Bouthillier’s landmark article:, Ziyal — Proposed classification of segments of the internal carotid artery: anatomical study with angiographical interpretation, Arthur Day:,,,, Pingback: Carotid Artery Dissection Dementia Genetic Fistula Treatment | The Brain Improvement. The sphenoid ridge is drilled out. 3D-DSA view (left), from medial to lateral, of the same aneurysm, underscoring its typical lateral growth pattern. Granted, saying “paraophthalmic” does not mean much, but it sure streamlines things when statistical and research matters are discussed. The ascending pharyngeal artery occasionally takes off from the proximal ICA also, as does the occipital. There is much variability in the lengths and angles of the petrous segments. The procedure carries low mortality and morbidity rates, as shown in the authors’ series of 55 patients with giant ICA transitional aneurysms. These lesions frequently present when small (less than 1 cm), producing retro-orbital headaches, oculomotor nerve deficits invariably involving the pupil (posterior-inferior projecting), or subarachnoid hemorrhage.3 This aneurysm and other distal ICA lesions have a higher risk of rupture than OphSeg aneurysms when small, as their walls and fundus are not secondarily reinforced by adjacent dural structures or overlying visual system. High bifurcations are disadvantageous for vascular surgeons but not for carotid stents per se. Now that we have the general layout, before getting into pathology, we must review some segmental classifications of the ICA. A small waist (pink arrow) is sometimes seen where the artery enters the petrous bone. In the setting of a developmentally hypoplastic PCOM, it is particularly important to decide whether a given aneurysm is PCOM or choroidal. Medially-projecting transitional segment aneurysms are a special category, since they frequently fall under the distinct rubric of “carotid cave” aneurysms. As discussed above, currently available imaging modalities cannot visualize dural rings, nor estimate their integrity in case of adjacent disease. Images below are pre and post Pipeline embolization. This uncertainly mirrors the underlying trans-segmental nature of many aneurysms found in the area. After the diagnosis is confirmed by cerebral angiography, the question of management arises. Terminus aneurysm asymmetrically involving the A1 segment. Liu and colleagues1 describe a less invasive approach in which a submandibular cervical carotid artery–to–supraclinoid ICA interpositional saphenous vein graft precluded the need for direct exposure of the aneurysm or extensive drilling of the temporal bone. This system was also based on careful microsurgical dissections and optimized for present-day aneurysm clipping. Cheng and colleagues12 and Auyeung and associates13 described the successful use of covered stents in three hemodynamically unstable patients who had massive epistaxis as a result of rupture of petrous ICA pseudoaneurysms that were radiation induced. Tumors within the space include paraganglioma (MR high-velocity flow voids), schwannoma (tubular lesions with intramural cysts), and neurofibroma (target appearance on MR; low density on CECT). At the top of the terminal segment, the ICA finally bifurcates into middle and anterior cerebral arteries. Spearman's correlation analyses were used to obtain significant information of coexistence of an intracranial aneurysm with an extracranial internal carotid artery stenosis. Notice tight turn at petrous-cavernous transition (curved arrow) due to aneurysmal mass effect. In practice, the anatomy of Cavernous Segment is dependent on size and morphology of the cavernous sinus, which has a variable and complex anatomy, both in terms of size and compartmentalization. Cavernous sinus lesions can compress the trigeminal (Gasserian) ganglion and these include: Benign trigeminal heuropathy is a transient sensory loss in one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Unruptured giant aneurysms in this location had a rupture rate of 40% in 5 years, according to the International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms. Many of these lesions are now encountered incidentally during the evaluation of headaches or other neurologic symptoms. Right ICA injection shows redundant A1 segment (white arrow), another developmental anatomical variant. Right common carotid artery cervical angiogram demonstrates an aneurysm of the right internal carotid artery upper cervical segment which measures 33 x 25 x 29 mm. Persistent hypoglossal artery is one such branch (See neurovascular evolution). The internal carotid artery enters the skull base through the carotid canal, where it begins a series of 90° turns which lead it to eventually terminate as the middle and anterior cerebral arteries. Aneurysms of the transitional segment are heterogeneous in all respects. The first classification was devised by Fischer in 1938, designating intracranial ICA from C1-C5, against direction of blood flow. Most paraclinoid aneurysms have a broad neck; therefore, neck occlusion will be difficult. The same ICA and choroidal perforators play a prominent role in reconstitution the MCA, via the lenticulostriate group, in setting of Moya-Moya (below). Notice proximal origin of the ophthalmic artery (distal cavernous or perhaps transitional segments) and a hypertrophied recurrent meningeal branch of the ophthalmic artery (yellow). This “transitional” or clinoid area has been subject of much surgical attention. This can be occasionally a cause of embolic stroke due to blood stasis over the shelf, more likely than hemodynamic narrowing. Short horizontal segment (white), vertical segment (red), lacerum subsegment (purple) and mandibulovidian artery (lower purple arrow) bifurcating into mandibular and vidian branches. (C) Left internal carotid artery angiogram on post-embolization day 8 showing thrombus at the site of stent deployment (arrow) and occluded internal carotid artery by thrombus. The cavernous segment can be subdivided into various segments, as seen below. I suggest that a catheter angiogram, rather than cross-sectional studies, is the best way to make this determination. This young man presented with a transient language dysfunction: The same appearance angiographically, with a somewhat posterior course in the lateral projection (, Defined as that portion of the ICA located within the cavernous sinus — see dedicated, The second important branch of the cavernous segment is the Inferolateral Trunk (, On occasion, one can appreciate slight enlargement in ICA caliber within the cavernous segment. There are also immediately practical endovascular implications in terms of navigability, catheter support, and implant (stent) behaviour around the various curves. The medial border of the cavernous ICA is reinforced by bone, and aneurysms only very rarely expand there. It seldom occurs until the second decade or affects the corneal reflex. saccular aneurysms rarely form in association with the more consistently visualized MHT and ILT, which are first in line to receive the brunt of supra-petrous ICA inflow. Frontal and lateral projection DSA views of left ICA injection, demonstrating typical puff of smoke Moya-Moya appearance, achieved by reconstitution of the MCA via anterior choroidal (purple arrow) and terminal segment (white arrow) perforators though the MCA lateral lenticulostriate group (black arrows). As treatment of carotid siphon lesions continues its overall shift towards endoluminal (flow diversion) methods, previously critical surgical and endosaccular distinctions are receeding in prominence. The series is published in Neurosurgery 51 [Suppl 1]:121–158, 2002; of particular interest to this discussion is Chapter 3, which deals with Aneurysms, and Chapter 9 — The Cavernous Sinus, The Cavernous Venous Plexus, and the Carotid Collar. Mycotic aneurysm. Exposure of the sylvian fissure in this case showed the ICA, optic nerve, and ophthalmic segment ICA aneurysm. How to spot one — an aneurysm projecting medially from the ICA slightly below the “usual” origin of the ophthalmic artery is potentially a cave aneurysm. The series is published in. In practice, this is of little value, since ballpark estimates can be made anyway, and precise localization (say when a transitional aneurysm is present) leaves room for doubt anyway. Images in this section will direct one towards recognition of this state and its therapeutic implications. Therefore, it is a potential conduit to the ophthalmic artery, expressed in its full prominence as the dorsal ophthalmic (red arrow). They can arise quite proximally, almost at the level of the ophthalmic — such  that a medially poining aneurysm arising at the level of, but separate from, the ophthalmic ostium may in fact be a superior hypophyseal kind. Notice also, on lateral DSA projection, a small ICA indentation at the genu of the cavernous sinus (marked “Cavernous Sinus Boundary). A brief overview of ICA anatomy. Intracranial or intradural internal carotid artery aneurysms include those aneurysms from the carotid cave to the carotid terminus. It is potentially important in terms of accessing the internal carotid artery with large-diameter catheters, increasingly utilized in modern endoscular procedures. Finally, it is not the purpose of this page to advance a particular classification: the object is to illustrate the anatomy and pathology of the ICA; the NYU classification is used because we find it most useful at the moment — as long as there is understanding of whatever anatomy the classification describes, any scheme is fine. Unlike the PCOM, which may be deliberately closed with clips or coils to cure an associated aneurysm in most cases, the choroidal should better be kept open. This is an important topic, addressed in a dedicated “Patient Information Carotid/ Vertebral Dissection” page. This simple and elegant classification, predating the era of dural rings and clinoid discussions, continues to be in use. This man presented with intractable epistaxis, in setting of immune deficiency secondary to lymphoma. Day 1 angio shows very subtle spasm on the hypophyseal segment. Aneurysm orientation implies that a view from underneath the ICA (along the yellow arrow) would be most helpful in profiling the neck. In my experience, most patients or parents cannot recall any impressive head trauma. We are just getting started here… stay on target. In the interest of space and time, the cavernous segment section is truncated here. A short but very important segment, where the ICA is sandwiched between the PDR and the Distal Dural Ring, (which marks the intradural transition), is neither intracavernous nor intradural. Whether this is physiologic, within a particular cavernous compartment (akin to constriction of the vertebral or radiculomedullary artery when piercing the dura), or a marker for future Cavernous Segment aneurysm development is unclear. 3. The cavernous segment ends when the ICA passes through an opening in the anterior cavernous sinus wall called the “proximal dural ring” (PDR), which extends from the inferior surface of the anterior clinoid process to the medial carotid wall. After this short segment, the ICA goes through another dural ring, called the “distal dural ring”, and then becomes intradural, or subarachnoid. Unlike in coiling, the optimal view for pipeline is one that shows the proximal and distal ICA “landing zones” of the device, rather than optimizing view of the neck. Lateral-pointing aneurysms may impact the third nerve, with the classic presenation of pupil-sparing CN III palsy. In small- and medium-size aneurysms, the wall can be thin and the blood flow could be seen through the wall of the aneurysm, warning the neurosurgeon to avoid aggressive movements over the dome of the aneurysm. Elective occlusion of the ICA for treatment of aneurysms carries a significant stroke risk, even after a successful balloon test occlusion of the ICA. All of these have been sub-classified in various neurosurgical works, as morphology, origin, and projection of the aneurysm significantly affected surgical approach and associated issues/risks. Location, regional anatomy, pathogenesis, and treatment options vary for each subset. The author of the website, Maksim Shapiro, MD is a practicing neurointerventional radiologist in at the NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, and can be reached with questions, comments, appointment requests, etc. In terms of endovacular treatment, the distinction is of little importance. If additional support becomes necessary later on, the guide can then be more safely advanced into the internal carotid artery over the larger diameter distal access catheter, rather than primarily over a smaller cross-section guidewire, thereby minimizing the “step-off”. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Second, regional anatomy, and dural rings in particular, are modified by disease (aneurysms), which remodel, distort and destroy adjacent tissue (dehiscence), such that, short of surgical dissection and microscope observation, the integrity of dural ring can never be fully determined in setting of adjacent pathology. The conundrum with this ICA segment, immediately distal to the dural ring, (aside from the fact that we can’t tell for sure the location of distal dural ring) is that it does not always contain the ophthalmic artery. Treatment is rather difficult; there is no neck to clip or coil; near-term rebleed rates are high. Classically, PCOM aneurysms arise just distal to PCOM ostium, from the posterolateral ICA wall, and initially projects posterolaterally. Already discussed above in its relationship to the Ophthalmic segment, the hypophyseal segment extends from beyond ophthlamic ostium region to the PCOM. We describe a case involving an aneurysm that burst in the third middle of the basilar artery and exhibited a bilateral agenesis of the internal carotid artery. A fusiform mass with intramural cystic change and a vector of spread that projects upward and medial toward the lateral medulla suggests schwannoma. Already discussed above in its relationship to the Ophthalmic segment, the hypophyseal segment extends from beyond ophthlamic ostium region to the PCOM. The ophthalmic artery is usually (90% of time) located just distal to the distal dural ring (i.e. A coil mass in the posterior fossa (black arrows) also seen on CT scan, belongs within a dissecting aneurysm of the mid-basilar artery (purple arrow), also treated with Pipeline (rightmost three images); coils were placed into the aneurysm after documenting its rapid short-term expansion in a patient presenting with new headaches. From an endovascular standpoint, frankly, these issues are much less important. Only surgical exposure can give a definitive answer, and this is happening less and less around the carotid siphon. The C3 segment began wherever the ICA emerged from the dural covers as a subarachnoid vessel. Review of Lasjaunias and Santoyo-Vazquez, excellent free of charge complete article by Philippe Gailloud et al: Internal Carotid Artery and Its Aneurysms, Tribute: The creation of this page is a direct result of the catastrophe wrecked on the, The aim of this page is to review the anatomy of the internal carotid artery proper, from the cervical segment to its intracranial bifurcation, particularly as regards its geometry (with secondary endovascular interventional implications) and location of its various, and often complex aneurysms. An intracranial aneurysm is a dilation of the walls pf a cerebral artery that develops as a result of weakness in the arterial wall. Admittedly, the boundary between ophthalmic and hypophyseal segments is nebulous, and not infrequently aneurysms span both. Only a surgeon can tell if it was a “cave.” The one below is a good candidate — particularly since it points postero-superiorely, as might be expected from a cave type which extended above the distal ring. Day 5 angio demonstrates much more spasm in the hypophyseal segment and proximal MCA/ACA (not shown). Purple arrow demonstrating a small mandibulovidian artery. They can arise quite proximally, almost at the level of the ophthalmic — such  that a medially poining aneurysm arising at the level of, but separate from, the ophthalmic ostium may in fact be a superior hypophyseal kind. Whatever you call it, as long as the name brings up an image, it really makes no difference. This kind may be treated by coiling off the PCOM ostium, seeing the well-developed P2 segment, which implies presence of a robust P1 segment. A mirror image of giant “holo-Fischer” aneurysm which involves all post-petrous carotid segments, and also does not violate the PLL. The answer to the question, “What imaging findings define a CS mass ?” varies depending on the level of the lesion. PCOM infundibulum, and a rare MHT infundibulum also. Similarly, a patient with no neurologic deficits on temporary occlusion who exhibits marked asymmetric decrease in hemispheric blood flow (<30 mL/100 g/min) should be a candidate for a revascularization procedure because of the high false-negative rate of the screening test.15 Some groups advocate universal revascularization in patients who undergo carotid artery sacrifice. On the other side of the spectrum is an example of quite distal ophthalmic artery origin along the ICA. This modified the conceptual framework, emphasizing aneurysm dome morphology and neck anatomy, with less critical attention to surgical landmarks. The ophthalmic ostium is in red. What is certain is that nontraumatic cavernous aneurysms are usually fusiform, and have a strong female predominance. Since all tissues require blood supply, it stand to reason that walls of larger blood vessels, such as the aorta and carotid arteries, contain smaller arteries for the nourishment of the various connective, muscular, and other tissues which make up the wall. The former observation seems to run somewhat at odds with the theory of preferred aneurysm origin at vessel ostia, as championed by the superb works of Rhoton. Finally, a VERY cool stereo 3D-DSA, visualizing the aberrant ICA within the ear canal. The carotid cave (pink triangle) is a small potential space under the distal dural ring. One can only guess, on angio, where cavernous sinus begins and ends. The patient died 1 … On some occasions, occlusion of the primary carotid artery lumen is followed by hypertrophy and, possibly, hyperplasia of these vasa vasorum to reconstitute the carotid artery distal to the site of occlusion. In its “classic” location, the ophthalmic ostium is located just distal (1mm) to the dural ring — and therefore intradural. Pipeline was used successfully on some occasions in those fortunate enough to survive initial SAH and subsequent antiplatelet state. The Distal dural ring is generally tougher than the proximal one, and extends from the upper surface of the anterior clinoid to the medial carotid wall. They are relatively uncommon — perhaps less common than the hemodynamic theory of aneurysm formation at major branchpoints might suggest. One can readily appreciate how most necks are imperfect, with ledges, nooks, and folds that will not readily accomodate a coil loop. 3D-DSA of petrous segment aneurysm, confined below the PLL. It seems much more likely that the underlying cause has a primary genetic basis. Petrous segment —  This is the ICA segment inside the petrous bone and partially within foramen lacerum. In reality, the separation between the two aneurysms (yellow arrow) is a space for the anterior clinoid process — had the clinoid not existed, the whole thing would be one inseparable dysplastic mess. A treacherous, double-bubble PCOM aneurysm, arising from a fetal disposition vessel. Aneurysms of this segment tend to project in the direction of the terminal ICA — superiorly from the bifurcation. Frontal and lateral projection views of left ICA injection, showing an irregular, superolaterally -projecting hypophyseal segment aneurysm. Our own NYU classification of ICA segments, developed as a result of angiograhic and cross-sectional review and discussion, is based predominantly on endovascular considerations. 72-8B, D, and F;72-9D;and 72-10E). We, at NYU, are also to blame for one such scheme. Frontal and lateral projection DSA and native views of right ICA injection of a distal support catheter, visualizing a 3.2 cm, laterally-projecting cavernous segment aneurysm in a patient presenting with CN III palsy (see below). Overdependence, at the expence of studying the much higher resolution DSA images, is another big one., Barrow Quarterly excellent articles on relevant anatomy, available free of charge. They settle in an area of great hemodynamic stress. The frontal view is not particularly helpful in determining where exactly the artery comes from. Some advocate incising the orbitofrontal dural fold at the level of the sphenoid ridge to avoid cranial nerve injury coursing through the superior orbital fissure. (b) A 3.5 mm × 16 mm and 3.5 mm × 20 mm PED are deployed across the neck of the aneurysm and diseased vessel segment. The ancient Bellevue machine does well, with external measurement devices. Atherosclerotic disease of the carotid bifurcation and its treatment is a separate topic. Patients with such long, irregular, and partially thrombosed aneurysms can present with an embolic stroke. Other times, the ophthalmic arises more proximally, from the transitional (extradural) or the cavernous segment, or from the external carotid — all very important variants. This transition is critical, since aneurysms past the “distal dural ring” are located in the subarachnoid space, and their rupture leads to subarachnoid hemorrhage. The patient was treated with EC-IC bypass and carotid takedown (not shown, but did well). via the, A brief overview of ICA anatomy. Carotid Occlusion — Vasa Vasorum Reconstitution. The same information can be gathered from a CT angiogram, whenever it is contaminated with venous state. Beyond choroidal ostium, a short Terminus segment of the ICA leads into the carotid bifurcation. CCA = common carotid artery; ICA = internal carotid artery; IJV = internal jugular vein; SCCa = squamous cell carcinoma; NHL = non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The 3D-DSA image is particularly instructive for those who look to underlying ICA dysplasia as a necessary pre-condition for aneurysm growth. This “transitional” or clinoid area has been subject of much surgical attention. Blister aneurysm of the hypophyseal segment — these are the subtle ones. Patients seeking information on treatment of cerebral aneurysms may visit the page titled “, is a practicing neurointerventional radiologist in at the, in New York City, and can be reached with questions, comments, appointment requests, etc. Arterial Dissection — Carotid, Vertebral, Basilar Arteries, Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulsatile Tinnitus, Spinal Vascular Malformations (umbrella page),, Patient Information Carotid/ Vertebral Dissection, dissection-related thrombus formation and distal embolization,,,,,,, Carotid Artery Dissection Dementia Genetic Fistula Treatment | The Brain Improvement, A Case of Even More Critical Basilar Occlusion, Archives — CT Perfusion of Artery of Percheron Occlusion and Thrombectomy, Archives — Falcotentorial Dural Fistula Angiogram, Archives — Stroke Intervention — Something For Everyone, Archives — Traumatic Middle Meningeal Artery Fistula, Archives ACOM aneurysm treatment with bilateral Pipeline devices, Archives Aneurysm Post-Clip Rerupture and Treatment, Archives Blister Aneurysm Pipeline Embolization, Archives Coiled Aneurysm Re-Rupture and Retreatment, Archives Dural Fistula at Anterior Spinal Artery Pedicle Embolization, Archives Dural Fistula Embolization — Protecting the Anterior Spinal Artery, Archives Dural Fistula Sagittal Sinus with Parenchymal Hemorrhage, Archives Epidural Hematoma and Middle Meningeal Artery Fistula, Archives Foramen Magnum Preoperative Embolization Particles and nBCA, Archives Left Radial Artery Access Intracranial Vertebral Artery Stent, Archives Petroclival Meningioma Embolization Major ILT Supply, Archives Radial Access Carotid Cavernous Fistula Embolization, Archives Radial Small Right Paraophthalmic Aneurysm, Archives Sigmoid Sinus Fenestration in Pulsatile Tinnitus, Archives Sigmoid Sinus Fistula Focal Trapped Segment, Archives Stroke Balloon-Assisted Tracking Technique, Archives Stroke Distal MCA M4 Mechanical Thrombectomy, Archives Superselective Dural Fistula Embolization 4, Archives Terson Syndrome Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Archives-Stroke-M3-Sofia5F-aspiration-thrombectomy-and-cool-venous-variants-to-boot, Archives-Ultrasound-Guided-Femoral-Pseudoaneurysm-Compression, Archives_Ethmoid_Fistula_Tranvenous_Embolization, Archives_Lateral_Spinal_Artery_Thrombectomy, Archives_Sphenoparietal_Sinus_aka_Greater_Wing_of_Sphenoid_Dural_Fistula, Archives_Stroke_Bihemispheric_PICA_Lateral_Spinal_Artery, Archives_Stroke_Persistent_Stapedial_Artery_Collateral, Archives_Ulnar_Artery_Access_ACOM_Coiling_Balloon_Protection, Basilar Thrombectomy via Posterior Communicating Artery, C1 Dural Fistula Endovascular and Surgical Treatment, Case Archives — Bow Hunter’s Syndrome (positional vertebrobasilar insufficiency), Case Archives — Carotid Web — a Rare Cause of Embolic Stroke, Case Archives — Cavernous Sinus Dural Fistula MHT embolization, Case Archives — Differential Diagnosis of Skull Base Lesion, Case Archives — Dissection with False Lumen, Case Archives — Dorsal Spinal Epidural Hematoma, Case Archives — Kyphoplasty — Paying Attention to Fracture Lines, Case Archives — Post-traumatic occipital dural fistula, Case Archives — The Nonhappening Epidural Hematoma — Post-traumatic Dural Fistula, Case Archives — Trigeminal Neuralgia from Lateral Pontine Vein Compression, Case Archives — Ventriculostomy (EVD) Hematoma — Another Curious Case for the Angiogram, Case Archives Anterior Spinal Artery Duplication, Case Archives Bilateral Carotid Dissections with Lower Cranial Nerve Dysfunction, Case Archives Direct Occipital Dural Fistula Embolization, Case Archives Foramen Magnum Meningioma Embolization, Case Archives Petroclival Meningioma Embolization with MHT Access, Case Archives Postoperative Venous Infarction, Case Archives Sigmoid Sinus Dural Fistula with Extensive Venous Infarction, Case Archives Spinal Cord Hemangioblastoma Preoperative Embolization, Case Archives Sturge Weber Syndrome (Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis), Case_Archives_Anterior_Spinal_Artery_PICA_Reconstitution, Comaneci Device for Distal Vasospasm Treatment, Direct Carotid-Cavernous Fistula Tranvenous Onyx Embolization, Direct Transorbital Puncture for Treatment of Cavernous Sinus Dural Fistula, Distal 027 Microcatheter Aspiration Thrombectomy, Dural Fistula Superselective Venous Embolization, Dural Venous Channel Fistula of Paramedian Tentorium Cerebelli — NOT a Brain AVM, Dural Venous Channel Fistula Parasagittal Extensive Hemorrhage, Dural Venous Channel Posterior Temporal Fistula, Dural Venous Channel Tentorium Cerebelli — Tentorial Sinus Fistula 1, Dural Venous Channel Tentorium Cerebelli Fistula Next to Labbe, Dural Venous Channel Tentorium Cerebelli — Tentorial Sinus Fistula 2, Ethmoidal Fistula Ophthalmic Artery Embolization, Ethmoidal Fistula Transarterial Embolization, Hemangiopericytoma Embolization and Resection, In Tribute — EZ Does It — Neuroform Stent-Supported Aneurysm Coiling, Intra-arterial tPA for Acute Ischemic Stroke, Intracranial Stent Cavernous Carotid Segment, JNA–Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma — Preoperative Embolization, Left SCA Aneurysm Pipeline Embolization Left Radial Accesss, Percutanous Vertebral Augmentation of Loose Spinal Fusion Pedicle Screw, Pipeline Embolization of Residual Ruptured Aneurysm, Posterior Fossa Hemorrhage Hypoglossal Canal Dural Fistula, Pre-embolization identification of the anterior spinal artery, Primitive-Lateral-Basivertebral-Anastomosis-Aneurysm, Pulsatile Tinnitus Dural Fistula Sigmoid Sinus Coiling, Pulsatile Tinnitus Superselective Transvenous Embolization, Radial Access Left Paraophthalmic Aneurysm Pipeline Embolization, Radial Access via Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery, Redefining Vertebra Plana — The Not So Thin Fracture, Ruptured Basilar Perforator Dissecting Aneurysm, Septic Emboli with Bilateral Carotid Occlusion and Thrombecromy, Sigmoid Dural Fistula Superselective Embolization, Spinal Hemangioblastoma Standalone Embolization, Spinal Pial Fistula — Dural Fistula Mimic, Stent-Retriever post-SAH Vasospasm Angioplasty, Stroke Delayed Thrombectomy Collateral Failure, Stroke Hypodense Sign Basilar Aspiration Angioplasty and Superior Cerebellar Artery Stent-Triever Plasty, Stroke_Distal_027_Microcatheter_Aspiration, Subdural Embolization — Occipital Artery Dural Supply, Subdural Embolization Accessory Meningeal Artery Supply, Subdural Embolization of meningolacrimal variant with nBCA, Superselective Complex Sigmoid Fistula Embolization 4, Superselective Dural Fistula Embolization 2, Superselective Jugular Fistula Embolization, Superselective Transvenous Embolization Sigmoid Fistula 5, Supreme Intercostal Origin of Right Vertebral Artery, Techniques Dural Fistula Embolization Case 6, Tentorial Cerebelli Dural Fistula with Vermian Hemorrhage, Tiny ACOM Aneurysm Coiling — Expanding Range of Endovascular Treatment, Trauma Recurrent Meningeal Artery Fistula, Unstable Carotid Plaque Causing Multiple Embolic Strokes, Case Archives Petroclival Meningioma MHT and ILT access, Archives Skull Base Meningioma Embolization MHT Access, Case Archives — Clival and Foramen Magnum Meningioma Embolization and Transnasal Resection, Techniques — Brain Dural Fistula Embolization, Techniques — Dural Fistula Embolization Case 1, Techniques — Dural Fistula Embolization Case 2, Techniques — Dural Fistula Embolization Case 3, Techniques — Dural Fistula Embolization Case 4, Techniques — Dural Fistula Embolization Case 5, Parkes Weber Embolization of Paraspinal Arteriovenous Fistula, Pulsatile Tinnitus Carotid Artery Dissection, Pulsatile Tinnitus Intracranial Hypertension Persistent Sinus Stenosis After Shunting, Pulsatile Tinnitus Intracranial Hypertension Venous Sinus Stenosis Stenting and Follow Up, Pulsatile Tinnitus Intracranial Hypertension Venous Stenting, Pulsatile Tinnitus Jugular Plate Dehiscence, Pulsatile Tinnitus Sigmoid Dural Fistula Vein-Sparing Treatment, Pulsatile Tinnitus Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence, Pulsatile Tinnitus Venous Sinus Diverticulum Stenting, Pulsatile Tinnitus Venous Sinus Stenosis and Stenting, Recurrent PCOM Aneurysm Radial Access with Femoral Coversion, Spinal Dural Fistula Dangerous Anastomosis Adjacent Level Artery of Adamkiewicz, Stereo Anatomy Venous Brain Posterior Fossa, Stroke M3 Aspiration of 1 mm vessel by a 1.5 mm OD catheter, Whooshers and Pulsatile Tinnitus Foundation Webinar.
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