Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. She said it makes sense that budget cuts would hurt Oklahoma City’s arts programs more than other schools. Read the reports and hear the stories on NPR member stations. Programs are more in trouble today than ever before despite the overwhelming data that shows clear connections between success and studying the arts. Eliminating arts and crafts programs will certainly harm education in these areas, and will almost certainly have serious negative economic consequences as well. Fine said the arts cuts deepen pre-existing inequalities that divide students at wealthy and poor schools and widens gaps between rural and urban schools. In an economic downturn, cuts to arts programs are often a quick consideration to budget makers in public schools. When children have the opportunity to channel negative emotions into something positive, then it gives them an opportunity to express themselves in ways that teach coping mechanisms. Budget Cuts to Art Programs in Schools. There are four distinct groups – students, staff, administration, and parents/community members – involved in creating this support for the arts. Even if the school must look at an after-school arts program, the estimated annual cost per student in the United States is only $1,000. It is a community that also produces a $26 billion trade surplus that benefits local American economies. Her school was one of the many schools at risk of losing their arts programs due to low test scores. 9. Early childhood arts programs provide high returns. It nourishes the problem-solving skills needed for today’s complex environments. The very first programs to go are often disciplines such as music, art and foreign language. Fine Arts Programs Should not be Cut from Schools The fine arts have been studied for many years, and those who have studied how people have emphasized the importance of arts in the education process (Katy Independent School District). When we take a look at the pros and cons of cutting art programs in schools, it is clear to see that this action deepens the pre-existing inequalities that already divide urban and rural districts. Funds have been cut in more than 80 percent of U.S. school districts since 2008. Some teachers are trying to implement new classes in their free time, but up to 30% of students are now attending classes at a place where there is no access to the arts. That means each student who can attend these classes instead of going to a correctional facility can save a community at least $36,000 per year. As school districts are facing massive budget cuts across the country, school programs, teachers and students are taking the hit. When you cut out half of the equation, then you’re removing that part of the child’s potential. Our kids are the losers when schools cut out arts programs. Many schools have to cut their arts programs, and there is simply nothing they can do about that. At an earlier time, it would have been difficult, if not impossible, to drive through any community without passing one of the gigantic, student-created displays for the local middle school play or attending some parade or festival unaccompanied by the pulsating rhythms of the high school band. “When we look at fine arts programs across the state, we see that rural schools and low-income schools are being affected the most by these budget cuts,” she said. Art stimulates a different part of the brain. Naomi Lonergan, an assistant principal at New Dorp High School on Staten Island, has seen her arts program shrink by three-quarters from 1973, when the school had seven full-time arts teachers. That’s actually the point. And even if the budget crises pass, these classes and programs are rarely reinstated. Music has been a crucial part of culture since the beginning of time. Most colleges are going to look at a child’s grades, athletic achievements, club activities, and extracurricular work to determine their merits for entry. When budget cuts are imminent in many school districts, more often students are left with little options in education. 3. Creative careers are still possible in today’s world. School boards cut fine arts programs because they believe it is the easy way out of a financial crisis. She was a finalist in a national in-depth radio reporting competition for an investigatory piece she produced on campus rape. Taylor said it’s common for schools to charge students hundreds of dollars a year, which can pay for everything from art supplies and instruments to fine arts teachers’ salaries. Randolph Public School District, located in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts region, has cut their entire K-12 arts, music, and physical education (PE) programs … While studying Environmental Science and Natural Resource Journalism with an emphasis on agriculture, a professor introduced her to radio and she fell in love. That’s a problem, said Alissa Novoselick, executive director of the organization Living Arts, which places teaching artists in Detroit-area schools. That all changed when the art program was cut from the district. 4. Rural families don’t have that option, or if they do, the choices are limited and the quality of results questionable. This outcome corresponds with other research that shows students that have consistent access to the arts have lower dropout rates from school. Although a shrinking budget is an oft-cited factor for this action, there is also the problem of recruiting certified teachers for the subject. When rich and poor school districts are all cutting arts programs, then it creates more of an equal opportunity for students. The cuts affected classes for visual arts, theater, music and band — as well as speech and debate. Language and mathematics retention is possible when combined with art and music lessons. School districts that start cutting art classes to throw money at the standardized test subjects often find that their scores still go down. Four studies were conducted by the NEA to track children, teenagers, and young adults who had high or low levels of arts engagement in or out of school. My proposal is to make an all gender nation (Excluding men) called, New Individual Girls Generating Equality Radically. 3. The arts suffered because school officials, students, parents, and the public in general perceived the arts to be, despite the vast evidence to the contrary. 6. Arts encourage students to stay in school when they might otherwise choose to leave. Art is not a required course to take. It stops the development of empathy and tolerance. Arts and music programs also help students to perform better academically. Considering the cost to house one delinquent youth for a year is at least $20,000, taxpayers can save more if schools invest in these programs. The arts and culture industry of the United States supports almost 5 million jobs each year. Schools partnered with cultural organizations and institutions that provided these arts learning opportunities through before- and after-school programs, field trips, in-school … Why schools are cutting music programs, and why we need to save them. One of the reasons why kids choose to stay when they would otherwise drop out is because the arts program provides a supportive environment to work. Art, they say, is great for kids. But three years ago, the less affluent Oklahoma City Public Schools cut 44 art positions. These careers create a chance to be open to learning about new people and experiences to the point where acting, graphics design, or computer coding becomes better because of the visual approaches that these classes require. You can find the Wanette School District about 30 miles southeast of Norman in rural Oklahoma. Posted Feb 14, 2011 Randolph Public School District, located in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts region, has cut their entire K-12 arts, music, and physical education (PE) programs … Art Education Pros And Cons Fortunately, however, this trend has reversed somewhat, and school districts are once again developing thriving fine and performing arts programs. When low-income and rural school districts decide to cut their art programs, then it may create a chain of events where a student is never introduced to these subjects. The average annual program budget for art classes in the United States at public schools is around $150,000. It can improve the budget for the school district. When children receive time in art education, then there are boosts to their final testing scores. We must all become active members of our school boards, city councils, and legislatures to stop this trend of cutting classes. Artists visited schools and led students through workshops about music and ceramics. Cuts to art and music programs in public schools take place for many reasons, including a misinterpretation that the arts are unnecessary or optional, a misguided reaction to state and national testing pressures that emphasize performance in reading, writing and math and a misunderstanding of the usefulness and value of the arts to both education and the workforce. Many schools today are cutting back or eliminating their art programs due to budget constraints. But three years ago, the less affluent Oklahoma City Public Schools cut 44 art positions. But three years ago, the less affluent Oklahoma City Public Schools cut 44 art positions. At-risk students who take art are significantly more likely to stay in school and ultimately to get college degrees. And yet, every time state budgets get tight and deficits grow, the . The arts in schools are the perfect way to help apply the more basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. It can also improve the coordination between the brain’s hemispheres for students in the K-12 public school. As a society, we cherish our music, movies, TV shows, stand-up comedians, books and Broadway too. Although, according to Americans for the Arts, the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act includes the arts as "core academic subjects," schools may push painting, orchestra, band and other similar programs aside in favor of reading, writing and math … Sports teams often ask for God's blessing to help them beat the competition. The median budget when looking at all districts was $84,000. This advantage is not always looked at in positive ways, but it does stop the problem of having larger districts providing more opportunities to students than the smaller ones. There is a specific reason why this outcome occurs. She also produced in-depth reports on wind energy and local food for Montana Public Radio. Numerous studies, including those by James S. Catterall, professor at UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, find that regular participation in fine arts classes raises SAT scores by an average of 91 points and improves coordinatio… If we are to allow this to continue in schools, we should make a new country on the Moon. Instead of focusing on what is being tested all of the time, school rankings should be focused on other metrics. But aside from enriching our lives, fine arts make kids smarter. That’s not the case in Oklahoma City Public Schools, where most students and families can’t afford to pay for arts programs. Arts advocacy requires more than angry cries and links to statistics. The arts face being squeezed out of schools by a focus on a narrowing range of core subjects. All of those funds dried up. Across the country, 120 school districts had, as of October, moved to four-day school weeks while others are canceling field trips, shuttering after-school programs and charging students to play sports. Cutting these programs in affluent areas transfers the responsibility to private lessons and charitable providers. It can be a misguided reaction to poor results on standardized testing. StateImpact Oklahoma reports on energy and the environment, education, health, criminal justice, and the intersection of government and everyday Oklahomans. The best argument in f a vor for cutting art classes and programs from schools is that it will force students to focus more on core classes. As a result, programs in the arts, music, and other creative realms are dwindling. What if we could create an artistic standardized test that would also impact the ratings that schools receive for student performance? 5. Art, they say, is great for kids. One time we took them to the Fred Jones Museum in Norman. Because of this, many schools reroute funding from the arts programs to core subjects like math and english classes. Potential savings: $3,0. twj5105 February 21, 2014 at 8:29 am. “I feel like art is extremely important,” she said. Taylor is thankful for the support, but she said it’s not the same as having consistent district art staff. This advantage is not always looked at in positive ways, but it does stop the problem of having larger districts providing more opportunities to students than the smaller ones. If you take the average cost of a program per school and apply it to a somewhat small district like Monroe, WI, there are a total of five programs that would require oversight from teachers. Today’s students that go into teaching programs aren’t headed out to the rural districts. A few years ago, she started offering a new art class for middle school students. There for, yes we should cut fine arts from schools across our educationally talented and great nation Other schools have taken direct action and made arts programs core subjects, making them less vulnerable to budget cuts. She says music, dance, painting and drawing help kids build skills that math and English classes can’t. Professor James Catterall of the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies found that regular participation in art classes can raise SAT scores by an average of 91 points. Rhonda Taylor, the director of visual and performing arts for OKCPS, said schools lost nearly 100 programs across the district. It reduces the staffing needs that rural districts have for the arts. “Over the years of teaching, I’ve noticed it’s the students that do not excel in academic classes that really do well in art. Academic Benefits in Higher Level Learning Art Integration Approach that integrates the fine arts into classes Saves Money More than 25,000 students- involvement in arts led to general academic success Academic Benefits at the Elementary School Level Motor skills Learn colors, In light of the proposed cuts to arts programs in the 2018 budget, let’s take a minute to reflect on the benefits of public arts programs and what we stand to lose if the budget is approved. Since moving to Oklahoma, Emily's work has won many awards and has been featured on NPR's Morning Edition and All Things Considered. In rural Wanette, librarian Brenda Roberts said her students don’t have the same opportunities as their big city counterparts. It benefits communities with low or middle incomes the most. Creative arts subjects are being cut back in many secondary schools in England, a BBC survey suggests. Our children deserve a future that teaches them creativity is essential. The Edmond Public School district, for example, has not cut any fine arts classes recently. The issue becomes crystal clear: Many arts programs are beneficial to students as they are. The presence of art classes can improve standardized test scores. Schools partnered with cultural organizations and institutions that provided these arts learning opportunities through before- and after-school programs, field trips, in-school … 4. State Department of Education data suggest Oklahoma schools ended 1,110 fine arts classes between 2014 and 2018, a period of severe state budget cuts. The reasons for those cuts vary, including a misinterpretation that these programs are optional or unnecessary. It also improves the opportunities to find meaningful employment, vote in elections, and seek out volunteer options. But that money dried up too,” she said. The well-tempered student. The Edmond Public School district, for example, has not cut any fine arts classes recently. Now, instead of creating art every day, high school students have the option of learning about its history online. And because wealthy c… Yet when school budgets shrink, the first thing that gets cut is the arts -- as if it's merely a disposable afterthought to education. This puts an even greater burden on the school board. For example, data from The College Board shows that in 2015, students who took four years of arts and music classes while in high school scored an average of 92 points higher on their SATs than did students who took only one-half year or less. If you think that your child or your school is entitled to have arts education programs, you may need to think again. So it makes it harder for rural districts to get teachers,” she said. We cut art because we’re testing for reading, math, and science. Arts – and music – typically bring funds when the school charges activity fees to parents. “I’ve just been doing classes one or two days a week,” she said. Librarian Brenda Roberts is doing her best to revive the arts in Wanette. Without this structure, kids from rural or poor schools would struggle to find employment opportunities in cultural or creative positions because there is no way to compete with those who actually received an education. Rhonda Taylor, the director of visual and performing arts for OKCPS, said schools lost nearly 100 programs across the district. It lets them shine.”. ‘Cutting arts and music programs is worth the savings’: Sarcastic new #SaidNoSchoolEver ad campaign There’s a new ad campaign that is sarcastic but funny and reflects something real: many public schools and teachers don’t nearly enough resources. Rhonda Taylor, the director of visual and performing arts for OKCPS, said schools lost nearly 100 programs across the district. Instead of creating art every day, now the only option for these students is to study the history of art online. It is a structure that promotes constructive acceptance, including critiques of creative efforts, while still making it a safe place for students to be bold with their risk-taking ventures. Arts programs are often the first classes administrators cut when schools have financial struggles because arts are not tested subjects. When there is $1 invested into programs that support art and culture for today’s youth, then an $8 economic return occurs. Cuts continue even though there is strong evidence that the arts contribute to a complete education. If we do not, then all of the problems we see today might get even worse for the next generation. It also widens the gap between the wealthy institutions and the poor ones. Dance, music and theater programs may make frequent appearances on school budget-cut lists, but eliminating the performing arts from education could have costly effects for students. Kids Lose Out When Schools Cut Arts Programs. 10. A fine arts education — including music, theater, drawing, painting, or sculpture — whether in practice or theory, has been a part of any well-rounded curriculum for decades — but that may be changing. Click here to donate online to support our journalism. That creates a better student-teacher ratio, but it can also create the appearance of paying a teacher an unequal amount of money since there are fewer contacts to manage throughout the day. Only a third of 8 th-graders in the western U.S. took an art class last year and only 17 percent played in the school band, the lowest figures of any region in the country, according to a recently released national arts assessment.. If you are going to teach a child to be a well-rounded adult, then that approach must start with how we structure their education. Like, last year I was the counselor, too, and I had no time for art.”. Yes, we should cut fine arts in schools because it is a large distraction in a student's educational carrier. 1. State records don’t paint a precise picture of what’s causing the loss of fine arts classes, or how they’ve played out district-by-district, but it’s clear these cuts have not hit all schools equally. Fewer students are taking arts subjects including art … When you include the push for more STEM services, the choice often becomes keeping art or paying for the new science, technology, and engineering structures – so the latter often wins. The arts suffered because school officials, students, parents, and the public in general perceived the arts to be nothing more than an extracurricular activity, despite the vast evidence to the contrary. Potential cost: $6,0. These costs quickly add up, which is why cutting school music programs is often one of the first solutions to school budget cuts. Despite a growing mountain of evidence to the benefits of studying the arts, school systems set on achieving high scores on standardized tests turn to … The annual budget for art programs in schools is surprisingly small. Art and music programs help keep them in school, make them more committed, enhance collaboration, strengthen ties to the community and to peers, improve motor and spatial and language skills. Still, cutting academic programs is a last-resort measure for any school, according to Robert Franek, editor in chief of The Princeton Review and author of "The Best 385 Colleges." The arts face being squeezed out of schools by a focus on a narrowing range of core subjects. Some families cannot afford Crayons, much less an instrument rental that costs $40 per month or more. 2. Librarian Brenda Roberts works on an art project with a group of eighth graders in Wanette Public Schools. Lauren Schuetz started this petition to Global Partnership for Education. The main reasons that schools cut anything is because of budget deficits. A California State University study found a link between music and literacy, noting that the highest reading scores of any students on campus were from music majors and music education majors. Roberts knows these subjects aren’t going to end up on a state test, but she said they’re still an essential part of students getting a well-rounded public education. Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, Proverbs 31:8-9 Meaning of Speak up for Those Who Cannot Speak for Themselves, 50 Powerful Bible Scriptures on Gratitude, 10 Powerful Prayers for Selling Your Home, Be Not Drunk with Wine Meaning and Meditation, Even a Child Is Known by His Doings Meaning and Meditation, Washing of Water by the Word Meaning and Meditation, Righteousness Exalts a Nation Meaning and Meditation, 18 Strong Prayers for a New Place to Live. Local museums, outside programs, and non-profit agencies are working to fill in the gaps being left by arts programs cut from local schools. Both statistical and anecdotal evidence warns of the dangers of slashing arts programs from schools, including an increase in dropout rates and decrease in test scores. For a long time, high school juniors and seniors had a dedicated art teacher who taught class five days a week. Most fine art classes do not include extra practice for core (math, science, english) classes. Wanette isn’t the only Oklahoma school district forced to end fine arts classes in recent years. Schools in North Dakota, however, are singing a slightly different tune. Over 80% of the benefits that come from this advantage of art programs benefit the public directly. For about as long as anyone can remember, the juniors and seniors at the high school had a dedicated art teacher who was there five days per week. Why are schools cutting fine arts programs, and why are they the first to go? Arts programs should be viewed as an investment and not as a burden. It was an opportunity to sketch, paint, or even learn ceramics. Artsmarts: Why Cutting Arts Funding Is Not a Good Idea Funding the arts funds scientific innovation and economic development. Even poems that rhyme or artistic works with patterns create unconscious learning opportunities that are worth exploring. After all, children need to be prepared for the future, and the future is in STEM, not in the arts, right? That means you only need to save three students from delinquency to make the program pay for itself. Cutting arts programs equalizes the playing field. When you can respond quickly to the idea of cuts with critical pros and cons like these, then there is a better opportunity to save the plan. Though only a small percentage of students go on to be professional artists and musicians, appreciation and participation in the arts is an important part of the developmental process. Academic Benefits in Higher Level Learning Art Integration Approach that integrates the fine arts into classes Saves Money More than 25,000 students- involvement in arts led to general academic success Academic Benefits at the Elementary School Level Motor skills Learn colors, Arts programs have yet to report anyone dying while playing a musical instrument or reading a poem. It may cause some students to never receive exposure to the arts. This petition had 176 supporters. The economics of art classes is that the cost of supplies is significantly higher than it is for what students need to have to learn mathematics. Reading, writing, and math are just as important as art. Emily Wendler joined KOSU in February 2015, following graduate school at the University of Montana. Arts programs are often the first classes administrators cut when schools have financial struggles because arts are not tested subjects. As a way to save funds, many schools opt to cut music and art programs. Fine arts ought to be appreciated on their merits alone. Roberts hopes lawmakers find a way to increase funding for the arts during the 2019 legislative session. Most students choose to take something else. Music can spark a child’s interest in an instrument, giving them an opportunity to travel the world while supporting themselves. A report released earlier this year by the Department of Education shows that in the 2. The "Fine" Arts programs make our country worse than that of the vacuum of space. Fortunately, however, this trend has reversed somewhat, and school districts are once again developing thriving fine and performing arts programs. Most districts only need to have one art teacher per school, which means this resource can stretch further than most administrators realize. Although fine arts programs are usually the first to be cut when budget cuts come to schools, fine arts can be considered the most important thing in a child’s education. At the announcement, Secretary Arne Duncan pointed to the importance of the report because itContinue Reading This proactive option will let you provide the first steps to approach the people who have the most influence on the school budget. She said a bigger hurdle in maintaining these programs could be schools’ difficulty finding certified arts teachers, which is more challenging in rural districts. I would agree that it’s not beneficial for the children to be cutting art programs for schools, but with budgets already being so strenuous, the schools are having a hard time figuring out where they can get the money to keep funding these programs. That all changed five years ago after budget cuts forced district officials to eliminate the class. The presence of music programs in schools is a widely debated topic as a result of the fact that music programs may consume an abundance of time and money. Taylor said local artists, museums and theater organizations stepped in to fill the gap as state funding slowed in recent years. Large selective schools like Cass Tech, Renaissance and the Detroit School of the Arts offer several such programs. Very few do. StateImpact Oklahoma is a partnership among Oklahoma’s public radio stations and relies on contributions from readers and listeners to fulfill its mission of public service to Oklahoma and beyond. In 2018, nearly 30 percent of public school students in Oklahoma went to a school with no fine arts classes, state records show. Therefore, schools must be aware of the larger community while working to build school support for the performing arts program. Budget concerns and testing concerns are often top-of-mind in these situations. The Wanette School District is nestled in a rural stretch of Oklahoma about 30 miles southeast of Norman. Budget cuts to art and music programs also harmed communities in ways not always readily apparent. Even when a class is present, fewer students often take it. When rich and poor school districts are all cutting arts programs, then it creates more of an equal opportunity for students. Some communities even see no value in arts to the workforce or a person’s education. His work shows that low-income students with courses in the arts are more likely to attend college and do well there. It is a well known fact that in America, public schools never have enough money to run and colleges and universities are expensive. At-risk students who take art are significantly more likely to stay in school and ultimately to get college degrees. A school district … The Cincinnati native has since reported for KBGA, University of Montana’s college radio station, and Montana’s PBS Newsbrief. Programs more than 1,200 schools responded - over 40 % of secondary schools national radio... And colleges and universities are expensive officials might pull the plug on support for the success of the of. Known fact that in the United States supports almost 5 million jobs each year report conducted by the Center arts... 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