The matter must be true water and the form is "I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Ghost). If you substitute other formulas or if you baptize only in Jesus’ name, the baptism may be valid in some churches, but in most churches, it won’t be valid. Priests can mention it in their premarital counseling and even when the couple … My husaband and I were brought up Roman Catholic and received all sacraments. Actually, you can, but you have to do it in a river. Or am I going to hell. If you would like to continue supporting the work of Catholic Answers, you can. The National Catholic Register is a service of EWTN News, Inc. in Irondale, AL. Well she is not Catholic, and neither is her husband (he is black) I thought about baptizing my baby cousin, I am Hispanic and Roman Catholic, it's very important to me. The problem is that the practice of these believers and churches contradicts their belief because there are almost no churches who recognize the baptism of an individual who has baptized himself. You’re still Catholic. Given that children are baptized against their will and made to be Xian (this isn't limited to Xianity either) this is something that is long overdue. else or a church. Recurring Patron donations will be discontinued on December 31. Answer Save. In newer church sanctuaries, the baptismal font may be designed to expressly allow for baptism by immersion. You are a former Catholic. That's so great you are willing to baptize yourself! My dad did my sister's baptism at the kitchen sink. The vast majority wished to make use of the Forums for free. He swam to the pool steps and jumped out, washed in the blood of the lamb. OTOH, you don't really need a certificate to reject religion. You must be a very strong individual to have this understanding and personal relationship of your Lord, to be baptized into Him and see the significance of it 100% without the distractions which come whenever you are baptized by someone else or a church. You are no longer Catholic. 868.1) states that for a child to be baptized, there must be a realistic hope that he will be brought up in the Catholic religion. So since baptism is just symbolic of washing your sins clean and being born again, after you have been saved, would you then be able to dunk yourself into the bathtub and consider yourself baptized or does it have to be officiated? If you’re asking because you are a non-practicing Catholic. I was baptized in a Lutheran church as a baby and would now like to enter the Catholic Church. Our attempt to draw even a tenth of what they cost to operate through patronage was not successful. Traditionally it is chosen by the parents but obviously that is becuase as a baby you can’t make the decision yourself. And, to be honest, I suspect an unbaptized person who is actually worried about this while stranded in the middle of the jungle is also the kind of person who would end up being saved that way. A Minister can baptize a person if they do it according to Apostolic Tradition, which means by matter (water) and form … Baptism is not some empty ritual. Second no you do not need to be baptized to go to heaven. If such hope is lacking, the baptism is to be deferred and if, at some point in the future, the parents can provide basics for hope that their infant will in fact be raised as a Catholic, the priest may then proceed with the baptism. If I can help, I'm willing to listen. The matter must be true water and the form is "I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Ghost). I heard that baptism is the only sacrament that anyone can do, even if you are not an ordained Catholic priest. But if you're a non-believer (and I affirm your choice) then you can simply make up your own absurd little ritual to un-baptize yourself. I do know that is a very common perception of ‘water baptism. I am not baptised but my husband is (although done in a protestant church). I am a mother of a blended family. Called to Communion (MB) - I Am Spiritual But Not Religious by EWTN Catholic Radio published on 2019-10-10T15:40:39Z. Also in Catholic theology there is baptism by desire and baptism by fire. The first being that baptism is a public announcement to others that a person has chosen to accept God’s truth and walk in His way and symbolically has chosen to wash his sins away. When we add to the inconclusive value of the forums, the significant cost in financial resources and personnel time to host, operate, and to what degree we can, govern them, Catholic Answers can no longer justify the effort. Similarly, your lack of access to the Sacrament of Penance need not exclude you from God’s forgiveness. You can do it yourself if you want to. thistle March 17, 2009, 12:34am #2. NHInsider October 27, 2009, 1:23pm #3. Well done, I so respect you for it! In some situations, the person being baptized may face the audience. MaeganFlinchum1 December 31, 2012, 8:46pm #1. Liturgy and Sacraments. Catholic Answers executive committee and board of trustees. Technically you can baptize yourself, because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit perform the miracle – the baptizer is simply a vessel. ANYBODY can be baptized by ANYBODY if done according to the New Testament. While you cannot baptize yourself, rest assured that if you should die with no opportunity for baptism, your desire for it will suffice. In regards to baptism, you cannot baptize yourself. 7 years ago. 3. Please Subscribe to the new one! Baptism Needed for Salvation? After reading this message board I am concerned about my children (ages 5 and 3) being unbaptised. without the distractions which come whenever you are baptized by someone. He says we need to convert my wife first into Christianity and thereafter we can do baptism of our daughter. You must be a very. EWTN News, Inc. is the world’s largest Catholic news organization, ... would it ever make sense to baptize your child yourself? I would never, and have never heard of anyone I know doing it, but what does the Church teach? If such a simple ceremony was forbidden to be carried out except by those who serve God fulltime, then one would be hard pressed to explain one of the greatest events that occurred on the day of Pentecost! But if you'd like, let me know your phone number. So, what do you call yourself? Then pray when you come up out of the water. Relevance. At any rate call your Parish office about this. Because Catholic Answers has limited resources, we are always evaluating our programs to determine if they provide a good return on investment. Can he baptize me in a Greek Orthodox church? Answer: There is nothing in the Bible that states who can and cannot baptize someone. Well done, I so respect you for it! (Yeah, I know I'm asking a lot of questions. But most of all it helps to know that someone cares and is praying to God on your behalf. 2. strong individual to have this understanding and personal relationship of. Third, if you are going to become a Catholic, there is a period of preparation for that called RCIA. But most of all it helps to know that someone cares and is praying to God on your behalf. If you call yourself Baptist, Calvinist, Hindu, atheist or whatever, and no longer call yourself Catholic, then you have “formally defected” from the Catholic Faith. In some countries, however, it appears that you really should make it known to the church. Hi Very good question. So it's not possible to unbaptize yourself, but it's not really something that has to be worried about since a person can and will always live life the way they choose. So, back to the question. Reply. Secondly, you do not have to become a Catholic to marry a Catholic. You are in our prayers. Instead, it commands to get in with an established Church Body for corporate worship and not play the Lone Ranger . There are no instructions to baptize yourself in the Bible, nor any examples of baptism in the Bible, not performed by another. ... John and Jesus used to baptize in the Jordan river. A baptism is just water and prayer. You can find a priest, that will baptize baby, but having a child baptized just because it is a custom or grandparents want it, but later you throw it away, is like giving someone a gift and immediately throw it into the attic and never looking at it again. A message from the President of Catholic Answers, Dear Members and Patrons of the Catholic Answers Forums, On Thursday December 31 at 5pm PT, Catholic Answers will close the Catholic Answers Forums (CAF). For our part, we need to make the best use we can of the gifts that donors to Catholic Answers give us to spread the Catholic Faith. We wish to baptize her in the parish, but our priest is refusing to do that, since our marriage was not sacramented [sic] in any church. Users who like OPEN LINE Fri. Oct. 16, 2015--Colin Donovan--Can you baptize yourself? No you can't baptize yourself. This being a public announcement, one cannot baptize himself alone. Wouldn’t want to try to perform a sacrament with invalid matter, that might (haven’t checked yet) be a sacrilege! then put yourself under the water. If you live in England and you have been baptized, you can now un-baptize yourself. However, in an emergency, a deacon or layperson who has been Baptised and Chrismated may confer a valid Baptism. We were allowed to have four Godparents per child, some not needing to attend the baptism because they live in a different country. Users who reposted OPEN LINE Fri. Oct. 16, 2015--Colin Donovan--Can you baptize yourself? The examples I cited above are not advocating for baptisms willy-nilly whenever you and your buddy feel like getting wet. It must be conducted by a canonically ordained priest. I suppose you’re asking because you were Catholic and became Protestant or Muslim or atheist. Expert Answer. Contrition is sorrow of the soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again. I have made the decision to close the CAF after lengthy consultation with the Catholic Answers executive committee and board of trustees. to search the largest database of Catholic answers. Nowhere in the Bible does it suggest staying at home . It can be a powerful bond if you're part of your church. Could I baptize him myself and have it recognized as a legitimate baptism? The Dec. 10-16, 2009, issue of the Catholic Herald carried a story on page 3 that could potentially create misunderstandings and confusion among the faithful as to the proper circumstances in which a lay person can baptize. However, submersion is gaining in popularity within the Latin Catholic Church. And you would not be confirmed a Catholic unless you were converting. The ones that live around us did need to participate. You don’t need holy water to baptize. Such a person would need to make a baptism of desire. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains in such cases, “the desire for Baptism… brings about the fruits of Baptism without being a sacrament” (CCC 1258). When we add to the inconclusive value of the forums, the significant cost in financial resources and personnel time to host, operate, and to what degree we can, govern them, Catholic Answers can no longer justify the effort. The lack of the practice of self-baptism undermines the idea that self-identification alone is valid. Yes,of course - you don't even need to be baptised to have your child baptised,they aren't mutually exclusive.My FSIL had her children christened Catholic but got married in a C of E church to a man who was christened as Catholic and she was last christened as Mormon (my fiance and his 3 siblings have been baptised 3 times,first time Catholic,then C of E then Mormon) In all other cases, Catholics are instructed to contact their parish. 7 years ago. exoflare December 31, 2012, 8:48pm #2. As a result of this, (Can. Is it possible/valid for someone to baptize themselves. Br.Rich_SFO October 6, 2006, 10:52pm #21. wjp984: but an infant can’t desire baptism yet he or she is baptized. We got married by a priest. In an emergency where there is danger of imminent death, anyone (yes, anyone) who has the appropriate intention can baptize, by using the Trinitarian baptismal formula. You can choose to leave the faith but you can't go back in time and change what happened. Some find them helpful, others contentious, others find them addictive, and still others find some of the content not suited to an apologetics apostolate and some of the content better suited to private spiritual direction and sacramental confession. It is always described as being baptized; that is, someone does it to you. It further encourages a Believer to serve God and Others individually and in a group setting. If I can help, I'm willing to listen. That, is the rule of thumb. Q. Sister H. No, a person cannot Sacramentally Baptize themselves. As a result, I’m not baptized nor can I receive any sacrament. Hi, I recently signed up with my husband to attend RCIA in september. Only if the non-baptized person was in imminent danger of death and there is no priest of deacon present could you baptize and with any water on hand. My parents forced me into catholic school and forced me to get confirmation and all that stuff even though I was never catholic. Jesus was sacrificed to forgive ALL sins. ). The Catechism explains: Among the penitent’s acts contrition occupies first place. 1 3. When asked, "Can a lay person baptize someone?" Can you baptize your child without being Catholic? I … While you cannot baptize yourself, rest assured that if you should die with no opportunity for baptism, your desire for it will suffice. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward change, therefore it needs to be done in public, and by a fellow Christian, preferably a pastor or minister of the Gospel of Christ. That's so great you are willing to baptize yourself! The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains in such cases, “the desire for Baptism… brings about the fruits of Baptism without being a sacrament” (CCC 1258). The best they can do is pray for the Grace of Baptism through Baptism of Desire, although not equal to Sacramental Baptism it may suffice for salvation. There must be a process of accountability and evaluation. Interestingly, Catholics believe that in an emergency anyone can baptize you, they don't have to be Christian. It is always described as being baptized; that is, someone does it to you. Such contrition remits venial sins; it also obtains forgiveness of mortal sins if it includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental confession as soon as possible. No you can't baptize yourself. Technically, anyone can perform a Catholic baptism. I never believed that Jesus was the son of God and I still don't. Never underestimate God’s desire for everyone’s salvation and His willingness to forgive the truly repentant! Our family consists of a step daughter (baptized), adopted son (not baptized) and a newborn. Some regular users of the Forums welcomed user fees. If you would like to continue supporting the work of Catholic Answers, you can donate here. Any other type of baptism is not a true baptism by water and Spirit. Our attempt to draw even a tenth of what they cost to operate through patronage was not successful. your Lord, to be baptized into Him and see the significance of it 100%. P.S. There is no Catholic Church in my country as the government is very hostile to the Vatican. Thank you all for your support over the years and God bless. My parents forced me into catholic school and forced me to get confirmation and all that stuff even though I was never catholic. Can you baptize the dead? Liturgy and Sacraments. Author has 67 answers and 13K answer views Proper Christian Baptism is done in the name of the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is why rituals are essential because they can be witnessed by other people in which other people would recognize you as being a Christian. Latin Church Catholics generally baptize by affusion (pouring); Eastern Catholics usually by submersion, or at least partial immersion. And that is the part of ‘holy’ value. Reply. That's so great you are willing to baptize yourself! I understand that the word "good" is interpreted subjectively. Weren't you baptized as a child? ... You can follow her on Twitter at @conversiondiary. Therefore, I still think a parent’s desire for baptism would apply to an infant. You need at least two catholic Godparents (male and female), but you can have as many as you want with permission of your priest. Because I have not been living a Christian life until recently, I very much want to be re-baptized but have been told that the Catholic Church does not re-baptize. While you cannot baptize yourself, rest assured that if you should die with no opportunity for baptism, your desire for it will suffice. First, no you cannot baptize yourself. When married, we decided not to get married in a church because of our beliefs at the time. On Thursday December 31 at 5pm PT, Catholic Answers will close the Catholic Answers Forums (CAF). Any Believer can baptize so "theoretically" you could baptize yourself (since you are a Believer) but since baptism is an outward show of your inward change (accepting Christ) then it doens't really make sense to baptize yourself. Lv 7. The short answer is “Yes.”. The vast majority wished to make use of the Forums for free. Or we can talk on Skype. And, to be honest, I suspect an unbaptized person who is actually worried about this while stranded in the middle of the jungle is also the kind of person who would end up being saved that way. You can use what you think is appropriate, and bless the waters beforehand if you see fit. I said, “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I baptize you!” and dropped him in the water. You do need to have someone able to baptize as God commanded in Matthew 28:18-20. It is an act of commitment to yourself and to Christ. Lv 7. A Minister can baptize a person if they do it according to Apostolic Tradition, which means by matter (water) and form (words). Position yourself so your chest is next to their shoulder. ... Up to my knowledge any Catholic in your country can baptize you with water.. You can add any additional wording that you like, but it’s probably best to stick to the bare essentials. Can I baptize myself? In order to “go to heaven” you need to be in a right relationship with God. While you cannot baptize yourself, rest assured that if you should die with no opportunity for baptism, your desire for it will suffice. I have moved to a New Channel Army of Jesus! You can baptize your kids at home. The Dec. 10-16, 2009, issue of the Catholic Herald carried a story on page 3 that could potentially create misunderstandings and confusion among the faithful as to the proper circumstances in which a lay person can baptize. Seems like the best thing to do, is to be baptized by one, who is discipling (teaching you what Jesus said). For many protestants baptism is purely symbolic. Please visit to search the largest database of Catholic answers. Can you baptize yourself? The example in scripture is for ANOTHER to baptize you. … In regards to baptism, you cannot baptize yourself. While you cannot baptize yourself, rest assured that if you should die with no opportunity for baptism, your desire for it will suffice. When it arises from a love by which God is loved above all else, contrition is called “perfect” (contrition of charity). SHoJjhmou June 21, 2015, 4:37am #1. 13 Answers. Opinions about the merits of the CAF range more widely than those concerning any of our other works. They just have to use the "Trinitarian formula" and water on the head. (CCC 1451-1452). I'd like to baptize my daughter for the sake of tradition, but I've been reading up on baptism and they say once you baptize a child in the Catholic Church it's like a promise to raise them in the Catholic Church. If you want to baptize yourself because you feel a certain connection, then you can do that. First, water-baptism isn’t necessary for Christians. I have made the decision to close the CAF after lengthy consultation with the. First, you can only be baptized once, and you were validly baptized as a Catholic, in which original sin was taken away and also any personal sins you may have committed blotted out, assuming you were baptized after the age of reason (see CCC 1262ff. The answer to your question on whether a person can baptize them self at home is made of two layers. Second, it doesn’t need to be done formally in a church building, and it doesn’t need a priest or pastor to preside. However, in an emergency, anyone can baptize a person who wants to be baptized. Q: I am a Catholic who was married in a Hindu ceremony, and now we have a baby girl. Any other type of baptism is not a true baptism by water and Spirit. But I hold the Catholic faith and have repented of my sins. A Minister can baptize a person if they do it according to Apostolic Tradition, which means by matter (water) and form (words). Zachary Rainey Ordained Minister Rev. Not a Catholic in good standing, but a Catholic none the less. However the only time someone can baptize is if they are a priest or deacon. KP. Liturgy and Sacraments. No you can't baptize yourself. You should still stand at their side, so you can properly support them. However, it won't be recognized by other religions which require you to be baptized their way and according to their strictures. For our part, we need to make the best use we can of the gifts that donors to Catholic Answers give us to spread the Catholic Faith. [citation needed] Anglicans baptize by immersion or affusion. Some regular users of the Forums welcomed user fees. Baptism is generally administered by an Ordained Minister as Christ commanded His Apostles to go out and baptize but any baptized Christian can administer a baptism it just might not be recognized by the Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains in such cases, “the desire for Baptism… brings about the fruits of Baptism without being a sacrament” (CCC 1258). As for your grandson, I, too, am bothered that he is not yet baptized, but you should not baptize him yourself. ... Secondly, one of the people offering (and who i would be extremely honoured to have as a godfather) is Catholic. I am happy to talk with you before or after it, but maybe you would prefer to keep it completely private, and I would understand that. Favourite answer. Such a person would need to make a baptism of desire. I never believed that Jesus was the son of God and I still don't. I just woke up, so I have to get out all the questions I thought of last night now). Would the saliva count as water? You must be a very strong individual to have this understanding and personal relationship of your Lord, to be baptized into Him and see the significance of it 100% without the distractions which come whenever you are baptized by someone else or a church. I don't want to wait one week for somebody to baptize me so I thought I could just baptize myself. Christopher Check. A message from the President of Catholic Answers Dear Members and Patrons of the Catholic Answers Forums. Can you baptize yourself? You cannot baptize yourself. Seems therefore, not a good thing to do, since it is not scriptural. But it always seems to miss the ‘unto repentance part’. (Note that this only concerns who can baptize: not all persons should be baptized. If an infant can’t desire baptism, then whose desire is it to have the infant baptized? I’ve heard some people say yes it would, but there also are people that have spoken on the matter say that it would not count. My cousin just had a baby not to long ago. Parrill Apple. If neither parent is Catholic and the child isn’t being raised in part by Catholic relatives, it is inadvisable for the priest to allow the baptism . You can water-baptize yourself anywhere, anytime, you want. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains in such cases, “the desire for Baptism… brings about the fruits of Baptism without being a sacrament” (CCC 1258). To begin with, we can immediately see why the Catholic Church wants Catholics to marry other Catholics. You cannot baptize yourself. In an emergency, can you baptize with saliva? Julie says: February 12, 2015 at 6:25 pm Can we baptize a grand child ourselves, if the parents are not going too . Invariably, as Grudem points out, the pastor(s) of the church are likely involved in determining who can be baptized and who can baptize. Thank you all for your support over the years and God bless. Parents can tell sons and daughters who are about to be married, and, after news of an expected grandchild, they can ask if the parents-to-be know how to baptize should a miscarriage occur. High school and college marriage courses can make the students aware that such a thing can happen and what their duty is. Let me give you some background. And can I confess my sins directly to God? Since I'm not a "practicing" catholic (church every Sunday) I don't wanna make that promise that my daughter will be brought up in the Catholic Church. You certainly can, but it’s not required. See 2 Kings 5:14. Recurring Patron donations will be discontinued on December 31. Remember, religion is just a matter of faith, not fact. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus gives us the words to say when we baptize in His name. Attend RCIA in september ” you need to be baptized by someone of. Your chest is next to their shoulder to determine if they are a priest or deacon and! 5 and 3 ) being unbaptised worship and not play the Lone Ranger I so you! Water-Baptize yourself anywhere, anytime, you do need to have four Godparents per child, some not to. I still do n't really need a certificate to reject religion March 17 2009! Technically, anyone can do, since it is not scriptural add any additional wording that you like but! 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