But in the eighteenth century, despite loud protests from the privileged urban guilds, the trickle became a flood. The taxation of the tsar's slyuzhnuie lyudi, or military tenants, was a first step towards the proportional taxation of the hitherto privileged classes. Client Legal Privilege. “George Floyd was killed” is in the passive voice, which allows a grammatically correct sentence without assigning any agency — that is, without telling you who killed George Floyd. What were called " privileged delicts" were judged in the case of the clergy conjointly by the spiritual judge and the king's judge. It was a great privilege to have John Cleese at the Marlowe last year. I therefore ended up in the hugely privileged position of being the Producer. In the meantime FC United fans are in the privileged position of being able to help the Turners through this difficult time. In the Benares division, which was the first portion to come under British administration, the land revenue was permanently fixed in 1795, on the same principles that had been previously adopted in Bengal; and there a special class of tenants, as well as the landlords, enjoy a privileged status. privileged status with the majority of the UK's leading insurers. Staying at Disney resort offers guests privileged advantages not available at other area hotels. privileged to attend are not likely to forget for many a moon. privilegesp g g In the twelfth book of the Theodosian Code we see the foundations of the medieval Church already laid; for it was the 4th, not the 13th century that established the principle that defection from the Church was a crime in the eyes of the State, and raised the clergy to a privileged class, exempted from the ordinary taxes, permitted under restrictions to try its own members and to administer the wealth which flowed into its coffers from the gifts of the faithful. But meeting his old enemy Beauregard in one of the minister's rooms and making an offensive remark, he was waylaid by Beauregard some time after in a less privileged place and soundly beaten. for example, white people are more likely to get jobs than black people. Planes brought others of the privileged, settling on the new airstrip, which was ablaze with landing and fairy lights. Privilege definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Finally, the Roman Catholic Church has long forfeited the privileged position formerly accorded as her due. At what date the cappa choralis developed into the cappa magna, a non-liturgical vestment peculiar to the pope, cardinals, bishops and certain privileged prelates, is not known; but mention of it is found as early as the 15th century. There were very wide distinctions within the French noblesse, but they all formed one privileged class as distinguished from the rolurier. I feel privileged. The disestablishment of the Irish Church, the privileged position of which had long been condemned by public opinion, was then decreed (1869) and the land question was next taken in hand (1870). The truth of the matter is rather that the circumstances of most modern commonwealths have been unfavourable to the preservation, and still more to the growth, of privileged bodies. POC have to work twice as hard to get to the same spot as white people. In a time of moral corruption and oppressiverule, as the early empire repeatedly became to the privileged classes of Roman society, a general feeling of insecurity led the student of philosophy to seek in it a refuge against the vicissitudes of fortune which he daily beheld. Jones comes from a privileged background, which is a source of contention as well. Sentences with word «privilege» (see phrases) A privilege is a certain entitlement to immunity granted by the state or another authority to a restricted group, either by birth or on a conditional basis. So good. I feel like I deserve a second chance to redeem myself, to show I've grown." If you are in one of the professions noted above, you need to be aware of the laws relating to privileged communication in your state. Those who appear in later times as a privileged order among the people had once been the whole people. 4. Assign 20 privilege points to each student in the course (participants may find it useful to place 20 coins or poker chips in front of them to start). It must suffice to say that these changes culminated in 1297, when an act was passed for closing the grand counci], or in other words for confining it to a fixed number of privileged families, in whom the government was henceforth vested by hereditary right. Another word for privileged. The Imperial Bank is privileged to issue bank-notes, which must be covered to the extent of Is. Fragments and full sentences. Discussions between a lawyer and client are. The privileged province of Lebanon was finally constituted by the Organic Statute of the 6th of September 1864, and the subsequent history of the Lebanon Druses is one of gradual withdrawal from the jurisdiction of that state, in which they see their ancient independence irretrievably compromised, and their religion subordinated to Christian supremacy. Found 201 sentences matching phrase "privilege".Found in 2 ms. When the monarchy was supplanted in the usual Greek fashion by a hereditary nobility - a process accomplished, according to tradition, between about l000 and 683 B.C. After enjoying almost complete autonomy for fourteen years, the Indians voluntarily surrendered their privileged position, and on the 10th of November 1894 their territory was formally incorporated in that of the republic of Nicaragua, as the department of Zelaya. " Working, miles away from the tourist trail, with the still predominantly tribal Swazi people made me feel extremely privileged. The scheme met with keen opposition from the Mussulman governing classes and the ulema, or privileged religious teachers, and was but partially put in force, especially in the remoter parts of the empire; and more than one conspiracy was formed against the sultan's life on account of it. Gary and Connie Seacrest provided a privileged life for Ryan and his sister Meredith. The privileged few in Pakistan seem to get a pass for their reductionist behaviors. Fragment or sentence - identify if the phrase is a fragment or full sentence The world is privileged to have you in it. He strengthened the interstate commission for the regulation of railroads, inaugurated successful suits against monopolies - notably the Standard Oil Company and the so-called Sugar Trust, - and achieved distinct practical results in favour of a system of "industrial democracy" where all men shall have equal rights under the law and where there shall be no privileged interests exempt from the operation of the law. In short, the shutting out of the old nobility was, if not the formation of a new nobility, at least the formation of a Civic new privileged class. Beauty standards are set by us, and the elites. This suppression of privileges was badly received by the privileged notables. The Venetians, however, maintained their position in Palestine; and their quarters remained, along with those of the Genoese, as privileged commercial franchises in an otherwise feudal state. This scheme brought him into conflict with more than one privileged corporation, but in particular with his own chapter, who vigorously disputed his claim to exercise the right of visitation over their community. He is now the only judicial functionary privileged to wear the collar of SS. The privileged position of the protestant Church of Ireland in a predominantly catholic country did cause resentment. On the refusal of the privileged classes and after an interval of six weeks, the third estate, considering that they represented 96% of the nation, and in accordance with the proposal of Sieys, declared that they represented the nation and therefore were authorized to take resolutions unaided, the first being that in future no arrangement for taxation could take place without their consent. It was a great privilege to have John Cleese at the Marlowe last year. I feel valuable. The events of 1860 led to the formation of the privileged Lebanon province, finally constituted in 1864. The conflicts, which may at first sight seem to be merely between rival generals, are seen upon closer examination to be mainly (r) between the privileged classes, i.e. If you have watched "Law and Order" or other cop shows, you've probably seen a situation in which a priest can't be made to tell what someone told him in the confessional or that a doctor can't reveal about a patient's condition. "We believe that playing on a varsity team is a … I don't discuss privileged conversations I've had with my clients. Without the fulfillment of this task the spread of radio will remain a plaything for the privileged circles of the townspeople. Having thus become the tongue of the educated and privileged classes, Latin continued to monopolize the chief fields of literature until the revival of the native language at the close of the 18th century. privileged to meet people from all over the world. They declared that they were privileged to discuss any matter relating to the commonwealth which they chose to take in hand, and embodied their opinion in a protest, which they entered on their journals. monopole resonance is a privileged tool to measure the nuclear compressibility. How to use privilege in a sentence. - There is a third kind of substance, combining something both of the natural and of the divine: we men are that privileged species. The children of movie director Stephen Gyllenhaal and scriptwriter Naomi Foner, Jake and sister Maggie led a privileged life. But the privileged class alone are eligible to the greatest offices of the state; they have in their hands the exclusive control of the national religion; they have the exclusive enjoyment of the common land of the state - in Teutonic phrase, the folkland. The first category included the " imposts " properly so called, the fixed contributions (redevances fixes) to be paid by the " privileged provinces, " and the military exoneration tax. Sentence examples for i feel very privileged to have had the opportunity from inspiring English sources. He proposed the convocation of a national congress, but was overthrown by a conspiracy of Spaniards under one Yermo, who feared that they would lose their privileged position through severance from Spain. Here's what white privilege is and what to do about it. 19. It is the church that is associated with elitist grammar schools and the socially privileged. The privileged position of the Cape native was seen to be an obstacle to the federation of South Africa. He'd be walking a thin line facing disbarment if he related any privileged information. The other gave birth to a new privileged caste. 1) by way of preparation for the coming "kingdom of heaven," and implied that the Jew so baptized no longer rested in his privileged position as a child of Abraham. Entitlement is impervious to the kinds of verbs that modify privilege. They were privileged to ask alms throughout Scotland. ‘To play hurling was a real privilege and an honour, and to put on a club jersey, whether it be Ireland or London or to wear the colours of Kilkenny C.B.S. 10. Outside the movement for constitutional reform, the most important internal question was the successful Liberal attack on the privileged position and narrow views of the Church, which led to the birth of a strong ultramontane party among the clergy. Some say it is the opposite of “oppression” (another term that may be problematic because it rings of victimhood). View this post on Instagram. What does privilege mean? 1 : having or enjoying one or more privileges privileged classes. The antiquated Riksdag, where the privileged estates predominated, while the cultivated middle class was practically unrepresented, had become an insuperable obstacle to all free development; but, though the Riksdag of 1840 itself raised the question, the king and the aristocracy refused to entertain it. Next, we can view our tendency to speak of God as personal as a piece of inescapable but privileged anthropomorphism. that's what white privilege is. In any case the Spartans form a ruling body, and a body whose privileged position in the land is owing to conquest. ", "In a word, we object to all legislation, all authority, and all influence, privileged, patented, official and legal, even when it has proceeded from universal suffrage, convinced that it must always turn to the profit of a dominating and exploiting minority, against the interests of the immense majority enslaved.". Because it is part of the benefit of a first-class ticket purchase. They are only interested in preserving the power of the, 30. Over 100,000 Portuguese translations of English words and phrases. After the Dorian invasion the community was divided anew into the ordinary three Dorian tribes and an equally privileged tribe of Ionians, besides which a class of rcopvvrtcao,00e or Karwvauochopoe lived on the land as serfs., For some centuries Sicyon remained subject to Argos, whence its Dorian conquerors had come; as late as 50o B.C. Thomas Bagley was accused of declaring that if in the sacrament a priest made bread into God, he made a God that can be eaten by rats and mice; that the pharisees of the day, the monks, and the nuns, and the friars and all other privileged persons recognized by the church were limbs of Satan; and that auricular confession to the priest was the will not of God but of the devil. The first alone had the right to cover their heads and wore a felt hat (hence tarabostesei= 7rLX04 opoc, pileati); they formed a privileged class, and were the predecessors of the Rumanian boyars. The principle of privileged communications does not apply in most business situations, with the exceptions of certain specific professions. There are certain deeds and summonses which are privileged in Scots law, the former because they require less solemnity than ordinary deeds, the latter because the ordinary induciae are shortened in their case (see Watson, Law Did., s.v. Look it up now! Article continues below advertisement. Learn more. They are not privileged in the sense that those companies were. In general, however, especially in later years, he opposed reform: he defended the tutorial system, and in a controversy with Thirlwall (1834) opposed the admission of Dissenters; he upheld the clerical fellowship system, the privileged class of fellow-commoners,"and the authority of heads of colleges in university affairs. The privileged members are the heads of the nobility, with the highest ecclesiastics and officials. The result is a stunning intellectual milieu of I feel most privileged to be a part. 37. Alicia was born to privilege, so she could never understand what it really meant to have to work hard to survive. I believe that it is a privilege to own an automobile, not a right, so people should use their cars responsibly. for Richelieus policy increased poverty, neglected re its, the toiling and suffering peasants, deserted the cause of the worker1 in order to favor the privileged classes, and left idle and useless that bourgeoisie whose intellectual activity, spirit of discipline, and civil and political culture would have yielded solid support to a monarchy all the stronger for being limited. It was from that period that the magistri Comacini formed a privileged corporation of architects and sculptors, who were employed in other parts of Italy also, until, at the end of the 11th century, individuals began to come more to the front (G. The Decretum forbade their alienation to lay proprietors, denounced excommunication against those who refused to pay, and based the right of the Church upon scriptural precedents.6 The decretals contained provisions as to what was and what was not tithable property, as to those privileged from payment, as to sale or hypothecation to laymen, as to priority over state taxes, &c. 7 Various questions which arose later were settled by Boniface VIII. Thus a privileged land-tenure was createdbookland; the rules as to the succession of kinsmen were set at nought by concession of testamentary power and confirmations of grants and wills; special exemptions from the jurisdiction of the hundreds and special privileges as to levying fines were conferred. When we are told of the freedom of Aragon, it is well to remember that it was enjoyed only by the small minority who were personally free and also privileged: by the citizens of the towns which had charterscalled in Aragon the Universidadesthe nobles, the gentry and the Church. Privileged communication is a legal principle that restricts certain people in positions of trust from communicating information to protect the other person. Just because 'fair' and 'their' are homophones, people can easily get confused with them. Phemonoe was privileged to entertain mortal lovers at will. It will be perceived that the type was rather oligarchical than strictly democratic. In English law the term " preferred " rather than " privileged " is generally applied to such debts. Privileged towns, receiving their privileges from the government (not necessarily on the basis of population), are under a mayor (borgmastare) and aldermen (radman), the aldermen being elected by the citizens, while the mayor is appointed by the government from the first three aldermen on the poll, is paid, and holds office for life. Find examples of how to use any word or phrase in a sentence with our powerful sentence generator. While these two spinsters focus on primetime television in general, they are both huge fans of primetime soap operas including One Tree Hill, Privileged, Dirty Sexy Money, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice and a lot more. ), the supreme authority, hitherto limited by the practical power of the ministers of the Porte and by the turbulence of the privileged military caste, had become concentrated in his own person. One would expect the rich, famous and privileged among us to be especially generous, but the sad truth is that's not always the case. To the patriarchate was appended a Sacred College of 24 prelates, who were privileged to officiate in the scarlet robes of cardinals, while the patriarch wore the vestments of a second pope. Since the establishment of the privileged province they have lost the Ottoman support which used to compensate for their numerical inferiority as compared with the Christians; and they are fast losing also their old habits and distinctiveness. " 2. He pursued his own interests, cynically exploiting his, 28. Discussions between a lawyer and client are privileged communications. The most significant canons are those directly affecting the clergy, wherein the clergy appear as a privileged class, far above the laity, but with sharply differentiated and carefully graded orders within itself. It feels great. The latter were kept down by numerous edicts, tending to restrict to certain privileged families the rank of master workman in the gilds. and white people receive less jail time for the same crime committed by a black person. Between the parlamento and the consuls with their privy council, or credenza, was interposed the gran consiglio of privileged burghers. The determining factor regarding whether or not such records must be disclosed has to do with whether or not they would be considered privileged information in civil legal proceedings involving the agency. As the non-privileged order increased in numbers, while the privileged order, as every exclusive hereditary body must do, lessened, the larger body gradually put on the character of the nation at large, while the smaller body put on the character of a nobility. We feel privileged to do the jobs we do in practice. The Maronites have four members on the provincial council, two of whom are the sole representatives of the two mudirats of Kesrawan; and they have derived benefit from the fact that so far the governor of the privileged province has always been a Catholic (see Lebanon). Only a hundred and fifty boys - mostly children of the nobility belonging to the court - were educated in this privileged corps, which combined the character of a military school endowed with special rights and of a Court institution attached to the imperial household. Cologne, Mainz, Worms, Spires, Strassburg, Basel and Regensburg, claimed a privileged position as "Free Cities," but neither is the ground for this claim clearly established, nor its nature well defined. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage use "privilege" in a sentence Louis Armstrong once said that rank does not confer privilege or give power. Be specific - the answers to estudyassistant.com Firstly, let's see what the correct sentence should be - "It isn't fair that people judge others by their mistakes". ALL privilege is good! ... Crown will seek adult sentence if teen convicted in death of Calgary police officer. To promote commerce there are a stock and produce exchange (Berta), a national bank, privileged to issue notes, and several other banking establishments. Find examples of how to use any word or phrase in a sentence with our powerful sentence generator. What are these privileged children wearing? The sentence has two major errors (which when spoken seems correct, but when written has a different meaning). NYC Prep is a reality show on Bravo that chronicles the controversial clubbing, dining and dating habits of a group of privileged New York teenagers. As new settlers came, as the people of conquered towns were moved to Rome, as the character of Romans was granted to some allies and forced upon some enemies, this plebs, sharing some but not all of the rights of citizens, became a non-privileged order alongside of a privileged order. Show More Sentences They feel that it's wrong to privilegescientific over other types of knowledge. Privilege is a special advantage or a benefit received. The former touched only the more highly educated classes; while to the latter, where privileged individuals alone had entry, novelties were but an undiluted stimulant for the jaded appetites of persons whose ideas of good-breeding, moreover, would have drawn the line at martyrdom. Sentence examples for. In order to do this it was necessary to reduce the power of the nobility and clergy, privileged classes exempt from taxation and rivals of the royal power. GREAT! The privileged orders had aggrandized themselves at the expense of the community. He proclaimed the right of property as appertaining to the state, that is, to the whole community; BD.~eUf the doctrine of equality as absolutely opposed to social inequality of any kindthat of property as well as that of rank; and finally the ina4equacy of the solution of the agrarian question, which had profited scarcely any one, save a new class of privileged individuals. vi Mặc dù chúng ta nhận ra rằng không một ai trong chúng ta là hoàn hảo cả, nhưng chúng ta không sử dụng sự thật ấy để làm một cái cớ nhằm hạ thấp kỳ vọng của mình, để không sống theo đặc ân của mình, để … The estates opposed most of the intelligent ~nd humane measures proposed by such intendants as Tourny and Turgot to relieve the peasants, whose distress was very great; they did their utmost to render the selfishness of the privileged classes more oppressive and vexatious. Getty Issues 9 Ways You Can Use Your White privilege For Good Learning about white privilege can be uncomfortable, but taking action is way better than just feeling bad about it. The only privileged class of tenants are those possessing " occupancy " rights, as defined by statute. 3. Until 1848 the chief influence and privileges, as well as the only political rights, were divided among the three " privileged nations " of the Hungarians, Szeklers and Saxons. The priests were the privileged keepers and teachers of religion. Its briefest equivalent may be given as "persecuting and privileged orthodoxy" in general, and, more particularly, it is the particular system which Voltaire saw around him, of which he had felt the effects in his own exiles and the confiscations of his books, and of which he saw the still worse effects in the hideous sufferings of Calas and La Barre. The government in this country seems determined to help guard the … A thorough use of this translation will not be possible until we have it in good critical editions, and acquaintance with its language ceases to be the monopoly of a few privileged individuals. Apart from the tribesmen there is in Hejaz and south Arabia a privileged, religious class, the Sharifs or Seyyids, who claim descent from Mahomet through his daughter Fatima. A hundred years later, all churches of any importance had similar indulgences; yet Englishmen were glad even then to earn a pardon of forty days by the laborious journey to the nearest cathedral, and by making an offering there on one of a few privileged feast-days. Lawyer and client are privileged communications our fifth Oxford society Lecture about 1915 the! Privileged status with the most privilege big deal about pretty privilege, so she could never understand what privilege. Of 1860 led to the same spot as white people can easily confused. 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