There are many developers and property owners in town who cannot say that of themselves. The need for a clinic or similar center is very apparent. 1. (that whole street) Shacks!! Look a a good majority of recent builds. When will you be back at alumni? There is no "closed session" so I'm not sure what you are referring to. NOTICE OF RELOCATED REGULAR MEETING On a personal note, I have been told by the gas station that the deal was done as they were told by the company that is supposedly contracted to doing the removal of the houses or something along those lines. If that is not putting the wolf in the hen's house, idk what is. Goodluck!!!! Am I correct? It would actually likely have preserved the clapboarding, etc. I would say this isn't friendly! It did not impact the decision to allow or not allow the D1 variance request the applicant was looking for to put a commercial use in a R -125 zone ( the 2 homes on Washington) I am sure WaWa will have an uphill battle too. my guess with a site this big and a lot of moving parts it'll be a few meetings process. But why would you still be on the board with not being a resident or town or have a business in town. Quick Chek sold That way the people have a choice to use the one here on Mt Ave OR the one on top of the hill past m&m. They are also promoting a 2020 completion date on it. Naturally the answer was absolutely not. Paul, Interesting info. They are having a hard time getting approval as that is already a busy and awkward intersection. Meeting started. Uh, doesn't someone OWN the property for which these "row houses" are envisioned upon? This is going to be a multiple meeting application as there is so much information to go over so I encourage those that were not able to attend last night's meeting to attend all future meetings. I mean do they need to have been a former Mayor or perhaps Carriage Works owner, Civil War Veteran or someone "higher' up on the list of importance, or do they have to have been a major figure in the town? But, will the taxpayers get anything except another place to spend more of our money? I mean do they need to have been a former Mayor or perhaps Carriage Works owner, Civil War Veteran or someone "higher' up on the list of importance, or do … (He really impressed me, actually.) As far as the new owner letting those houses get run down!!! Case #Z17-07, Renee Feldman Wawa could have chosen either of those places and turned it down. OK folks --- here it is; all the power you need in the hands of five Historic Preservation are the rules, such that they are: Has anyone in town with the Historical Society done any kind of a survey of these properties with regard to these elements? +1 GC and more. If you are interested Bug3 in volunteering you can email the mayor, meet with her and she will keep you in mind if any positions open up. Ask the folks by the CVS and Bank of America how that's working out. This is what my other sent me. Don't the zoning maps get reviewed every 7 years?..for the master plan? I also have seen a notice posted on the front page of website in the past looking for folks to fill these positions. The zoning board decided to put that condition is as they (the board as a whole, some disagreed) felt the homes were still functioning and there was no point of just knocking them down until a replacement was approved. They should just recuse themselves from decisions affecting their own personal business. I just noticed today the 3 houses adjacent to the empty lot. 105 by the way. With the other property owner you mention, he is actively involved in his own town - and I know him personally to be no-nonsense and he routinely does not take advantage of any situation - he holds himself and others to a pretty high standard and recuses himself without being told to. While clearly folks are still passionate about that particular project, it's time to accept it and move on in my opinion. Me personally I think it's a bad idea I've almost gotten hit by cars turning on bells lane drivers don't pay attention now mind you i was walking. The question about " Does our Historical district ordinance have any power to prevent homes in the district from being demoed" should not be the question --- that should have been answered with the creation of the Historic District. It is also the "buffer" between Mountain Ave commercial and our finest historic district. That's even better. There are 7 factors used to determine if a house has historical significance vs just being "old" if they want to that's great - Ben and Jerry's also just threw their hat in the political arena - I would rather not support domestic terrorists with my ice cream purchase - they support BLM. New Business Without reciting chapter and verse from the Municipal Land Use Law and the NJSC Medici v. BPR decision, rest assured that this type of application has a very high standard for burden of proof that applicants are required to meet in order for the Board to even consider approving it. Pledge of Allegiance If the fox is in the hen house but promises not to eat any hens, do you trust it? Old couches and a weightlifting set were on the sagging porches. Take the time to prepare cohesive commentary and testimony with valid points and issues that the zoning board can legitimately take into consideration. Resolutions – He stated how great they are on many levels. I didn't know anything about the hearing. a. Carangui/Calle – Case #ZB 18-01 - Interpretation/Section 68 It is not the time to state your opinions of the plan in general just to ask questions. 1 red decal on the front and rear license plate, 2 red decals on the front and back license plates, 1 orange decal on the front and rear license plate. Without residents like Darrin trying to keep that project sane and on the up and up, god only knows what may have happened. They seem to not have a regard for safety in my opinion. It's just a downward spiral. Good rip down those couple homes and build. It happens one meeting at a time where you chose not to go; how is HMUA? There is nothing wrong with renting out a historic building to tenants - as long as the house is kept up and any repairs are done in a manner that keeps to the original look/quality/type of materials. We need a MEGA Quick Chek! Guess what it is more than voting once every few years. In the interim just participate in the various board meetings...They are open to the public...if they care. OFFICE HOURS. The subcommittee did not approve it then. I heard they are moving to where the old Mobil station was. Resolutions – #17-08, Peter J Rowland – Variance Application I mean, why change if it does not make things better? The attorney for the Quick Chek application has requested that their application be carried to the next meeting of the Zoning Board which will be held on Tuesday June 13,2017. I mean somehow the high density behind CVS got approved, with variences. Case #Z17-07, Renee Feldman Why would they expect her to do anything but fight for the businesspeople? The town could make it a nice place to perhaps recognize various town residents throughout history in some sort of tasteful memorial park if you will. Thank you Greg and Darrin...couldn't agree with you more. B &J sold out some time ago. I would fight for a design modification that looks more "historical." We really could use it. Because, guess what, if they say they wont halt gas sales, that will directly affect the well being of the neighbors, going against the requirement of a zoning change. Forgetting about the quick check for a moment - why does the town let their historic buildings get to the point that all they are good for is a tear down? trekster, coulden't agree more with your points 1 & 2 , point three is a dead horse though, the town cannot say "no" just because we "feel" we do not need that there. If you want to check your time use this tool: Darrin - So it boils down to a negation with "the developer who already owns the property", and convince them that the "row house" idea is better than the Quick Check idea? Face it, the people were not prepared, were not galvanized, and most important, were not organized. If you projected a higher annual household income then you claimed, you may owe tax credits you received in advance up to the repayment limit for your income when you file 8962 at tax time.. That means you can't pay higher than the amount listed for your family size and % of the Federal Poverty Level (amounts are subject to change each year, so always double check this year's repayment limits). The Quickchek is listed on the agenda as completeness only. @Hackresident - agreed they should've been cited but that doesn't mean it's in the best interest of the neighborhood & town to tear down for gas station. We are letting greed eat away our town. Jim L said: bonv - what is the plan for the existing building? His name has slipped my mine at the moment but its great we are now full with members. Block 122, Lots 8-12 & 10.01 4) Our current historic ordinance does dictate that any new structures with new materials comply with the current historic setting (ie. I gather the list is often empty as there are several openings on various authorities, non departmental boards, and commissions. There is no incentive for a multiple property owner who has bought houses in order to rent them out to do anything other than the minimum to make them livable and hopefully within "code" Sadly, it's easier to rent them, let them fall into basic disrepair as you collect rents, then sell when the land portion of the property becomes "valuable" as a commodity to someone else. No and no is what I see. 2 - Find an architect/engineering firm willing to draw up detailed plans pro bono, since there is much talent in this area which is also concerned about the town. CVS was much different. Block 99, Lot 4 Just make sure you don't ramble or go too long. CVS has always used tractor trailers for their deliveries and the drivers are not very skilled. The property owner of the current QC will deed land to the town in order to accommodate this. All Agenda items are being carried to the April 17, 2018 Meeting, at 7:00 p.m. There are 2 carwashes in the area already. In other words, historic home or not, the residential portion of Hackettstown's Historic District of truly historic homes will lose more of it's buffer from the commercial portion with this move. The historic committee "punted" their decision to the planning board it appears. Mayor Hines asked for volunteers at a Town Council meeting. It's as bad as places that keep designing shopping centers with the main driveway between the parking lot and store fronts. Sorry Trekster but that premise is just not true. Their application was deemed incomplete so there was no review of the application so therefore no one has officially given their opinion yet. Is that allowed in Historic area? Citizenship means "a productive, responsible, caring and contributing member of society." This is a short term ratables gain & we'll most likely end up with 1 or 2 defunct gas stations similar to the space across from Raceway. And we're getting a Wawa too- unbelievably awesome! IDK about that Bug, points 1 and 2 are very strong points....the question to ask is I understand you say there "wont" be gas smells, but what if there IS gas smells, will gas sales halt while quick check fixes the issue, or will they be allowed to continue and the neighbors just have to deal with it? Same reason why cvs did not get approval for a 24hour store at Bergen. That was such a fight. So if it is voted down will the owner and Quick Chek take it to court? I heard a WaWa was coming on Mountain Ave. with a gas station,next to Applebees. Adjournment Tuesday, March 20, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Municipal Building, 215 Stiger Street, There is just no need for another gas station, especially in that area. If they’re gonna do it then do it right. Me too, thanks for the update. Due to meeting room capacity issues at the regular location for the subject applicant: Case #Z16-05, Quick Chek Corp., Block 122, Lots 8-12 & 10.01, the meeting is being relocated to a larger facility. If these people decide to sell their homes is going to want to purchase them when they are located in such a heavy traffic area, not to mention a lot of transients. January 17th at 7:30PM -- Municipal Building NJDOT is going to rake this application over the coals, if they even get the use variance/re-zoning that they are looking for from the Town. Oh and for clarification - I do like me a good Quick Chek gas station - just think it's the wrong location for it - impacts too many people and the traffic - so many other good places for it to go. Enough. Also, why do we need another gas station on that road. And before anyone goes all 'she's a Nimby' on me - I'd love one nearby, just think that's the wrong spot. The 2 homes on Washington was the real fight. For now it sounds like both matters will be heard on April 18th. Block 51, Lot 8 411-413 Sharp Street I believe that the variance hasn't been granted yet and the meeting is not until April. Time is of the essence. Did a quick search and there is no mention of any Paftino on the website at all, forget about civic involvement. Lights - Ambient light produced by the high lumen industrial lighting would be disruptive to the neighborhood Putting the huge complex on the end of that block further removes the bridge from anything nearby (besides the cemetery itself) that's considered of Historic value. Apparently the Union Cemetery Bridge is listed with the DEP as being on the list of NJ and/or National lists of Historic places, as per : The main question of zoning variance is still just as relevant to the Hackettstown Historic District no matter what the outcome of the historic disposition of these properties, whatever that means anyways. If not, I hope that there are a lot of residents that show up to voice their concerns. Shame on Van and his family as well. You complain about a congested intersection, yet want to bring more congestion to the area by adding a quick check?? While there have been some changes in the site design in an effort to minimize the negative impact on the residential neighborhood, in my opinion it's the old- you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. The opening was made public. People need to learn to move on and improve the town instead of keeping status quo and massive emigration from the area. Shockingly none setup up. The town has the plans. 1) Not just the tear down of existing homes, but the quality of life for the remaining homes on Washington, Bells Lane and Mountain Avenue goes WAY down with the lights, traffic and noise from this proposal. Would still love to see the map though so we could really tell how bad the encroachment is. I was only ever inside of 1. Caving in to a (familiar) developer and or his legal team is unacceptable and simply a cop out. That's great Walking Girl, Anything? Ave and it gets all backed up. Ok enlighten me. So last night we heard what is the first hurdle the applicant must face and that is if the 5 houses that they want to be demolished are contributing factors to our historical district or are they just old building with no historical significance. Which was the goal anyway. With Quickchek it saves time, mileage and stops. However I will say typically when this owner/developer does remove a building and the lot sits undeveloped for some time, it is always very well kept and neat. there is hardly anyone from the public at zoning meetings so I'm sure they were caught off guard. Is that the case now? While the CVS project was similar in the slash and burn mentality the existing property there certainly was an eyesore and needed to be addressed in some fashion. Jim, you are doing a awful lot of defending on something that is so it's never happened elsewhere...... I personally am very confused by why Quick Chek is so invested in this site, it doesn't really work well for their business model and by the time they spend all the money getting this site through they could have obtained approvals and opened up on a much more suitable property. Fair consideration for displaced current renters should also be in the proposal. Property values and quality of life for the remaining homes in the area is simply just collateral damage to them. The old Hess (forget what it is now) is practically on top of the brown house behind it. You put in an inordinate amount of time and emotion and sure, you made waves and had some success. I will work on it and publish by the weekend. To me, that's the big deal because at some point, you will be mostly commercial if we continue to chip away at the residential portions of the historic district. Cluster is probably the best you can ask for. As per the Zoning Board, the Applicant has permission to tear down the 5 homes with the condition that they can not be torn down until replacement has received site approvals. Across the street. Need - There is no need to have a gas station at that location with the 3 current open and operating gas stations and the proposed Wawa gas station within less than a quarter mile of this project What's not to like? (especially in already crowded spots, especially when there are empty strip malls). On the other hand, as much as I love QC's and stop at them often - they are my 'go-to' when I'm traveling and I have been known to go out of my way to get to one, I still don't think it's a good fit for that particular location. The town will get more money in taxes from Quik Chek and WaWa. As I mentioned earlier, I see many people illegally drive down the wrong side of the street to cut down one of the side streets, in fact it's the actual intersection where the new Quick Chek is proposed to be placed AND the site where a pedestrian was run over. AGENDA There is bad flooding in that area now. Right now there's a chance someone will restore these houses. There will be a rain garden on site to help with storm water management and Bell's Lane will be widen to help with turn lanes. I couldn't stay at the meeting, way too hot, after a while i was finding it hard to breath..... the room was very obviously over capacity, surprised they didn't cancel it like the lawyer said they would if the capacity was exceeded. We have enough. How dare you bring logic to this GC and Darrin Ave is all ready a night mare why add to it. Other options to help get the word out? Blind and confuse them with details. 5. The proposal will make those homes virtually unsellable Here is our Land Development Ordinance. AGENDA AGENDA For example the height of some hedges, number of signs etc. We can then share with others in town. On open country roads where there is not traffic. Ugh Danny Tim was saying clear up the congestion at the 5 corners. No to Quickcheck! Is there a process to determine historic value? If the board votes yes they are historical then this applicant is dead as well as any future resident or commercial applicant that might want to come in that area because they too would not be able to demolish the homes. Threats of lawsuits are common but that is why town's have insurance. The other one was approved I believe. It has been mentioned that this project will ONLY be put through the zoning board, if it is approved by the zoning board, it WILL be built as such Your letter was direct opinion on why the board should vote a certain way. New Jersey and Alaska I’m praying for you all, keep your head up and stay strong. PS - they will be sending out notices again because their original notices were defective - listed as January 17, 2016. If anyone is interested in signs for the lawns please let me know. I often wonder if they drag out on purpose so that public has less time to speak and so that by the time public does speak nobody wants to listen. I think that is one reason QC is trying so hard to get the Mtn Ave location. Step 1 - Choose the nearest tide gauge to your analysis area OR select the ‘most suitable’ tide gauge based on your own judgment. It's all about corporate n $$. Superintendent … Without that kind of support from a large group of H-town citizens, you will not win. The board lawyer made a lot of sense in that the condition prevents another empty lot, that left alone erodes the transition from the commercial to residential areas. All I see lately is developers coming in and crushing what towns label as historic, not just here, but other places too. You can't see all angles backing out of the place and you take a gamble everytime you back out of a spot. But thinking back about what this area looked like years ago, we've had past expansion that we know, given the hindsight of time, was growth rather than just a shifting of businesses. don't let that happen, What you wrote was not a "correspondence" it was testimony. From the 2012 Master Plan Reexamination Report: "b. This project will cause major traffic issues on Mountain Ave, Washington and Bells Lane. Case #Z16-05, Quick Chek Corp style brick block houses) where each side could be serviced by a lane that would run between both sides. Your point is spot on with lost residential property values, look at the desirability of those surrounding houses now, and then induce the gas fumes, added traffic, noise, and a gas station in your front yard and tell me if those homes are as desirable as they used to be? Zero leadership from the Chairperson. The owners probably don't care if Satan himself buys the property, as long as he makes a good profit. Just put it in a better place, not between two traffic throttle points (5 points and the Mickey D's intersection) just in front of the major shunt (Washington) used to avoid the throttle point. What else are they willing to put up before you destroy that residential neighborhood to make it better for all Hackettstown? Simply not a great location fir them ; for us —- i m! & traffic over looking your home has lights, open 24 hrs has! Benefit in that direction as well as families with children call up expert witnesses 1 at a petition! 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