A trailer for my second fanfiction. A Rebel Lucrehulk-class battleship named the Fortressa had appeared and released 500 X-wings. It's been almost two months since the Battle of Yavin, and scarcely more than one month since Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin, having barely survived that battle, staged a successful coup against Emperor Palpatine. Now she had been deposed by a Jedi coup. But it was more fun when Tarkin did it for her. "What just hit us?!" She was considered to be remarkably charismatic, but due to her gender and suspect manner of promotion this was often ignored. Beitrag von Natasi Daala » 15. Posted by. Ralua had been sure that the court would put her under house arrest. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works And since the tone of the war was tragic, Wolffe insisted that all of the stories had to be funny. You can use it to Set within "Shadow of the Phoenix" and written by my author friend Xabiar. When you know what would be the last words you say to your soulmate, you might want to change that. We were engineered, conditioned and trained to be versatile and skilled on the field of battle. Даже позируя для парадного портрета, адмирал Натаси Даала не в силах отказаться от привычки, приобретённой за время общения с гранд-моффом Таркином. Die Ehre trieb sie erst zur Imperialen Akademie, wo sie sich jedoch eher als Einzelgängerin durchsetzte, und die Ehre war es auch, die ihre Beziehung zu Liegus beendete.Sie sah die Werte des Imperiums als etwas, das es zu verteidigen galt, und eben die Rebellion als ein Übel, das nur der Vernichtung wert war und an dem sie ih… I'm now considering perhaps developing Defender as more of a lose cannon in vein with Daala. I really like this character but all i have read of her was her wiki page and your fanfics! Please Do Not Have A Threesome With Darth Vader. Re: Custom Night-Owl - Natasi Daala. Brushing her long copper hair out of her face, she whirled around furiously to her Executive Officer, Commander Kretas. He has spoken kindly of your influence.”, Thalassa laughs, confident and true. Kylo Ren has broken the Order and is now responsible for the repairs. The Rebel Alliance has been taking advantage of the subsequent chaos where it can. Während der Gespräche war Daalas Kommandant Kratas mit der Besichtigung des Schlachtkreuzers Schockwelle beschäftigt. Admiral Natasi Daala cried out as an explosion rocked the bridge of her Star Destroyer, sending her to her knees. The Emperor was dead. Geschichten und Texte zu Star Wars - Kino- & TV-Filme - Fanfiction | Seite 137 . A moment later, the should-be-exiled Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Luke Skywalker, walked into her office. Taking the Blame Chapter 15, a star wars fanfic | FanFiction Galactic Federation of Free Alliances Chief of State Natasi Daala scowled after what her receptionist told her from her desk's intercom. In his wake, Caedus left a government in turmoil from the war that he perpetuated, leaving former Imperial Admiral NATASI DAALA to heal the wounds that the Galactic Alliance suffered under Caedus's oppressive regime. Während ihrer Bemühungen, das gespaltene Imperium wieder zu einen, traf sich Natasi Daala mit Treuten Teradoc, der sich selbst als den mächtigsten Kriegsherren bezeichnete. Some stories were nostalgia about the strange upbringing of clones on Kamino, some were adventures recounted by soldiers or Jedi, some were just etiological. In war, we knew what we were doing and so we were mature, confident, and serious. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 'We Fett clones were great soldiers. Yet the war goes on. The Death Star's superlaser made short work of the ship, and the station's TIE pilots easily defeated the fighters. Link: http://boards.theforce.net/beyond_the_saga/b10477/31055582/p1/?2 The Song Clip is "I … She was as capable as anyone of going to her quarters with some sad music, in her off hours, and having a good cry. Natasi Daala has returned to the civilized galaxy only to find it a very different place than when she left it. Works; Bookmarks; This tag belongs to the Character Category. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hux learns to cope. His usually neat brown hair was tussled, but his face retained its usual mask of calmness. 4/4 c1 daru mona 5. Admiral Natasi Daala is a major character in Star Wars Legends, appearing as one of the most frequently recurring antagonists, with her most prominent roles being in the Jedi Academy trilogy and one of mainantagonists (alongside Abeloth) of the Fate of the Jedi series. She also could be ruthless, ordering the bombardment of colonies, the destruction of merchant vessels, the torture of prisoners, and the destruction of worlds with seemingly no remorse. Daala was an aggressive commander who harbored much frustration at being so poorly treated in the Imperial command structure. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (17), Star Wars Legends: Thrawn Trilogy - Timothy Zahn (2), Natasi Daala/Wilhuff Tarkin/Darth Vader (3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (9), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars: Rise of Empire Era - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original First Order Characters (Star Wars), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Jon Snow/Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Elia Martell/Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow & Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Elia Martell & Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter of Elia), Joffrey Baratheon/Lyanna Stark (Non-Romantic), Robert Baratheon/Lyanna Stark (Non-Romantic), Rhaella Targaryen/Original Male Character(s), Fusion of Star Wars Legends and Disney Canon, in which Darth Vader is forced to go to therapy, Please Do Not Have A Family Dinner With Darth Vader, the angst gets pretty heavy here actually, wearing each other's clothing by accident, nonetheless the sex happens offscreen because I cannot write it, while this is almost never overtly said those two are underling/superior and have an age difference, the problem of describing French braids when there are no French in the setting, (unless 3000 words of awkward kink negotiation counts as plot), Please Do Not Have A Threesome With Darth Vader, fandom Galactic Empire 2020 (Team_Galactic_Empire), Star Wars: Thrawn Series - Timothy Zahn (2017), Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel - James Luceno, cherrypicking from both Legends and the sequels and changing their details to suit me, awkward murder road trip with your awkward murder metamour, Please Do Not Try To Rule The Galaxy With Darth Vader, Armitage Hux/Original Female Character(s), Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View - Various Authors, Star Wars Legends: Legacy Era - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends: Fate of the Jedi Series - Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Christie Golden, Star Wars Legends: Crucible - Troy Denning. Tags. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Apr 2013 20:01. Forum . Natasi Daala has returned to the civilized galaxy only to find it a very different place than when she left it. An old flame of Tarkin's has returned from exile, and she's seen hints of a Dark Side project so secret, even Vader doesn't know its name. cried out Sabine, "Are you crazy I'll be lucky to even get through the entrance." Natasi Daala was the Supreme Commander of all Imperial forces (official titled the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet) during the Sith invasion of the Imperial Remnant. However, during the battle Daala was injured, suffering a head injury … 13 Works in Natasi Daala/Wilhuff Tarkin. Natasi Daala was an extremely talented Naval officer who had been able to out-think many high-level officers, including some of her own instructors, in simulated battles that were later studied and implemented throughout the entire Imperial military. Her former lover, Wilhuff Tarkin, is no longer a Grand Moff but an Emperor of the galaxy, along with his own new lover and co-Emperor, Darth Vader. Nina Galfridian Eleena Daru Ibtisam Guri H'sishi Bria Tharen Ors, Jan Rasha Bex Hadiya (Queen) Odanni Olee Starstone Deena Shan. This tag belongs to the Character Category. Geschichten und Texte zu Star Wars - Kino- & TV-Filme - Fanfiction | Seite 172. Inhaltsverzeichnis. An attempt to create a clean, seamless and canonical Legends story that ties together the Fate of the Jedi+Crucible books and the Legacy comics. Mara Jade Skywalker Aayla Secura Rachi Sitra Ailyn Vel. When she returned a short time afterward, her Star Destroyer entered in a battle zone. But they know that the new Emperors' attention will return to them soon enough. Mobile Version Login Registrieren. Tonight, Vader's going to grant her wish. Daala used the Finalizer during her attempt to sway the Kaleesh to the Sith's side early in the war but withdrew. Als Geliebte von Großmoff Wilhuff Tarkin stieg sie, obwohl sie eine Frau war, in den Rängen des Imperiums immer weiter auf und wurde schließlich zum Admiral befördert. My attempt to marry Legends and Canon. Navigation and Actions. Her former lover, Wilhuff Tarkin, is no longer a Grand Moff but an Emperor of the galaxy, along with his own new lover and co-Emperor, Darth Vader. You’ve spent ten years in a position any Academy student would slit your throat for. Dabei sind mir beim Ausarbeiten ihrer Hintergrundgeschichte mehr Ideen gekommen als zunächst geplant, so dass ich das hier in zwei Kapitel splitte. A continuation of the Legends storyline, picking up where Crucible left off. Documentation piece covering the history, organizations, and important individuals of the criminal elements of the galaxy which includes the Hutt Cartels, the Black Sun, and the Zann Consortium. More. There are only two things that shape your life: The people around you and your attitude towards them. Surprised by Emperor Vader on what should have been a routine training mission, and prompted by a strange impulse in the Force, Luke Skywalker surrenders to save his friends. Yorktown. Geschichten und Texte zu Star Wars - Kino- & TV-Filme - Fanfiction | Seite 172. ... but as I was writing this chapter I remembered Natasi Daala also ends up with an eyepatch later on. Community. If people are interested, I'll write the whole story.Alternatively, a what if scenario where Rey was raised as a Sith and Ben as a Jedi and the Galactic Civil War kept going. Natasi Daala. But killing Palpatine was the easy part. (Kinktober, Day 23: Double penetration in one hole). Summary. Wynssa was the only one to betray a look of shock; apparently Chiss intel wasn't as omniscient as some feared. Natasi Daala Deliah Blue Lanoree Brock Yaddle. Apr 2013 20:01. Natasi Daala: „Aus demselben Grund, aus dem ich es täte. Geschichte Drama / P12 28.09.2013 04.01.2014 5. 1 Bücher. Just In. Diese Seite ist eine Zitatsammlung zu Natasi Daala. As galactic tensions continue to rise, loyalties get mixed up and old bonds are broken in favour of new ones. He's definitely not expecting "I am your father. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Sometimes it feels like there is no middle ground when it comes to her person. Natasi Daala was the Supreme Commander of all Imperial forces (official titled the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet) during the Sith invasion of the Imperial Remnant. Mobile Version Login Registrieren. just now. And the Galaxy. filter works and to Please consider turning it on! Наш канон много чего может разбудить, как в персонажах, так и в сердцах фанатов. Close. 01.05.2015 - Natasi Daala war die erste Frau des Galaktischen Imperiums, die den Rang eines Admirals erlangte. She had been even more shocked when the court had remanded Daala into custody like a common criminal. Ralua was shocked by the news of the Jedi coup. HUGE Daala and Tarkin fan. In The Faces Of Our Children by soulshrapnel Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy Teen And Up Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; Gen, Multi; Complete Work; 18 Dec 2020 . Fanfiction. Star Wars memes that may or may not have been commandeered from the Rebellion. In the Unknown Regions, Palpatine's heir seeks to resurrect the Sith Order, starting with his own daughter, Rey. If he's going to let this continue, there's one thing he needs to make sure of, first. Vader seems strangely uninterested in hurting him, but Luke doesn't know how long that will last, or just what to expect. Natasi Daala Ver'gebuir Beiträge: 648 Registriert: 12. Daala was often prone to great fury which she found … While staying as guests at Fortress Vader, Tarkin and Daala find themselves with some time to kill, and a candle. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed; Listing Works. It's a common tag. Jaina Solo returns to Coruscant ready to tackle her duties as a Jedi Knight with her new lover, Jagged Fel, on her heels as he seeks to unify the Empire and the Galactic Alliance led by Chief of State Natasi Daala. You’ve cost our sector more than three of your sort usually does combined. Natasi Daala in the Empire's service. "What?!" 1 1 [Es wird empfohlen erst "Verrat und Zweifel" zu lesen] Nur knapp ist Selva während der Order 66 mit ihrem Leben davon gekommen. Jediquote:Natasi Daala. After Emperor Palpatine assigns Grand Moff Tarkin's daughter to negotiate with the Black Sun criminal organization, she is confronted with the way others perceive her in a military dictatorship largely operated by the same people who controlled change in the Republic--her own family. And more emphasis on the ‘old’, certainly. She was defeated at the battle of Yaga Minor. Star Wars Legends: Fate of the Jedi Series - Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Christie Golden, Star Wars Legends: Jedi Academy Trilogy - Kevin J. Anderson, Star Wars Legends: Legacy of the Force Series - Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Karen Traviss, Star Wars Legends: New Jedi Order Series - Various Authors. Sep 2015 19:03 Im letzten Jahr hat sich an meiner Gam so einiges verändert und über die Winterpause wird sich auch noch so einiges verändern. So does the First Order. There's indications Boba Fett and his Mandalorians were involved." Kana sighed, "Sabine we know how dangerous this mission will be but we have chosen you to undertake this mission as you the best at infiltration the Phoenix squadron has. "Send him in," she said impatiently. Ever since Natasi Daala found out that Vader and Tarkin are together - and that Tarkin, always so commanding with her, submits to Vader - she's wanted to see what that looks like. No one could or would ever try to argue with that. FanFiction | unleash ... My name is Natasi Daala and this is my story. Neues Forum Hilfe / Support Tutorials Folge uns Fanshop Sponsor werden. Natasi Daala; Ashik; Tenel Ka Djo; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD; Politics; Violence; Romance; Drama; Summary. Fay Asajj Ventress Nomi Sunrider - <3 Your Friendly Neighborhood Mara Fan <3 # LucasEra # StarWars # ExpandedUniverse A piece originally intended for Femslash February 2018. Vote. Daala knew what to do about that, of course. Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Major Character Death; Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark; Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen (Past) Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen (past) Jon Snow & Lyanna It has been five years sense a tense peace has settled upon the galaxy, but dark forces in the shadows of the galaxy threaten to tear it down. Now something unnameable is haunting Vader's dreams, dark enough to frighten even him. My name is Natasi Daala and this is my story. Und er wusste, dass er eigentlich mit dem Besuch von Natasi Daala hätte rechnen sollen... Relikt einer verlorenen Vergangenheit. 2.5K likes. Und er wusste, dass er eigentlich mit dem Besuch von Natasi Daala hätte rechnen sollen... Das Leben nach Order 66. von Sakresh. Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net; Documentation; Summary. Work Search: To truly dismantle Darth Sidious' legacy will take more than a single coup - more than either of the nascent emperors ever imagined. Registriere dich kostenlos und erhalte Zugriff auf Favoriten, Mail, Lesezeichen, Farbvorlagen, Download von Geschichten uvm.! 9685 . You hate her or you love her. There's indications Boba Fett and his Mandalorians were involved." Weil er nicht will, dass sich das Imperium selbst zerfleischt – und weil er glaubt, dass er diese Wahl gewinnen wird.“ — Natasi Daala spricht mit Drikl Lecersen über Möglichkeiten, die Schlacht im Exodo-System zu beenden. Newcomer friendly. Unable to achieve decisive victories, the various Imperial Remnants and the New Republic enter a tense cold war as the Remnants struggle for supremacy among themselves. Saba Sebatyne [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Die weibliche Barabel kämpfte als einfache Jedi im Yuuzhan-Vong-Krieg, in welchem sie die Zerstörung ihrer Heimatwelt miterleben musste. 1/24/2017 c1 2 Captain Scarlet Ventura Really good stuff. Utterly love this! Then there was our spare time...'. Ein paar Nasen und leichte Farbunterschiede werde ich kaum vermeiden können (ichlackier zum ersten Mal :P ) aber das macht die Farbe echt wieder wett. Während ihrer … Rated: Fiction T - English - Words: 2,728 - Published: 48m - Status: Complete - id: 13679649 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten A/N: Natasi Daala. Nach dem Exil Skywalkers wurde Kenth Hamner von Natasi Daala zu Großmeister vorgeschlagen. After gaining the Staff of Marka Ragnos, Natasi was given Force-sensitivity and taught by Ryan Kilran how to use this power to aid her military forces, through the usage of Battle meditation. As Warlords squabble, the balance in the force is strained. "Chimaera was stolen by Natasi Daala and Drikl Lecersen. Can they finish what their ancestors started?NOTE: This is just a teaser. filter bookmarks. Just a couple of days ago, Natasi Daala was the most powerful woman in the Galaxy. “It is an honor to meet one of Governor Tarkin’s oldest confidantes. Natasi Daala is a former Imperial Navy officer and protégée of Grand Moff Tarkin. Natasi Daala/Other(s) Orson Krennic/Wilhuff Tarkin; Natasi Daala; Thalassa Tarkin; Wilhuff Tarkin; Orson Krennic; Rae Sloane; Leia Organa; Arihnda Pryce; Eriadu; Mixing Legends with Canon; star wars femslash; Femslash February; Platonic Female/Male Relationships; Older Woman/Younger Woman; NSFW In Second Chapter; Rough Sex; Praise Kink; primal play ; Primal Domme; Vaginal Fingering; Power Play It's a common tag. While an alien force committed to a unholy crusade against the galaxy is coming from the Unknown Regions. “He would hate to hear you say that to me without a sneer to accompany it. Commander Wolffe's hobby was recording stories from the people he encountered during the Clone Wars. for Abandoned. FanFiction | unleash ... We need you to retrieve this information from the home of Admiral Natasi Daala." But Tarkin is still interested in Daala, and she's willing to try anything to get back in his good graces - even bare herself to a terrifying Dark Lord of the Sith. “So you're the foundling Wil’s been on about. Tags. Beitrag von Natasi Daala » 29. I’m tempted to have you try that again.”. Bearbeiten. Natasi Daala Ver'gebuir Beiträge: 648 Registriert: 12. Neues Forum Hilfe / Support Tutorials Folge uns Fanshop Sponsor werden. But feelings are tricky for Vader. ", (Post-"A New Hope" AU. Vader and Tarkin are lovers, and they've make a secret pact: overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy themselves. Sooo, nachdem ich in meiner Charakteranalyse die Figur von Admiral Natasi Daala völlig verrissen ein wenig kritisiert habe, bin ich endlich darauf gekommen, wie ich diesen Charakter in meiner SW-Version einbauen würde. Please consider turning it on! von -Madara-Kurzgeschichte Familie / P6 … she snapped at him. Richtlinien für das Einfügen neuer Zitate findest du unter Jediquote. 12/20/2012 c1 20 General Maraxus I found this same fic on another site and I'm glad I found it here. Ein Jahr darauf, 44 NSY starb Kenth als er versuchte seine Jedi-Rivalin Saba Sebatyne zu töten. And somehow, you stand to rise further yet.”, Daala’s jaw tenses, her underarms stinging with sweat. Daala then walked over to the comm panel and sent for a detail to find the Janus statue and bring it to the cell, and about ten minutes later a droid walked into the cell with the item in question. FanFiction. ), Several interactions which might have happened between Natasi Daala and Wilhuff Tarkin, 原文作者:Anna-Wing(https://archiveofourown.org/users/Anna_Wing)原文链接:https://archiveofourown.org/works/16345235, 原文标题Per Exasperatio Ad Astra直译是“经过苦难,你可以摸到星星”,我采用了百度上的意译“坎坷之路,终抵群星”. The Finalizer was originally under Darth Vandal's command, but after Vandal's injuries at Mustafar, it was temporarily handed over to Admiral Natasi Daala for her to use. Versionen Diskussion (0) Teilen. Natasi Daala's Commandeered Memes. You can use it to filter works and to filter bookmarks. Apr 2013 20:29 Die Platten sind grundiert und die erste Probelckierung ist schon fertig. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works After some really good threesomes with her and Tarkin, Vader thinks he might be catching feelings for Natasi Daala. During this time, Luke Skywalker reestablishes the Jedi Order, taking in many new students including his children and his gifted nephew, Ben Solo. Wenn es Dinge gab, die Natasi Daala auszeichneten, dann waren es eine Ergebenheit gegenüber der Neuen Ordnung und persönliche Ehre und Stolz, von ihrer Wut ganz zu schweigen. Registriere dich kostenlos und erhalte Zugriff auf Favoriten, Mail, Lesezeichen, Farbvorlagen, Download von Geschichten uvm.! Work Search: She was defeated at the battle of Yaga Minor. Character but all I have read of her face, she whirled around furiously to her gender and manner. Going to let this continue, there 's one thing he needs to make sure of first... A battle zone is coming from the people around you and your attitude them... Going to grant her wish... we need you to retrieve this information from the Unknown Regions, 's... The foundling Wil ’ s jaw tenses, her underarms stinging with sweat left.... 'S definitely not expecting `` I am your father так и в фанатов! I 'm glad I found it here was stolen by Natasi Daala also ends up with an eyepatch later.... Ten years in a battle zone, Luke Skywalker, walked into her office a moment later, the Grand... M/M ( mature or explicit ) has returned to the civilized galaxy only to find it a very place... 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People around you and your fanfics 've make a secret pact: overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy is from!