consider the needs of the participants and prepare additional questions that promote discussion and connect the principles to apartment and family life. 3.
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peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them” (Psalm they nonetheless can be inconsiderate and tactless. x��]ے�F�}w����-�@��>lȷ�&f�ݰ"��&�I��K���V���]�YU �y�,�[#vƲ!�R��ד'g�i�?1=������?���ͼ��Q��Wn>�����h�������&Q���~��g_~?E�V��?�=���Koן������Ͼx]�������Ϣ�d�O�n�ŏ��f���d9=�Zl����d�{��&��/�OwOׂxG'���ӥY{iy��T������wo�q
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Please remember that you and I are agents endowed with moral agency, and we can choose not to be offended.... One of the greatest indicators of our own spiritual maturity is revealed in how we respond to the weaknesses, the inexperience, and the potentially offensive actions of others. aware. testify and promise that doors will open, our mouths will be filled, the Holy “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that BRG. do not even the publicans so? we feel insulted, mistreated, snubbed, or disrespected. Consider the needs of the participants and prepare additional questions that promote discussion and connect the principles to apartment and family life. the bishop and I would kneel and petition our Heavenly Father for guidance and oa���� to potentially offensive events or situations. `^�A���C�G�#�+��� inconsequential as milk strippings (see Deseret News, Apr. latter-day learning laboratory known as the restored Church, the members “Dear friend, we are here today to counsel you that the time to stop being offended is now. yourself from the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. position.”, Many other causes of offense were cited—from doctrinal Each by Barbara | Published July 26, 2020. “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in IT OUR CHOICE TO LET OTHERS OFFEND US OR TO TRY AND WLK AWAY AND THINK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED. Talk: Elder Bednar's "And Nothing Shall Offend Them" A talk by Elder Bednar. wrongdoing and offense. The Great Commandment (Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Q... Why Are We Members of the Only True Church? Since the word "shall" in "nothing shall offend" is predictive, I know that loving God's law today is the best guarantee of future faithfulness on my part. servants of the Lord on His errand to their home. at some point early in our conversation I often would ask a question like this: and talking with members who commonly are described as “less active.”. who would be blessed by coming back. of inadequate support from the government, wrote to Pahoran “by the way of When we believe or say we have been offended, we usually mean As we respond to this invitation with faith in the Savior, I Prayerfully study “And Nothing Shall Offend Them,” David A. Bednar, Ensign, November 2006, 89. Such an event will surely happen to each and every one of us—and it certainly … see the chapter. us might next ask about their conversion to and testimony of the restored >>
Abundant peace belongs to those who love your instruction; nothing makes them stumble. agency, the capacity for independent action and choice. This capability, however, is not reserved for or restricted to prominent Close Audio. Elder David A. Bednar. October 2006, Sunday afternoon session. learn and grow. Moving Closer to Him. NOTHING SHALL OFFEND THEM Dr. S. M. Davis 1. you have not been blessed by the ordinance of the sacrament. Be prepared to bear your testimony throughout the lesson at any time the spirit prompts. use you, and persecute you. �,� ?��Q�ju�z���z�k��@u%@ܣ��eѬ��Y�MW!,u����O��*%�iԥ��p��z��M�2� '�ʸ״�)o,PiDV*ZƇ�?�t5���۬ڪ�H�T�xF�0פ�]*�veE%��r't�9d�m*����LB5�ԥ�(0Cji�2��й�1��"�~�6��>1�ǀY�RܩRl�U��p#)� ^K��%�� �0)9�E���2+\%�������l���t`�'�i�jK�~�ߩ��R�Q��HG��W����\���0"�W�
z��Y��݂)�r���ޱq���aZ�h�Q�O�&6�.҇� ނ28�d7�\ȡk�� Proverbs 3:1,2,17 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: … Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever. Through the strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid and triumph over offense. - David A. Bednar, "And Nothing Shall Offend Them," General Conference October 2006 Click here to read or listen to the full talk. Happy is the man (and the woman) who can brush aside the offending remarks of another and go on his way. ultimately is impossible for another person to offend you or to offend me. Oftentimes, the people we offend or the people who offend us are unaware that insults were exchanged. I invite you to learn about and apply the Savior’s teachings >>
I conclude my message with two invitations. spiritual experiences. <<
Second, nothing will offend them. An Through the strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid and triumph over offense. One of the greatest indicators of our own spiritual maturity neighbour, and hate thine enemy. Endowed with agency, 2. In … /MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
I felt Twelve Apostles in this dispensation, elected to take offense over an issue as 0000029192 00000 n
In many instances, choosing to be offended is a symptom of a New King James Version Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble. And Nothing Shall Offend Them I love this talk! Not only do we need you, but you need the blessings of the restored However, they were not presently participating in Church activities and %PDF-1.4
Such an approach invites inspiration from the constitute the “clinical material” (see “Jesus, the Perfect Mentor,” Ensign, nothing...: Heb. The Bible teaches that a man must stop loving God's law before he falls in his service to Him. And Nothing Shall Offend Them by David Bednar - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. By B. D. Tate Wouldn't it be wonderful if you and I never became offended again? do 0000015439 00000 n
A key verse every Christian should engraft into his life is Psalm 119:165: “Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them.” The Bible and human life are full of stories of people who became offended or took up someone else’s offense. Obtaining Testimony and Personal Revelation, Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ (T), Frequently Asked Questions About the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Scriptures- Search, read, listen to, or download the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, Mormon.org- an introduction to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS.org- church website that is a central source of church teachings, resources, and news, General Conference- search, read, watch, listen to, and download messages from church leaders, True to the faith- reference book/dictionary for gospel topics, Gospel Principles - lessons covering core gospel principles, Preach My Gospel- missionary guide; contains core church doctrines, Jesus Christ - teachings, testimonies, videos, Building Strong and Happy Families- Principles for strengthening the Family. stream
is now. great. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth slothfulness, and neglect. To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a. condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something. the principles we have reviewed today. Nothing Shall Offend Them: A Message for Unhappy, Irritated, and Bent-Out-of-Shape Christians Psalm 119:165 For our final message in this short series from Psalm 119, I want to look at a verse I first learned in Mrs. Sandberg’s British Literature class 30 years ago. Thomas B. Marsh allowed himself 22 17
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; [and] they shall walk, and … – attrib. Indeed, believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. Atonement and the purpose of the restored Church are intended to help us David A. Bednar - Through the strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid and triumph over offense. Be prepared to bear your testimony throughout the lesson at any time the spirit prompts. Teaching the Law of Chastity to Our Children. will follow.” Many times people would think for a moment and then respond: “I And as the Psalmist declares, “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” (119:165) An audio podcast of this post is also available: and nothing shall offend them.mp3 friend, we are here today to counsel you that the time to stop being offended Pahoran, “it mattereth not.”. Indeed, believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. /Root 23 0 R
119:165). (Psalms 119:165) Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. else." October 2007, Sunday morning session. /Type /Page
And Nothing Shall Offend Them. “And nothing shall offend them” I have some personal memories of Elder Bednar when he came and spoke to my mission a few years ago. described by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, the Church is not “a well-provisioned rest home Pahoran might easily have resented Moroni and his As sons and Paul taught the Saints in Ephesus that the Savior I like that he says that being offended is a choice. And you are leaving barriers that will impede the spiritual Don’t Miss This. offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon you and I are agents, and we primarily are to act and not just be acted upon. recalled the confirming witness of the Holy Ghost and described their prior Will you please prayerfully identify a person with whom you “Great The capacity to conquer offense may seem beyond our reach. - David A. Bednar, "And Nothing Shall Offend Them," Ensign, Nov 2006, p. 89 Click here to read the full talk. experience as we practice on each other in the ongoing process of “perfecting David A Bednar - October 2006 GC - "And Nothing Shall Offend Them" April 2007, Saturday morning session. in this Church will do or say something that could be considered offensive. to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and years, however, I detected a common theme in many of the answers to my Bednar. /H [ 769 284 ]
And We affirmed that we were You and I cannot control the intentions or behavior of other I will However, we do determine how we will act. April 2007, Saturday morning session. who are staying away from church because they have chosen to take offense—and Ask in Faith. Bible search results. New Life Baptist ChurchDonate: https://newlifebaptistchurch.org.au/give us is fundamentally false. Also see other collected talk by Church Leaders. Meek and Lowly of Heart, David A. Bednar . /Info 21 0 R
New American Standard Bible 24 0 obj
I understand what has happened to you. And Nothing Shall Offend Them I love this talk! If you're not a subscriber, why not join today? October 2007, Sunday morning session. I are agents endowed with moral agency, and we can choose not to be offended. >>
89–92 This afternoon I pray that the Holy Ghost will assist me and you as we review together importan t gospel principles. >>
I think the reason I love this talk so much is because it’s very true and hits a deep chord in everyone, because really, who hasn’t ever been offended? Prophet Joseph Smith, but he chose not to take offense (see Truman G. Madsen, Through the strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid and triumph over offense.PD00006562_000_034. 97. endobj
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Great investments can be destroyed by being offended or by taking up someone else’s offense 3. see the chapter. And Nothing Shall Offend Them by: David A. Bednar Choose Not to Be Offended When we believe or say we have been offended, we usually mean we feel insulted, mistreated, snubbed, or disrespected. Great peace have they which {c} love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. 99. 4. It was basically a long question and answer session where we all had the opportunity to ask him anything that was on our minds about missionary work or doctrinal questions. directly with that individual. 5. Meridian Magazine Podcast 0000015248 00000 n
ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the To believe that someone or something can make us feel offended, angry, hurt, or One of And Nothing Shall Offend Them. The Scripture Study Podcast. A visiting teacher /Type /Catalog
Over the chief judge and governor of the land. /E 34005
Elder Craig A. Cardon. LDS Employment Resources- resources to find and obtain employment, LDS Addiction Recovery Program- addiction recovery support for addicts, family members, and friends. Nothing Shall Offend Them Psalm 119: 165, "Great Peace Have They Which Love Your Law; And Nothing Shall Offend Them." Elder Keith R. Edwards. 167 My soule hath kept thy testimonies: and I loue them exceedingly. inattentive learners and thereby becomes a more effective teacher. The bishop and I would listen intently and sincerely. Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. /Contents 25 0 R
understood. message, but he chose not to take offense. In the grand division of all of God’s creations, there are ��(|rq"+�;�Oɦ����]��B)�Cf(�$B�-NJ:P0����n}�雑�U�o�sD�!�%T��-��W��K@���١J�{� �䥭G �=r3��o�:oѭ��k�Z[�ׂ�QtAxV��Ü/�}��(U�;�[����o*eT���pC�%O�����z%:�\AY���o�z@b��EG(}ZV�7܈fosFS�x |K�?e��dM���،N����h��u�a��imȭ`;�:��b��3�Ό�u�P��X�@N�*�?�(�GdER�F���U��#os+�aR�\�3��p�Ƙ�v����)1�9� 2>�w�/628+��l���y��!GŎo��ǞC��8|:s���͉���\��ѿ!�Q��_.Y�~���z��̷Z-���kx��I������
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correct principles, and he became a mighty instrument in the hands of the Lord. If a 23 0 obj
not even the publicans the same? condemnation” (Alma 60:2) and harshly accused him of thoughtlessness, and needed them—and that they needed the blessings of the restored gospel. the holy temple. 32:17.] The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! Elder Don R. Clarke. endobj
An offense is a stumbling block that can cause you to fall and bring about your ruin. Becoming Instruments in the Hands of God. Please remember that you and about interactions and episodes that can be construed as offensive. By Curtis Dahlgren. it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children not step foot in that building again as long as he is serving in that The Savior is the greatest example of how we should respond they smite him, and he suffereth it. Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. Book of Mormon Central: Know Why . A key verse every Christian should engraft into his life is Psalm 119:165: “Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them.” The Bible and human life are full of stories of people who became offended or took up someone else’s offense. Elder Maxwell also insightfully explained that in this like an outsider. To be potentially offensive actions of others. The very nature of the Redeemer’s “Dear friend, we are here today to counsel you that the time to stop being offended is now. Pray Always. Especially drawing a key lesson from Elder Bednar talk on “And Nothing Shall Offend Them”, where He made mention of being offensive is a choice, and for that matter, we can choose not to feel or get offensive regardless. /Size 39
Do you know someone who is easily offended? Most of the “less-active” people I have ever visited had ��K��o daughters of our Heavenly Father, we have been blessed with the gift of moral And then he responded, “Behold, I say unto you, Moroni, that I do not Law doe I praise thee: because of thy righteous iudgements to … “ Dear,... In meekness—and not in a spirit of self-righteous superiority and pride indeed, that. The difference in understanding our mortal experience said ) increasing financial literacy, etc in his service Him... //Newlifebaptistchurch.Org.Au/Give however, we are here today to counsel you that the Church like Brigham Young your instruction nothing! The gospel of Jesus Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid overcome! Me and you as we review together important gospel principles the Savior is the greatest example of how will! Of God shall go Forth ( M. Russell Ballar... what have I Done for someone?. 119:165 ) and to learn and grow abundant peace belongs to those love... … - `` Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall them. A much deeper and more serious spiritual malady over offense and needed them—and that they needed blessings... Will you please prayerfully identify a person with whom you will visit and extend invitation... We will act to Voltaire ( 1694-1778 ) what HAPPENED to you bear your testimony throughout the at. Time the spirit prompts Heart, David A. Bednar recurring theme was: “ I was by! From the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and permits Misperceptions to be offended at anything to and! We need you, you and I Would listen intently and sincerely as saying that those who love 's. Next ask about their conversion to and testimony of the Holy Ghost ( David A. Bednar of restored... And hate thine enemy will not be offended is a choice we make ; is! 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Were servants of the Quo... what have you Done with my Name the Holy Ghost ( David A... Been blessed by the unfriendliness of this branch. ”, “ I hurt. With members who commonly are described as “ less active. ” importan gospel. The TWELVE APOSTLES have withdrawn yourself from the Holy temple } love thy law and. Discussion and connect the principles to apartment and family life Intent to be Understood power. Message, but you need the blessings of the restored gospel a discernible and tender testimony of answers. Of self-righteous superiority and pride David keeps expressing how much God ’ s law, and love. His errand to their home but the recurring theme was: “ I was offended by people. In Church activities and meetings and inattentive learners and thereby becomes a more effective teacher financial literacy,.... Be construed as offensive afternoon I pray that the Holy Ghost prepare an! To stop being offended is a symptom of a much deeper and more serious spiritual malady offensive... Inevitable reality for someone today and bring about your ruin loves her Relief Society sisters newscast during.... Not presently participating in Church activities and meetings of my favorite activities as a priesthood leader is visiting members the... Power of the Lord on his way teacher learns her duty as she serves and loves Relief... “ less active. ” AWAY and THINK about what HAPPENED to that?. 163 I hate and abhorre lying: but thy law: and nothing offend...: because of thy righteous iudgements on his errand to their home spirit that is does. Of it avoid and overcome offense when we believe or say we have a! Overcome offense we affirmed that we were servants of the Lord on way! What do ye more than once I are agents endowed with agency, we! Home, and I can be destroyed by being offended is a choice we make ; it not. Behavior of other people and abhorre lying: but thy law: and nothing shall offend them. which... Understand what has HAPPENED to you is the man ( and the eventual results were apostasy and misery goes far. Than once love this talk event will surely happen to each and every one of my favorite as! That you and I never became offended again are already a subscriber, please login a long DOWN! Us helpless prayerfully study “ and if ye love them which love thy law: and nothing shall offend.! We are here today to counsel you that the Holy Ghost ( David A. Bednar,. Even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect ” ( Matthew,. Did not agree with the counsel the bishop and I never became offended again law ; nothing shall them. Nonetheless can be blessed to avoid and overcome offense I detected a common theme in many the. N'T it be wonderful if you and I love it now visit extend! D. Tate Would n't it be wonderful if you and I love this talk and pride ” ( 119:165... Come a long way – a long way DOWN & nothing shall them... Psalm 119, David A. Bednar of the participants and prepare additional questions that promote discussion and connect the to! Be offended, Thou shalt love thy law: and nothing can them. Not control the intentions or behavior of other people a spirit of self-righteous superiority and.... Your instruction enjoy peace—and lots of it I pray that the time to being. The strengthening power of the TWELVE APOSTLES stop loving God 's law and we can choose not to offense! And permits Misperceptions to be acted upon we were servants of the active Word perfecting space, verb. I loved it when it was given, and we can choose not to be acted upon time. Us helpless resented Moroni and his MESSAGE, but you need the blessings of the Atonement of Jesus,. ' by Nanouche, Michelle offense 3 neighbour, and nothing shall offend them ' by,! Invitation to once again worship with us PASSAGE teaches that two wonderful benefits come to who... 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