Gym Lobby Suck him into the Poltergust and active your slam attack to inflict heavy damage. This attack can easily be dodged. Dispatch them and one of them will drop the Door Key. The steward is a hotel ghost that works around in moving the luggage and suitcases of the hotel. The Beach Now, go with the cat to the Lounge. Before proceeding, we can grab one last Gem. We’ll now need to ring the bell a few times. Before leaving this room, we can grab one more Gem. Do this a couple of times until you hear creepy laughing. After doing that, a bunch of ghosts will appear around you. This will have the glass case on the right side of the area open. Acquire a boxing glove from this room and throw it at the punching bag. It’s a bit tricky to defeat Johnny Deepend. Blow on the one that is close to you and you will obtain another key. Have Gooigi use the Poltergust to suck the arrow on the valve all the way to the left (into the orange part of the gauge) to drain the water. One of Luigi's Mansion 3's biggest attractions is the return of boss ghosts with unique personalities, such as the Portrait Ghosts from the original game. Upon arriving on 13F: Fitness Centre we can grab a Gem pretty much immediately. On the floor directly in front of the elevator is a circular section of floor with a dumbbell on it. In total, there are 16 Boos that you have to find and capture. Once the steam has gone, you will have to face some more ghosts. Locker Room Defeat them all to get the key to the locked door. Some are rolled up, others are open. Walk through the fence on the right to grab the Gem [6/6] (13F: Fitness Centre – Green Gem). Use this opportunity to approach and stun the boss with the Flash attack. Eliminate them to obtain a key. In this guide, we’ll show you their map locations and … Proceed through the now unlocked door into the Locker Room. This part of my Luigi’s Mansion 3 Walkthrough covers the Fitness Center Floor 13, including all the fitness center gems and how to beat the swimmer boss who keeps tossing volleyballs at you. Once the goggles are removed, he becomes vulnerable to attack. We can roll or open them using the Poltergust. Eventually another Goob will show up. This will disarm him, allowing you to easily beat him. There are a total of 102 gems scattered across the 17th floor of the Luigi’s Mansion. In the left side of the locker room area, you’ll find another desk and two doors. Defeat them all for a chunk of money and a Gem [5/6] (13F: Fitness Centre – Purple Gem). As soon as you come out of the elevator, stand on the circle in the middle of the room and you’ll see the cabinet on the right hand side of the room open slightly. Enter the door on the left to reach the Gym Lobby. Upon arriving back in the yoga room, use the Door Key on the door. This section of the Fitness Center is the Weight Room. Summon Gooigi to stand on the circle with you and the cabinet will open all the way, revealing the Yellow Gem in a glass case. This will make him dizzy; use this opportunity to send Gooigi through the gate on the left, and hide him behind the diving board. Shower Room During the first phase, the boss will stay in the water and will throw water polo balls at Luigi. Category:Luigi's Mansion 3 Bosses. Twisted Suites This portion of the Luigi's Mansion 3 guide covers the Fitness Center walkthrough including all the fitness center gems and how to beat the swimmer boss. Once the boss has been defeated he’ll drop a new Elevator Button – 14F. Wir hoffen, dass unser Guide Sie führt und Sie Chief Luigi’s Mansion 3’s 13F Fitness Center has six hidden gems shaped like a … Enter the door on the left side of this room to reach the Weight Room. Scott Pilgrim vs The World: Complete Edition Review – A Victorious Return, Immortals Fenyx Rising Review – A Fun Open World That Fails to Stand Out, Godfall Review – Enjoyable Until You Start Noticing Its Flaws, Observer System Redux Review – Twisted To Its Core. Locker Room. The 13th floor in Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a Fitness Center, which is haunted by the ghost of a water polo player. Follow the path here to the left, grab the Door Key from the Treasure Chest and then shimmy across the narrow ledge back to the door again. This Luigi’s Mansion 3 Boo Locations Guide will show you all the locations where you can find the Boo enemies. The haunted hotel of Luigi’s Mansion 3 gets twisted as we near the very top of the tower. In this room, go into each compartment and cut off the water supply using your vacuum. Here, you will fight the boss of 13F, Johnny Deepend. List of all bosses in Luigi's Mansion 3. Once the yoga mats are matching the posters, a secret door will open leading to an outdoor area. We are now into the final boss fight of third floor in Luigi’s Mansion 3, enter the room and you will see the boss grabs a water gun. During the events of Luigi's Mansion 3, there are a number of Boos to be found throughout The Last Resort. Now, you will have to face the cat for the last time. To the right of this is a sign showing a swimmer. Once the pool is empty, switch to Luigi and walk to the right. There is a group of Mini Hammers, a Hammer and a Slinker in here. Defeat them all to unblock the doors. Updated November 6, 2019. As Gooigi you have to save yourself from water or else Gooigi will melt. 13F TRAINING ROOM [PURPLE GEM] Go to the boombox at the back of the room, and flash the radio until it lands on its third station. For Luigi's Mansion 3 on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How to put Gooigi back to Poltergust". Defeat them all before using the Door Key to open the door. Pick up one of the waterpolo balls and throw it at the boss to stun him. Jump to navigation Jump to search. At this point, return to the treadmills and use Dark-Light to reveal a Goob holding a Gem and two Gold Goobs. After getting the key, go back through the passage and defeat all the ghosts. They appear after obtaining the floor's elevator button, and leaving and returning. If you look in the mirror in the background whilst doing so, you will see a small compartment open in the opposite wall showing a Gem. Place Gooigi behind the pillar here, if you don’t the boss will shoot water at Gooigi to melt him. After defeating all the ghosts in the Weight Room, go to the right to enter the Gym Lobby. Here, the ghost cat will come back, so you will have to go after him. Kevin Thielenhaus / Features / Guides, Luigi's Mansion, luigis mansion 3, Nintendo Switch / Captain Shark (12F The Spectral Catch) Encountered on 12F, Captain Shark is the toughest boss so far. He’ll throw another volleyball into the window summoning a group of Goobs. As such we need to find another way. Climb the ladder down into the now empty pool.The boss will be stuck in the drain at the centre of the pool and will be invulnerable to your attacks for a short time. This will drain the pool. The first thing you need to do is to recover a ball and wait for him to throw his own ball at you. Upon tracking down the Polterkitty for a second time you will receive the Elevator Button for 14F. Do this entire process two more times to get to the crank at the back. Whilst he is stunned, run up and Poltergust suck the goggles off of his head. Initially you won’t be able to fight the Goobs here (although they can still attack you). Pages in category "Luigi's Mansion 3 Bosses" The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total. After it leaves, use the elevator to go back down to the 12th floor. When you reach the 11th floor, go to the left and travel along the footprints; this will lead you to a room full of hats. Defeat them both to proceed. On the floor directly in front of the elevator is a circular section of floor with a dumbbell on it. However, a leaked cartridge allowed Homebrew users and people buying from select retail stores to play it since October 26th, 2019.12 It was revealed in the September Direct/9.13.18. Boodybuilder – 13F – Fitness Center; Boosician – 14F – The Dance Hall; To read more about Luigi’s Mansion 3, check out our guide on Floor 3 gems, multiplayer co-op with Gooigi, Rare ghosts, and learn about how long it will take to beat the game. This room, just like the last has a locked door on the right side. Go up on stage and open the box using the suction cups. Once here, go to the office and flash the cat above you. We’ll now arrive in the shower room. This guide contains all the information you need to know to easily beat the 13F level in Luigi’s Mansion. Once all of the showers are off, the steam in the shower room will disappear and we can fight the Goobs as per normal. This will lead you to the Shower Room. The boss fight is quite simple as Steward has just one attack, which is where he picks up the suitcases and hurls them at Luigi. Pick up the soccer ball on the ground nearby and shoot it at the sign to have it break and spit out a Gem [3/6] (13F: Fitness Centre – Blue Gem). Luigi’s Mansion 3’s 13F The Spectral Catch has six hidden gems shaped like skull and crossbones. Now, exit using the right door. When he is stunned, send Gooigi through the fence on the left side of the swimming pool. Return to the elevator (be careful as there is a Trapper ghost in the Gym Lobby by the exit). Boo are invisible ghosts that only reveal themselves when you use Luigi’s Dark Light. After dispatching the first three, a new wave will appear consisting of 7 Goobs and three Slinkers. After beating the first ghost, get a boxing glove using your suction device and throw it at the second ghost. Follow it through the 13F: Fitness Centre, through the Pool area where we fought the boss to the shower room. In this area there will be two Hammer ghosts waiting for you, one with some boxing gloves and the other throwing large weights. Go to the Shower Room and open the basket. No one has been proven to have claimed an S-rank yet, but if one exists, it's likely over $100,000. After trapping Johnny Deepend, go through the door on the right and head back to the elevator to install the button. Explore 12F - The Spectral Catch – Part 2, Explore 12F - The Spectral Catch – Part 1, Nintendo to acquire Luigi's Mansion 3 developer Next Level Games, Luigi's Mansion 3 Multiplayer DLC part 2 released, Collectibles and Other Useful Item Locations. There is a hidden passage here which can be unlocked by vacuuming the second mat on the right, and then the first one on the left. Use this key to unlock the door and progress through the floor. To do so have Gooigi drop down the large drain in the middle of the floor. Upon arriving on 13F: Fitness Centre we can grab a Gem pretty much immediately. He needs to walk to the opposite side of the pool from Luigi where we’ll find a valve. Here, go across the tavern to reach the beach. Updated November 7, 2019 The 13F of the Last Resort is home to the hotel’s Fitness Center. Before leaving the lobby, return to the bell and keep ringing it. Go through the locked door to the Locker Room. This will trigger a combat scenario. We need to Find and Defeat Polterkitty for a second time to retrieve it. In the lower, left corner of the room there is a set of stairs leading to a weight machine and some scales. The Lounge This will scare him away. The Fitness Center is the 13th floor in the game to be unlocked, after rescuing the yellow toad and defeating Captain Fishhook. Lu igi’s Mansion 3 is the latest exclusive for the Nintendo Switch that deals with ghosts, puzzles, and lots of interesting boss fights. Here, you’ll also find answers to the yoga mat puzzle, the shower puzzle, the exercise machines puzzle, and more. Between throws, we can move out from behind cover, pick up one of the balls. In order to harm Chambrea, the player needs to stun… As for higher, the original Luigi's Mansion had an elusive Rank S at an enormous sum of money. In this room, find the cat by triggering a Burst close to the hat on the top left. The next section of the Fitness Center will be the locker room. … Now, wait until a weight is thrown towards him by the second ghost. One of Luigi's Mansion 3 's biggest attractions is the return of boss ghosts with unique personalities, such as the Portrait Ghosts from the original game. One of the trickiest is Polterkitty, also known as Polter Kitty. To reach this floor you need to get the elevator button from Captain Fishook on floor twelve. A. Amadeus Wolfgeist; C. After defeating them, go to the pool on the right. What Does Ubisoft’s New Star Wars Game Mean for Fallen Order 2? He will lock himself behind a grill, so Luigi cannot cross. From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia. Get Luigi to stun the boss once again and then switch to Gooigi and have him Poltergust the valcve’s arrow all the way to the left. Go through this passage and obtain the key from the chest, which is on the balcony. After that, you will have to fight some ghosts, which were summoned by the cat. The same can be done for the exercise bikes but instead of activating them, just use the Poltergust blow function to have the pedals go until the lights fill and the compartments open. The door at the top of the screen is blocked. The music will get creepy and scare Luigi. Here, you'll also … A scene will play, followed by a boss fight. Use Dark-Light on the recess here to have a bell appear. You’ll see a valve on the wall here and two pools of water. We can use this to unlock the locked door. These are one of the hidden materials that you need to discover in Luigi’s Mansion 3 game. One of the machines will give you the Door Key. Once you’ve eliminated all the ghosts in this room, go through the door on the left and walk to the training bikes. Again, we need to find a Door Key to get it open. We need to match the yoga mats to the posters. If you attempt to go through the left-hand door here, you’ll find that it is locked. Once that is done, join the boss and flash him after throwing some balls at him. Now, make your way to the Weight Room using the door to your left. As you enter, you’ll see an Oozer. After the cutscene ghosts will appear. On the back wall there is a mirror. Use your vacuum to suck it up and then fire the case into something to break out the gem. Approach the reception desk and note the recess on the far right of it. Stand on these scales. Luigi’s Mansion 3: 13F Fitness Center Guide. When he does that, throw your projectile at him. We’ll see a scene introducing the area boss below. For the treadmills, activate them and then run until all of the lights fill to have a compartment open. Once all the ghosts are defeated, walk through the door. This is the first boss that you will encounter in the game. We need to throw this at the boss when he rises up out of the water to throw at us (or to showboat) to stun him temporarily. 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