o Prevalence: total number of existing cases at a given time Lecture notes, course - - Notes introduction health psychology, Copyright © 2021 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Summary - Operations Management, Midterm Exam Review and Notes, Exam 2015, Questions and Answers - Operations Management, Sample/practice exam 2015, questions and answers - possible midterm questions, Sample/practice exam 2015, questions and answers - Multiple choice, AIS Chapter 1 - Summary Accounting Information Systems, Operations Management Final Exam Study Guide, Homework 3618 sp18 updated feb13 solutions, Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists (3rd Edition), Sandlands Vineyards - Marketing Case Study. Who are in charge of treatment? o Kidney’s regulate bodiy fluids, maintain sodium/potassium ions, What are some disorders of the renal system? o Self-Help Groups Internet What are the causes of illness? o Mechanical Transmission: passage of a microbe to an individual by means of a carrier that is not o Important in metabolism What is the role of psychology in health and illness? o Reasons for relapse On this page you find summaries, notes, study guides and many more for the study book Health Psychology, written by Edward P. Sarafino & Timothy W. Smith. It was recognized that there is a need to write simplified lecture notes to health science students enrolled in the university colleges. Public health psychology (PHP) investigates potential cause-and-effect links between health and psychosocial factors at the population level. o Relapse prevention, Be familiar with the different types of accidents that negatively impact health. the variables in each: o Ulcers, Know the renal system. With Straub’s Health Psychology, students explore the interrelationship of psychological and physical well-being, making meaningful connections between health psychology theory and research and their own everyday experience. Arthritis Multiple Sclerosis Understand the different roles of health psychologists. o Morbidity: number of cases of a disease that exist at some given point in time; i.e. One is also more susceptible to physical and psychological diseases when he or she is always under stress. Be able to define health and health psychology. Treat mental illness; 2. o Gastroenteritis Gallstones Before World War II, the field of psychology had 3 clear missions: 1. What is stress? How can we decrease accidents? Make life more productive and fulfilling; 3. 3. Individuals are deemed accountable for their health as they are responsible for the activities that they choose to engage in, which may include smoking, diet, drinking alcohol and engaging in exercise. Self-monitoring Health psychology is a new division of psychology that focuses on the relationship between biological, psychological, environmental and social factors and our health. 10. ♦ Compared to other sciences psychology is a young discipline but it is growing at a faster rate. o Cognitive-behavioral Who are to be held responsible for it? o Incidence: number of new cases at a given time o Health: health is not just the absence of disease and infirmity, but is recognized to be an, o Health Psychology: health psychology is devoted to understanding the psychological influences on, Know the different historical perspectives on the mind-body relationship. The Hospital - Its History, Setting and Procedures. In recent decades, the recognition that psychological factors can affect health has given rise to a new branch of psychology called health psychology. It is a field which aims to answer the following queries: 1. o Dysentery Hepatitis Why is health psychology important? One of the important topics in health psychology is stress. Figure 2.1 can serve as a guide. o Decrease BP Increase longevity The word psychology has its origin in two Greek words and . Journal of Health Psychology is a leading international peer reviewed journal that aims to support and help shape research in health psychology from around the world. Product details. o Female Be familiar with the importance of healthy diet in promoting health. Introduction • Health psychology: scientific study of psychological processes related to health and health care (Friedman and Adler 2007) • Focus on prevention – It is now acknowledged that many health problems are directly related to lifestyle choices • Goal: Help people stay healthy, and to start and adhere to treatments 3. a. o Values Cognitive Factors Therefore, school related stress does seem to have implications on health. Health and Illness Health psychology - field devoted to understanding how people stay healthy, why they become ill, and how they respond when ill. Biopsychosocial model - examines health as function of linkages among factors in nervous system, immune system, personal behavior, cognition, and social and environmental factors. people are suffering from what kinds of illnesses at any given time o Managed Care Facilities Mass Media STUDY. Summary Health psychology notes Very extensive notes for the health psychology chapter chapter with in depth study descriptions and analysis points. Preview 1 out of 22 pages o Specific immune mechanisms: acquired after birth; fight particular microorganisms and their toxins, How does infection occur? Psychological factors involve lifestyle, personality characteristics, and stress levels. Be familiar with each of the health behavior models and how they are used. o #1 cause of accidental death. Support This branch of psychology takes the biopsychosocial approach which regards health as the combination of effects of biological processes such as viruses and tumors; psychological processes such as stress, beliefs and cognitions; behaviors and actions such as risk-taking and gambling; and social factors such as ethnicity and way of life. o Therapist’s Office Schools Who are in charge of treatment? Health psychologists identify behaviors and experiences that promote health or give rise to illness, and influence the effectiveness of health care. Your email address will not be published. o Prevention: Understand the different types of cancer screening (e.g., ACS guidelines). o Cancer Lymphoma when the infection is contracted and the time the symptoms, Non-specific systems: fatigue, headaches, etc. o Children, adolescents, elderly... o Individualized exercise programs Meet with dietary counselor to change family diet The specific need for writing this lecture note arose from mitigating shortages of teaching materials This field also goes beyond individual health as it expands its scope to communities and nations by exploring how health polices influence inequalities, inequities, and social injustice. Lupus Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Blease C, O'Neill S, Walker J, Hagglund M, Torous J. Health psychology is a specialty area of psychology that focuses on how all facets of our lives impact our physical health. An Introduction to Psychology Notes PSYCHOLOGY SECONDARY COURSE 3 Fig. o Health behaviors: behaviors undertaken by people to enhance or maintain their health (healthy diet, o Health habits: a health-related behavior that is firmly established and often performed, o Health promotion: general philosophy that says that good health (wellness) is a personal and, o Prevention: Instilling good health habits and changing poor ones, What are some factors associated with predicting and changing health behaviors? What is not a disorder of the reproductive system? Know the difference between health behaviors, health habits, health promotion, and prevention. o The Family Community-Based Interventions o AIDS Hodgkin’s disease Critical health psychologists are considered as agents of transformation and are not merely analysts. Stress weakens our immune system as our body produces unnecessary chemicals and hormones that may be harmful at times. Acute phase: disease at its height; experiences fever, nausea, fatigue, What are some disorders of the immune system? o Direct Transmission: involves bodily contact STUDY. Health psychologists study ways of promoting and maintaining health. It is a field which aims to answer the following queries: Research in health psychology provides in-depth understanding of health and illness. Psychologists in this area are associated with other public health disciplines such as epidemiology, nutrition, genetics, and biostatistics. In some countries, prescription privileges are given when clinical health psychologists receive additional training to become a medical psychologist. counts for around 50 of all clinical Studies Marks 2013 HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY e link between SWB and health The application of the concept of homeostasis from physiology in the discipline of psychology holds significant potential HOMEOSTASIS THEORY OF WELL BEING HEB ti Determinants of physical mental yell being EMOTION ATTACHMENT Bowl by INCOME … Have a greater need for addictive behaviors when going through rough situations o Social Engineering, What are some different venues to modify health behaviors? Sharing notes with mental health patients: balancing risks with respect. o Good diet helps prevent weigh problems, CVD... What are some interventions? Biological factors include inherited personality traitsand genetic conditions. Their research focuses on the relationship between psychosocial factors and the emergence, progression, and treatment of illness. The Mental Health Intake & Evaluation Forms describe background information, basic medical history and current functioning (such as mood and thought processes) needed for the intake process. How are health and illness related? It investigates how disease affects the psychological well-being of individuals, and is concerned with bettering the lives of individuals with terminal illness. o Increase strength of the heart Decrease CVD o Role in technology & research. What is obesity, and why is it a health risk? Learn how your comment data is processed. o Early identification of at-risk people may prevent or eliminate the poor health habits that can. What is the connection between mind and body? Stress is the process by which we appraise and cope with stressors. o Indirect Transmission: occurs when microbes are passed via airborne particles Psychology and economics. Fill in the blanks: a. o Motorcycle/automobile accidents, Why are motorcycle and automobile accidents such an important problem? The summaries are written by students themselves, which gives you the best possible insight into what is important to study about this book. Explain the following relationships: Psychology and politics. 1.3 Branches of psychology o Screening techniques – weeds out people who are not truly committed to behavior change, thus, o Identification of situations that are likely to promote a relapse and then develop coping skills that, o Restructuring of environment to eliminate situations that will trigger a relapse, How can we modify the environment to change health behaviors? This field concerns promoting health, including the prevention and treatment of disease and illness. Who are to be held responsible for it? PLAY. PLAY. How does it affect psychological health? Research in health psychology provides i… This is when our career choice becomes crucial to our health, as there are some cases that demonstrate how work environment can cause too much stress on a person. The Health Psychology section of the syllabus is divided in 6 topics, which include sub-topics and studies that need to be known for the exam: a) The patient-practitioner relationship: • practitioner and patient interpersonal skills - Non-verbal communications (e.g. She is also a regular contributor for the media. Public Health Initiative: Curriculum and Staff Strengthening Program sponsored by The Carter Center. It deals with the distribution of power and the impact of power differences on health experience and behavior, health care systems, and health policy. Health psychology steers away from the simple linear model of health and considers illness as a product of multiple factors, and that people are not seen as passive victims of external forces such as viruses or bacteria. After World War II, the Veterans Administration (now the Veterans Affairs) and the National Institute of Mental Health were founded and the focus of psychology turned almost exclusively towards understanding and treating mental illness. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), it makes good sense to keep the notes separate since this type of information should not be available automatically. What are the different parts of the brain, and what roles do neurotransmitters play? Eastern Concepts in Western Mental Health Practice. Health psychology, often referred to as behavioral medicine or medical psychology, is the application of psychological theory to health-related practices.The field of health psychology includes two sub-fields. ©2021 The Psychology Notes Headquarters Privacy Policy. Health Psychology Notes 3. Required fields are marked *. Its mission is to advance the science and practice of evidence-based health psychology and behavioral medicine. Today, the main approach used in health psychology is known as the biosocial model. o Tubular necrosis Acute Glomerular Necrosis, Know the basics of the reproductive system. form conducive to growth in the body, and then passes it on to the human o Disorders Identify and nurture talent. o Accidental poisonings & falls o Decrease risks for chronic diseases Health psychology, also known as medical psychology or behavioral medicine, is a subfield of psychology in which the main concern is how biology, psychology, behavior and social factors are involved in one’s physical health and illness. o Family interventions Health Psychology – How Psychosocial factors relate to the promotion and maintenance of health and with the causation, prevention, and treatment of illness. Make snack foods more expensive/health foods less expensive. Why should we intervene with particular groups? o Course of infection This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Community health psychology (CoHP) aims to study community factors that have impacts on the health and well-being of individuals who live in communities. A person is more likely to develop respiratory problems or even allergies if he lives in a damp, mildew infested home. Clinical health psychology (CIHP) is one of many specialty areas for clinical psychologists, and it applies scientific knowledge from the field of health psychology to clinical probing. o Social engineering The researchers note how many contemporary psychotherapies use different aspects of Buddhist practice—such as mindfulness and acceptance—in their work to help individual clients who may be suffering from particular challenges. directly involved in the disease process o Non-specific immune mechanism: general set of responses to any kind of infection or disorder o Epilepsy Huntingtons, residue passes into large intestine rectum, What are some disorders of the digestive system? AlleyDog.com has your back with Psychology 101 and Cognitive lecture notes. Less likely to occur if the person has social support from friends/family, but is more likely if the Critical health psychology (CrHP) concerns health inequalities as it focuses on what is socially just and on the right of people of all ages, sexual orientations and social and economic status to health. o STD’s Amenorrhea Although it is common knowledge that illnesses can be contagious and hereditary, behavioral and psychological factors should not be disregarded as they also have significant effects on overall physical well-being and various medical conditions of individuals.eval(ez_write_tag([[970,90],'psychologynoteshq_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',154,'0','0'])); The things that we do, the way we process information, the environment where we live in, career choice, life troubles, and even family dynamics have great impacts on our health condition. It is a major contributor to the areas of prevention and treatment and comprises education, behavior change techniques, and psychotherapy. o Breast cancer. Some work in public health departments focusing on prevention research and interventions for health promotion programs, while others choose to work in universities and medical schools where their duties are to teach and to conduct research. Relapse prevention o Personal control Access to health care edition (May 1, 2012) Incubation period: period btw. Social factors include such things as social support systems, family relationships, and cultural beliefs. Please keep in mind that these notes are intended to be SUPPLEMENTAL!! o Cognitive behavioral strategies o Decrease obesity Decrease negative moods 1.1: Aspects of the subject matter of psychology INTEXT QUESTIONS 1.1 1. Infurna, F. J., Gerstorf, D., Ram, N., Schupp, J., & Wagner, G. G. (2011). McKinstry and Wang); verbal communications (e.g. o Sustained exercise that stimulates/strengthens the heart and lungs and improves the body’s, o Marked by high intensity, long duration, and high endurance, How can we promote exercise? This was incredibly beneficial. Effect of a treatment that arises from a patient's expectations and response to the treatment, excluding the treatment's specific action. Behavioral health focuses on prevention of health problems and illnesses, while behavioral medicine focuses on treatment. 2. ... Coping methods such as relaxation , stress management or problem solving can reduce the impact of stressful events on distress and adverse health outcomes. What are the causes of illness? It is best to be familiar with How must illness be treated? The main unit of investigation is psychology is the individual . o Goals, What's the difference between teachable moment and window of vulnerability? Public health psychologists communicate with educators, policy makers, and health care providers to disseminate research results that promote better public health. Health Psychology, 33, 85–94. Lancet Psychiatry. Testes produce testosterone, What are some disorders of the reproductive system? o Diarrhea Appendicitis Stress – Any Circumstance that threatens or is perceived to threaten one’s well being and that thereby tax … o Teachable Moment: refers to the fact that certain times are better than others for teaching, o Window of Vulnerability: certain periods of time when children/adolescents learn important health-, What are some at-risk groups? o Exercise benefits physical and mental health; it improves mood, feelings of well-being, sense of self-, What are the determinants of regular exercise? A growing body of research suggests that transparent access to the notes that clinicians write, via secure online portals, can help patients feel more control of their healthcare. Ovaries produce estrogen/progestrerone Johnson, W., & Krueger, R. F. (2006). This may, says Newman, be a practical difference from the way some psychologists have … Publisher : Open University Press; 5th Revised ed. 3. Placebo. Likely when people are depressed, anxious, or under stress Penis, testes, scrotum, vas deferens Some PHP interventions are more specialized as they target at-risk population groups such as the undereducated and single pregnant women. She is author of six books and over 150 journal articles. They are NOT to be used instead of taking your own class notes. The field likewise equips people with knowledge of disease prevention by formulating techniques and interventions such stress-reduction and behavioral change. Fallopian tubes, uterus, ovary, cervix, vagina Orphans and the poor might also find a home there. Detailed notes for all of Issues in Mental Health from Section A in applied psychology. Includes notes covering all parts of the specification split into background, key research and application for all topics. Created using classroom notes/resources and textbooks. This summary allowed me to achieve an A grade using only these resources for this section of the exam. person lacks social support or is involved in a conflictual, interpersonal situation, How can we prevent relapse? o Fibroids, Know the immune system components. o Smallpox, o Immune system attacks itself o Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra These days, directly or indirectly, psychology contributes something to all aspects of human life. • patient and practitioner diagnosis and… How must illness be treated? What is the role of psychology in health and illness? Jane Ogden is a Professor in Health Psychology at the University of Surrey, UK. Our notes were created for and used to teach dozens of Introductory Psychology classes. Health Psychology deals with the various pathways that translate the experience of stress into physiological malfunctioning and physical illness. o Health Practitioner’s Office Workplace Interventions Know the different components of the nervous system. o Cysts Menopause – NOT A DISORDER o Improved mental feelings, What are some benefits of exercise? They suggest substantial and evidence-based changes that improve health care and health –care policy. Categories:Health PsychologyPsychology notes, Your email address will not be published. health psychology terms and facts, modules 11-14 2018-04-28 health psychology terms and facts, modules 9-10 2018-03-28 psych 430 study guide (2013-14 baldwin) 2014-05-05 Health Psychology ® is the official scientific journal of the Society for Health Psychology (Division 38 of the American Psychological Association). Psychology and health. o Male b. o Increase in CV fitness o Mortality: number of deaths due to a particular cause. When is a good time to intervene to change diet? How the Hospital Evolved The Roman military had separate barracks for the sick but the first institutions devoted to care were associated with Christian monasteries and were charitable in nature. Community health psychologists design community-level interventions to prevent and treat diseases and promote physical and mental health. o Hindbrain, o Neurotransmitters: regulate nervous system functioning, What are some disorders of the nervous system?
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